0001| SENATE RULES COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR | 0002| SENATE JOINT MEMORIAL 39 | 0003| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - second session, 1998 | 0004| | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| | 0011| A JOINT MEMORIAL | 0012| REQUESTING THE DEPARTMENT OF GAME AND FISH TO ENTER INTO | 0013| GOVERNMENT-TO-GOVERNMENT DISCUSSIONS WITH THE PUEBLO OF | 0014| PICURIS TO DEVELOP A MUTUALLY SATISFACTORY PROCESS TO ALLOW | 0015| CEREMONIAL HARVESTS FOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN BIGHORN SHEEP SO THAT | 0016| THE PUEBLO CAN CONTINUE ITS TRADITIONAL ACTIVITIES. | 0017| | 0018| WHEREAS, the ancestors of the members of the pueblo of | 0019| Picuris have harvested bighorn sheep for many centuries in the | 0020| area now designated as the Pecos wilderness; and | 0021| WHEREAS, the Rocky mountain bighorn sheep remained | 0022| plentiful until domestic sheep diseases and overhunting by | 0023| game hunters depleted the herds in the ancestral lands of the | 0024| pueblo of Picuris; and | 0025| WHEREAS, the Rocky mountain bighorn sheep has been a |
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0001| sacred animal to the Picuris people and holds great spiritual | 0002| significance for them; and | 0003| WHEREAS, the people of the pueblo of Picuris annually | 0004| honor the Rocky mountain bighorn sheep and other animals of | 0005| mother earth by performing the bighorn sheep dance; and | 0006| WHEREAS, the population of Rocky mountain bighorn sheep | 0007| in the Pecos wilderness is increasing; and | 0008| WHEREAS, now would be a good time to develop through | 0009| government-to-government negotiations between the pueblo of | 0010| Picuris and the department of game and fish a process that | 0011| would allow the pueblo of Picuris to again harvest Rocky | 0012| mountain bighorn sheep in their ancestral lands in the Pecos | 0013| wilderness; | 0014| NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE | 0015| STATE OF NEW MEXICO that the department of game and fish be | 0016| requested to continue discussions with representatives of the | 0017| pueblo of Picuris and develop potential solutions to satisfy | 0018| the traditional spiritual and cultural practices of the people | 0019| of the pueblo; and | 0020| BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the department of game and | 0021| fish report to the interim Indian affairs committee prior to | 0022| November 1, 1998 on the progress of the discussions with the | 0023| pueblo of Picuris and any solutions identified that could be | 0024| implemented to satisfy the spiritual and cultural needs of the | 0025| pueblo; and |
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0001| BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be | 0002| distributed to the governor of New Mexico, the governor of the | 0003| pueblo of Picuris, the director of the department of game and | 0004| fish and the chairman of the state game commission. | 0005|  |