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SPONSOR: | Williams | DATE TYPED: | 3/9/99 | HB | 727/aHEC | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Statewide Character Counts Program | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Fernandez/Dunbar |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY99 | FY2000 | FY99 | FY2000 | ||
$ 985.0 | Rec | GF |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Relates to SB 310
State Department of Education
Synopsis of HEC Amendment
The House Education Committee amendment strikes language that would have provided a minimum of $250.00 to each school and replaces with language to provide the funds to each community.
Synopsis of Bill
The bill appropriates $985.0 from the general fund to the State Department of Education for expenditure in FY 2000 for the purpose of paying for character counts programs statewide. The appropriation shall be expended as follows:
Schools and communities shall be eligible for:
Any funds not disbursed within 6 months shall be allocated by SDE after seeking recommendations from a statewide character counts organization.
Significant Issues
SDE reports that NM has been funded under the Secretary's Fund to establish a pilot using CHARACTER COUNTS. The pilot project has been very successful and has provided communities around the state with a model of school/community partnership for moving the language of character throughout all learning environments. Other communities are at various stages of developing and implementing programs using the CHARACTER COUNTS framework .
The design of the program which involves partnering with youth organization, business and civic organizations, local governments, and schools, has made positive changes within communities. Communities around the state support the need for a statewide network to coordinate resources on the CHARACTER COUNTS concept.
NM is currently writing a one-year grant application to access remaining dollars in the USDOE Character Education Partnership Grant monies.
This legislation will create a new project for SDE to oversee which involves an increase in programmatic duties and fiscal accountability.
SDE notes that staff time will be required to initiate a contract, review and verify reimbursement claims and process voucher payments. SDE indicates that the current staff can handle the project.
Relates to SB 310
In Section 1, C. (2), page 2, replace the word " school" with "community"
Many communities are embracing character development with existing resources but a need exists for more formalization and networking to build capacity within the communities.