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SPONSOR: | Lopez | DATE TYPED: | 3/2/99 | HB | |||
SHORT TITLE: | Transportation Facilitators | SB | 614/aSCORC | ||||
ANALYST: | Burris |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY99 | FY2000 | FY99 | FY2000 | ||
$ 5,000.0 | Recurring | FF | |||
$ 300.0 | Recurring | GF |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Relates to HB2 and SB2
LFC Files
Human Services Department (HSD)
State Highway and Transportation Department (SHTD)
Synopsis of SCORC Amendment
The Senate Corporations and Transportation Committee amended SB614 to strike the language requiring ten transportation facilitators be hired. The appropriation to hire facilitators remains, yet the number is now undesignated.
Synopsis of Bill
Senate Bill 614 appropriates $5.0 million from the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant to the SHTD to provide transportation services to participants of the New Mexico Works Act (Act). The bill also appropriates $300.0 from the general fund to the SHTD to hire ten transportation facilitators. An emergency clause is contained in the bill.
Significant Issues
Senate Bill 614 amends the Act by requiring the HSD to work with the Public Transportation Programs Bureau (Bureau) of the SHTD to provide transportation services to participants of the Act. These services are to include emergency car repairs, passes for public transportation, and fares for taxi cabs or van pools.
Senate Bill 614 provides for the hiring of ten transportation facilitators by the Bureau. These facilitators are to help participants of the Act by providing transportation services, negotiating reduced rates from transit operators, coordinating subsidized transportation options through employers, community action agencies or existing government programs and solving transportation logistics problems.
The Bureau is also directed to allow participants of the Act to engage in work experience, community service and on-the-job training by assisting the transportation facilitators.
The general fund appropriation of $300.0 for ten transportation facilitators will count as maintenance of effort for the TANF block grant. The FY99 General Appropriations Act, House Bill 2 and Senate Bill 2 contain sufficient general fund appropriations to meet the state's maintenance of effort requirement, therefore, this amount will provide a safety net to those appropriations should any fail to be expended by the end of federal fiscal years 1999 and 2000.
The FY99 General Appropriations Act, Senate Bill 2 and House Bill 2 contain appropriations in the cash assistance line-item of the TANF program to fund services similar to those outlined in this bill. However, the bills do not contain specific language directing both the Human Services Department and the Highway and Transportation Department to perform the duties outlined in Senate Bill 614.
Although the use of funds set forth in Senate Bill 617 are allowable under the TANF block grant, language should be added to require both appropriations to be expended in a manner to ensure federal and maintenance of effort requirements are met.