
The State Capitol is located at the corner of Old Santa Fe Trail and Paseo de Peralta in Santa Fe

Accessible Parking Notice

Visitors wishing to schedule a guided tour are encouraged to call (505) 986-4589 during regular business hours to make an appointment.

Visitors are welcome to enjoy self-guided tours Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. The Capitol is also open for self-guided tours on Saturdays from Memorial Day through the last Saturday in August; 9 am to 5 pm.

Download the guide for the self-guided tour in English or Versión en Español or pick one up at the Capitol during regular business hours to make your visit more enjoyable.

Tour videos

Take a video tour of the Capitol grounds and the Capitol Art Collection.

Legislature Tour

Capitol Art Tour

Buchanan Gardens Tour
Website tutorial videos

Learn how to use some of the features of the New Mexico Legislature website.


Finding Legislation

Finding Your Legislators

Physical Address: 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501
Free parking is available Monday through Friday at 420 Galisteo St. Click here for a map.

See the Capitol Art Foundation’s website for more information on the world-class art at the Capitol and the State Legislature Primer for more information about the New Mexico Legislature.
Recite Me accessibility and Language Support