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SPONSOR: Heaton DATE TYPED: 03/14/99 HB 642/aHBIC/aSCORC
SHORT TITLE: Health Professional Recruitment Act SB
ANALYST: Burkhart


Appropriation Contained
Estimated Additional Impact

or Non-Rec



FY99 FY2000 FY99 FY2000
$ 0.0

(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)

Duplicates/Conflicts with/Companion to/Relates to


New Mexico Health Policy Commission.

  -Department of Health and Higher Education did not respond


Synopsis of Senate Corporations & Transportation Committee amendments

    1. Changes the membership of the Health Professional Council from eleven members to fifteen.

    2. Reduces to four, the number of "members who have knowledge of the rural health delivery system, designated by a statewide association of rural primary care providers, one to represent each of the four geographic quadrants of the state".

Synopsis of HBIC Amendment

The House Business and Industry Committee amendment does the following:

1. Changes the definition of health professional to now mean one who provides health or health related services.

2. Changes wording in the definition of loan to now mean during training rather than advanced.

3. Strikes the word 'costs' on line17 on page 2.

4. Changes the phrase "to provide basic health services" to now mean "ensure appropriate access to"

5. Adds the phrase "as applicable".

6. Makes changes in terms and words to add clarification such as the change "based on" being changed to "taking into consideration" or "years' being changed to " appropriate term".

7. On page 8, line 10 after the word immediately adds, "except if the commission determines there are extenuating circumstances warranting modification of the amount due or the payment period".

8. Changes the phrase "loan program" to now mean, "fund".

9. Strikes the word "designate" on page 13, line 18, and inserts in lieu thereof " recommend to the commission eligible"

Synopsis of Bill

House Bill 642 establishes the Health Professional Recruitment Act which establishes a coordinated system to meet the requirements of the recruitment and retention of health professionals that meet the needs New Mexico. A Health Professional Council is established to assess the health needs of the state, establish standards and develop recommendations on priorities. The loan for service program, loan repayment program and stipend portion of the State Health Service Corps are collapsed into the Health Professional Recruitment Fund in the Commission on Higher Education. Section 19 of the act creates the Health Professional Safety Net Fund to consist of gifts, grants, interest on investments, community or practice site contributions to be transferred to the Department of Health to be used to carry out the purposes of the Health Service Corps Act. The Health Policy Commission is to provide staff for the council.

Significant Issues

This bill attempts to organize efforts that are concurrently operated by different governmental departments into one coordinated effort that will attempt to insure maximum resources are developed and allocated to insure the adequate supply of health professionals in all areas of the state. This effort will require the support and cooperation of higher education, the Department of Health, the Health Policy Commission and the federal government to insure success.


Administration of the provisions of this act will require resources of the Health Policy Commission staff. The commission has reported they can satisfy the administrative responsibilities of this act if present appropriations are maintained.
