NOTE: As provided in LFC policy, this report is intended for use by the standing finance committees of the legislature. The Legislative Finance Committee does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of the information in this report when used in any other situation.
The LFC is only preparing FIRs on bills referred to the Senate Finance Committee, the Senate Ways and Means Committee, the House Appropriations and Finance Committee and the House Taxation and Revenue Committee. The chief clerks are responsible for preparing and issuing all other bill analyses.
Only the most recent FIR version, excluding attachments, is available on the Intranet. Previously issued FIRs and attachments may be obtained from the LFC office in Room 416 of the State Capitol Building.
SPONSOR: | Picraux | DATE TYPED: | 02/02/99 | HB | 165 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Extended Learning Technology Costs | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Pacheco-Perez |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY99 | FY2000 | FY99 | FY2000 | ||
$ 200.0 | Recurring | GF |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Revenue Decreases)
Relates to HB2, SB66
Commission on Higher Education (CHE)
Synopsis of Bill
This bill appropriates $200.0 to the Commission on Higher Education for the purpose of implementing a review of the cost model of the higher education funding formula with the intent of accurately reflecting the delivery of instruction including the technology for extended learning.
Significant Issues
According to the CHE, the project proposed in this bill will update the formula factors related to instructional costs resulting from inflation and other initiatives. It is a three year project and the highest priority of the CHE.
The appropriation of $200.0 contained in this bill is a recurring expense to the general fund. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY00 shall revert to the general fund.
This bill duplicates Senate Bill 66. The LFC has recommended $183.0 for this project which appears in House Bill 2.
The CHE offers the following benefits of implementation: