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SPONSOR: | Lopez | DATE TYPED: | 2/25/99 | HB | |||
SHORT TITLE: | Urban Public Transportation | SB | 180/aSCORC/aSPAC | ||||
ANALYST: | Esquibel |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY99 | FY2000 | FY99 | FY2000 | ||
$ 4,000.0 | Recurring | GF |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Department of Finance and Administration, Local Government Division (LGD)
State Highway and Transportation Department (SHTD)
Department of Labor
Synopsis of SPAC Amendments
The Senate Public Affairs Committee amendments to SB180/aSCORC remove the 25 percent matching requirement previously required under the original bill for the Cities of Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Las Cruces to be eligible to receive the $4.0 million appropriation, provided the cities coordinate with other relevant agencies in the service area to identify transportation needs, develop a service plan and prioritize service. The SPAC amendments also specify the appropriations' purpose is to fund job-related transportation services in urban areas.
Synopsis of SCORC Amendments
The Senate Corporations and Transportation Committee amendments to SB180 removed the 25 percent matching requirement previously required for the Cities of Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Las Cruces to be eligible to receive the $4.0 million appropriation.
Synopsis of Bill
The bill was introduced on behalf of the interim Welfare Reform Oversight Committee and appropriates $4.0 million in general fund to LGD in FY2000 to assist urban public transportation programs to meet federal match requirements for federal public transportation grants. The LGD would be required to coordinate with SHTD.
The bill appropriates $4.0 million in general fund in FY2000 to LGD to match federal funds for an ongoing federal program to provide welfare reform participants with a means of transportation to access job training and workplaces. The following cities would receive the specified proportion of the appropriation funds, and following the SCORC and SPAC amendments, would no longer be required to contribute a 25 percent in-kind match.
1) City of Albuquerque: $2.0 million
2) City of Santa Fe: $1.0 million
3) City of Las Cruces: $1.0 million
The SHTD suggested include in the bill the unincorporated areas of Bernalillo, Santa Fe and Dona Ana counties to receive appropriated funds and service.