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SPONSOR: Dana DATE TYPED: 02/20/99 HB 452
SHORT TITLE: Office of State Flood Plain Administration SB
ANALYST: Trujillo


Appropriation Contained
Estimated Additional Impact

or Non-Rec



FY99 FY2000 FY99 FY2000
Indeterminate Indeterminate Recurring GF
Indeterminate Indeterminate Recurring FF
Indeterminate Indeterminate Recurring OSF

(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)

Duplicates/Conflicts with/Companion to/Relates to


LFC files


Synopsis of Bill

HB 452 designates the agency responsible for Flood Plain Management Coordination; Creating the Office of State Flood Plain Administration; mitigating flood and mudslide damage.

According to the Regulation and Licensing Department (RLD), HB 452 centralizes the state compliance with the federal flood plain program in the Department of public safety (DPS). DPS coordinates New Mexico's federal flood plain compliance and training activity between various, state, city and county agencies.

The scope of HB 452 includes new construction activity (public and private) and the placement of manufactured homes, on lands within the jurisdiction of the state. HB 452 requires that prior to the placement or issuance of a construction or manufactured home installation permit(s) issuing agencies (state and local) must determine that the site upon which the activity is to take place, complies with federal flood plain requirements. Verification of compliance and enforcement of the flood plain requirements is imputed to the permit issuing agencies (state and local).

Current New Mexico law places the burden to ensure compliance with flood plain requirements on the owner, developer, contractor or manufactured home dealer, prior to placement or construction activity taking place and the local flood plain administrator.

Significant Issues

RLD reports, HB 452 moves the enforcement of federal flood plain construction standards from being the sole responsibility of the local designated flood plain administrator, to the permit issuing agencies (state and local). HB 452 encompasses all public and private property and improvements thereon.


DPS reports, no appropriation is needed in the bill. (Funding has already been appropriated as a 25% match for the flood plain administrator position.)

RLD reports:



There is a potentially significant impact on the general fund revenue if the bill does transfer the permitting for residential and commercial buildings, and the installation of manufacture homes, from the state to the local level. The following table shows the general fund revenue from the last two fiscal years from such state permits:

FY98 FY99
Construction Industries Div. $2,846.4 $3,603.9
Manufactured Housing Div. $ 562.4 $ 729.5
$3,408.8 $4,333.4


DPS reports, HB 452 should not effect the administrative tasks of the DPS position. It may add some administrative requirements to other agencies i.e., Construction Industries Division and Manufactured Housing Division.

RLD reports the administrative impact cannot be assessed without clarification of the issues addressed in Other Substantive Issues.


DPS report a position that administers/manages the FEMA 75% funded Community Assistance Program (Flood Plain) has been in place in the DPS for the last seven (7) years. This legislation should not impact that position. DPS does not believe this bill intends to supplement or add to this position.

RLD reports a conflict exists with SB 291 which proposes to establish uniform building codes for all local jurisdictions. These codes would be adopted by the Construction Industries Commission. HB 452 could result in many different building codes.


RLD asks, what is the difference between Federal Emergency management Agency and the Federal Insurance Administration? These terms are used throughout the bill.


According to RLD, the intent and purpose of this bill are unclear. In an attempt to clarify this, three areas are discussed.

Current States

Questions Raised

The questions listed below are raised from the perspective of the Construction Industries and Manufactured Housing Divisions in RLD.


The following are comments from the Construction Industries Division of RLD:

DPS reports, non-compliant development will continue in flood plain areas, which could threaten lives and property. Currently public buildings and manufactured homes are building in flood plains with out complying with national flood insurance requirements. Local governments seem to have no control over construction of public buildings, particularly state owned or sponsored construction. Public buildings that are in the flood plain and with no ordinances or codes in place will not be eligible for federal assistance following a federally declared disaster.

On page 1, line 22, change, "office of state flood plain administrator" to " office of state flood plain coordinator". Also change " state flood plain administrator" to state flood plain coordinator".

On page 1, line 21 and 22, change, "There is to be created in the department of public safety ". . .to read: "There is to be created in the department of public safety, technical and emergency support division."

RLD reports the following alternatives:
