NOTE: As provided in LFC policy, this report is intended for use by the standing finance committees of the legislature.  The Legislative Finance Committee does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of the information in this report when used in any other situation.

The LFC is only preparing FIRs on bills referred to the Senate Finance Committee, the Senate Ways and Means Committee, the House Appropriations and Finance Committee and the House Taxation and Revenue Committee. The chief clerks are responsible for preparing and issuing all other bill analyses.

Only the most recent FIR version, excluding attachments, is available on the Intranet. Previously issued FIRs and attachments may be obtained from the LFC office in Room 416 of the State Capitol Building.


SPONSOR: Vernon DATE TYPED: 06/02/99 HB
SHORT TITLE: General Appropriation Act 1999 SB CS16
ANALYST: Carrillo


Appropriation Contained
Estimated Additional Impact

or Non-Rec



FY99 FY2000 FY99 FY2000
$ 3,263,156.7 Rec GF
$ 1,322,593.3 Rec OSF
$ 657,051.6 Rec IS/IA
$ 2,441,901.8 Rec FF
$ 3,445.4 Non-Rec GF
$ 558.7 Non-Rec OSF
$ 34,097.9 Non-Rec GF
$ 90.0 Non-Rec OSF
$ 500.0 Non-Rec IS/IA
$ 9.0 Non-Rec FF
$ 4,790.7 Rec GF
$ 10,725.2 Rec OSF
$ 150.0 Rec FF
$ 2,285.3 Non-Rec OSF
$ 11,457.4 Non-Rec FF
$ 8,900.0 Rec GF

GF General Fund

OSF Other State Funds

IS/IA Internal Service/Interagency Transfers

FF Federal Funds

(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)

Duplicates/Conflicts with/Companion to/Relates to HB9,HB10, SB15, SB 16, SB 20


LFC Files


Synopsis of Bill

Operating Budget Appropriations - Sections 4 and 8

These sections of the bill appropriate funding for the operation of state agencies, higher education, and public school support. Funding for the general appropriation act is derived from the general fund, other state funds, internal service funds/interagency transfers, and federal funds. Section 8 specifically provides funding for compensation increases for state agencies, higher education, and public school support.

Special; Supplemental and Deficiency; and Data Processing Appropriation - Section 5, 6, and 7

Section 5 makes special appropriations (pages 151 through 156). Supplemental and deficiency appropriations are made in Section 6 (pages 156 through 159). The data processing appropriations are made in Section 7 (pages 159 through 164).

Additional Fiscal Year 1999 Budget Adjustment Authority - Section 9

In addition to the budget adjustment authority granted in Laws 1998, Chapter 116, Section 9 of the bill provides additional budget adjustment authority for certain state agencies (pages 165 through 169).

Certain Fiscal Year 2000 Budget Adjustment Authorized - Section 10

Th bill provides for category transfer authority for all agencies, division transfers, budget increases from internal service funds/interagency transfers, and other state agency specific budget increases from various funding sources.

General operating appropriations from most legislative agencies are contained in House Bill 1 of the regular 1999 legislative session.



General Fund

Other State Funds
Internal Service Funds/Interagency Transfers

Federal Funds

Section 4 3,263,156.7 1,322,593.3 657,051.6 2,441,901.8 7,684,703.4
Section 5 37,543.3 648.7 500.0 9.0 38,701.0
Section 6 4,790.7 10,725.2 150.0 15,665.9
Section 7 19,014.6 11,457.4 30,472.0
Section 8 8,900.0 8,900.0
TOTAL 3,314,390.7 1,352,981.8 657,551.6 2,453,518.2 7,778,442.3

These appropriations include an average compensation increase for:

state agency employees of 3 percent; and

higher education employees of 3 (non-faculty) to 4 (faculty) percent.

Also included is:

FY99 funding of $$4,790.7 in general fund; $10,725.2 in other state funds, and 150.0 in federal funds for supplemental and deficiency appropriations

FY99 funding of $16,729.3 in general fund, $2,285.3 in other state funds, and $11,457.4 in federal funds for data processing purposes

FY99 and FY2000 of 20,814.0 in general fund, 648.7 in other state funds, $500.0 in internal service funds/interagency transfers, and $9.0 in federal funds for special purposes.


Senate Bill 15 and House Bill 9 are general appropriation bills to fund state government proposed by the legislature. Senate Bill 16 and House Bill 10 are general appropriation bills to fund state government proposed by the executive. Senate Bill 20 is a proposed general appropriation bill funding various state agencies and data processing items.
