March 1, 1999

SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENT number _______ to SENATE BILL 626, as amended

Amendment sponsored by Senator Fernando R. Macias

1. Strike Senate Conservation Committee Amendments 17 and 18.

2. On page 2, line 25, strike "and".

3. On page 4, lines 24, 25 and page 5, line 1, strike ", to be paid when the applicant is notified that the permit application has been determined to be complete,".

4. On page 5, line 3, after "the semicolon;" insert:

"provided that before the applicant is notified that the permit application has been determined to be complete, the department or local board shall give the applicant a reasonable estimate of costs of an accelerated permit application review process;".


Fernando R. Macias

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

 (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

Date _________________