NOTE: As provided in LFC policy, this report is intended for use by the standing finance committees of the legislature. The Legislative Finance Committee does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of the information in this report when used in any other situation.
The LFC is only preparing FIRs on bills referred to the Senate Finance Committee, the Senate Ways and Means Committee, the House Appropriations and Finance Committee and the House Taxation and Revenue Committee. The chief clerks are responsible for preparing and issuing all other bill analyses.
Only the most recent FIR version, excluding attachments, is available on the Intranet. Previously issued FIRs and attachments may be obtained from the LFC office in Room 416 of the State Capitol Building.
SPONSOR: | Heaton | DATE TYPED: | 02/14/99 | HB | 220 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Amend Educational Retirement Act | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Eaton |
Years Impact |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||
FY99 | FY2000 | |||
$ 10,186.0 | Recurring | General Fund |
(Parentheses ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Education Retirement Board (ERB)
Synopsis of Bill
This bill would increase retirement contributions by changing the funding formula multiplier from 2.35 percent to 2.425 percent. The state's contribution to the educational retirement fund will increase 0.75 percent from 8.65 percent to 9.4 percent. The funding formula is:
Final Average Salary * Years of Service * Multiplier(%)
The fiscal impact would be $10.2 million dollars (recurring). This amount represents only the state's contribution to the fund. The member contribution rate will not increase. A lesser appropriation amount would increase the actuarial funding period from its current 26.7 years.
A lesser appropriation amount would increase the actuarial funding period from its current 26.7 years.
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) rule no. 25 establishes the funding period to be forty years through 2006 and thirty years thereafter.
The attached table may be interpreted two ways:
1. The amount that would be appropriated to each educational institution/department or,
2. The total amount of budget reductions each educational institution/department would require to have no additional impact on the general fund.