May 10, 1999

SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENT number _______ to HOUSE BILL 28, as amended

Amendment sponsored by Senator Timothy Z. Jennings

1. On page 1, line 11, strike "INITIATIVES AND".

2. On page 1, line 18, strike "initiatives and".

3. On page 2, line 8, strike "four" and insert in lieu thereof "two".

4. On page 2, between lines 9 and 10, insert the following new paragraph:

"(4) two public members appointed by the governor;".

5. Reletter the succeeding paragraphs accordingly.

6. On page 2, line 22, after the period strike the remainder of the line, strike all of line 23 and strike line 24 through the comma and insert in lieu thereof "The New Mexico legislative council".

7. On page 3, line 13, strike "legislative".

8. On page 3, line 22, after "consider" strike the remainder of the line, strike all of lines 23 through 25 and on page 4, strike all of lines 1 through 3 and line 4 through the period and insert in lieu thereof:

"educational accountability issues, specifically special program initiatives, such as vouchers, charter schools, charter districts and other alternative educational programs, educational standards, educational testing, including testing for literacy, and other matters relevant to educational accountability.".

9. On page 4, line 15, strike "general fund" and insert in lieu thereof "legislative council service cash balances".

10. On page 4, line 19, strike "initiatives and".


Timothy Z. Jennings

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted _______________________

 (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

Date _________________