
Upcoming Meetings

Agenda will be posted when available


Additional Information:

If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a qualified sign language interpreter or other form of auxiliary aid or service for access to legislative hearings or other information, please email Robin Garrison at or call 505-986-4685 at least three business days in advance or as soon as possible.

Past Meetings

No past meetings found

Committee Members

Senator Katy M. Duhigg DChair
Senator Leo Jaramillo DVice Chair
Senator Greg Nibert RRanking Member
Senator Gregory A. Baca RMember
Senator Linda M. López DMember
Senator Brenda G. McKenna DMember
Senator Mark Moores RMember
Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino DMember
Senator Cliff R. Pirtle RMember
Senator Elizabeth "Liz" Stefanics DMember
Senator Mimi Stewart DMember

Public Members

No public members found


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