www.nmlegis.gov - /sessions/InterimCommittees/GRTF/2010/April/

[To Parent Directory]

5/3/2010 8:59 AM 13506 GRTF government structure 1977.pdf
5/3/2010 8:59 AM 21401 GRTF other state taskforce - matrix.pdf
5/3/2010 8:59 AM 25033 GRTF Other state taskforce - presentation.pdf
5/3/2010 8:59 AM 8894 GRTF proposed work plan ideas.pdf
5/3/2010 8:59 AM 3117810 GRTF Reorg of Exec 1975-78.pdf
5/3/2010 8:59 AM 905205 GRTF Responsive Government 1977.pdf
5/3/2010 8:59 AM 283405 GRTF Rpt to Gov Richardson - Cmte on Govt Efficiency.pdf
5/3/2010 8:59 AM 1647223 GRTF Study of Reorganization Efforts.pdf