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SPONSOR: | Lopez | DATE TYPED: | 2-8-99 | HB | |||
SHORT TITLE: | Job Mentorship Tax Credit | SB | 522 | ||||
ANALYST: | Taylor |
Years Impact |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||
FY99 | FY2000 | |||
$n.a. | $ (824.0) | $ (824.0) | Recurring | General Fund |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Revenue Decreases)
Duplicates HB-336
Taxation and Revenue Department
State Department of Education
Synopsis of Bill
SB 522 would create a new credit under the Personal Income Tax and the Corporate Income Tax. The purpose of the credit is to encourage businesses to hire youth participating in certified school-to-career programs.
Sections 1 & 2: Section 1 creates the credit under the Personal Income Tax and Section 2 creates the credit under the Corporate Income Tax. The Taxation and Revenue Department would allocate 1,000 personal income tax certificates and 1,000 corporate income tax certificates each year to the Superintendent of Public Education. The certificates would serve as evidence for a taxpayer's eligibility for the tax credit. Each of the Sections have the following requirements.
Section 3 proposes a temporary provision which would allow any unused credit to be carried forward a maximum of three years from the date the credit arose even though the credit has been repealed.
There is no effective date. Therefore, it is presumed to be 90 days after adjournment (May 20, 1998). This proposal would apply to taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 1999, and has a delayed repeal of January 1, 2002, except for the temporary provision.
The Taxation and Revenue Department has estimated that the tax credit would reduce general fund revenues by $824 thousand if the program is attractive to employers. The estimate is based on the assumptions that there are a total of 1000 student employees who work for the allowed 320 hours at the minimum wage of $5.15 per hour. The estimate shown in the table assumes the program does work as intended.
The Taxation and Revenue Department stated that limiting the administrative impact on the department depends primarily on resolving certain technical issues. They say that if these technical issues are resolved, the administrative impact on the department would be noticeable but could be accommodated within existing resource levels. Tax form changes, development of a certification form, data processing system changes and procedural changes could be accomplished for the first year at a cost of about $9,000, depending on what other changes are enacted for the tax year. Ongoing costs would be relatively small unless there were a substantial number of taxpayers with unapplied carry-forward tax credits. (See Taxation and Revenue Department FIR for a complete discussion of technical issues.
The State Department of Education reported that the administrative requirements could be substantial. They are not provided school to work funding to administer the program. They also noted that House Bill 236, which duplicates this bill, was amended in House Taxation and Revenue Committee to place administrative responsibility with the School to Work Office. The School to Work Office is under the Department of Finance and Administration. It operates 17 school-to-work regional partnerships, they say. They also suggest other amendments that would transfer administrative responsibility from the state department of public instruction to the school to work office.