House of Representatives Session Committees
Senate Session Committees
Interim Committees
State funding for public school student transportation reached a record high of $133.8 million in FY25 despite continued enrollment and bus ridership declines.
New Mexico’s 326 electric vehicle charging stations is far below the 1,300 state average but in proportion to the number of EVs in the state. But stations are not evenly distributed through the state, with three-quarters of stations in urban areas and rural and tribal lands largely underserved.
Around 40 percent of those released from New Mexico prisons will return within three years, but even though national best practices to address recidivism are well-studied, New Mexico falls short of implementing those best practices upon intake, in the reentry process, and in community supervision.
New Mexico has eliminated a 13-year-old waiting list for home- and community-based services for the developmentally disabled but the additional clients strained provider capacity and quality-monitoring and cost-containment issues remain.
The Rail Runner has had a strong comeback from its pandemic shutdown but additional increases will be hard in sparsely populated New Mexico and improvements that improve ridership are expensive.
New Mexico colleges are issuing more nondegree certificates than ever, but many certificates do little to help the recipients get better jobs or higher wages.
Government entities across New Mexico are reporting $5.7 billion in future water and wastewater infrastructure needs, but the state’s piecemeal approach to funding water projects leads to idle dollars and unnecessary delays.
The Program Evaluation Unit produces a variety of research reports that take a close look at the efficiency and effectiveness of state services and programs.
Finance Facts are one-page explanations of a specific aspect of state government, from how the budget bill is created to a summary of early childhood programs.
Session publications include the three volumes of the committee’s annual recommendation to the Legislature – policy and performance analysis, proposed appropriations, and supplemental tables and graphs – and the post-session review of legislative action.