0001| HOUSE JOINT MEMORIAL 28 | 0002| 43RD LEGISLATURE - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - SECOND SESSION, 1998 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| STEVEN E. PEARCE | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| A JOINT MEMORIAL | 0011| REQUESTING STUDIES AND A LITIGATION EVALUATION OF THE IMPACTS | 0012| TO NEW MEXICO WATER RESOURCES AND OTHER INTERESTS DUE TO | 0013| UNRESTRICTED WATER PUMPING BY TEXAS RESIDENTS AT THE TEXAS-NEW | 0014| MEXICO BORDER ADJACENT TO LEA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO. | 0015| | 0016| WHEREAS, the Ogallala aquifer underlies one hundred | 0017| seventy-four thousand square miles in South Dakota, Wyoming, | 0018| Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico; | 0019| and | 0020| WHEREAS, the Ogallala aquifer is the only source of water | 0021| for many communities in eastern New Mexico and west Texas; and | 0022| WHEREAS, the depth to ground water in the Ogallala | 0023| aquifer is highly variable, Texas and New Mexico having a | 0024| greater share of depths to water at more than two hundred | 0025| feet; and | - 1 - 0001| WHEREAS, New Mexico is on an upslope in the Ogallala | 0002| aquifer from which pumping at the downslope of the aquifer in | 0003| Texas drains water from New Mexico; and | 0004| WHEREAS, in recent years unrestricted pumping by Texas | 0005| residents from the Ogallala aquifer in Texas at the Texas-New | 0006| Mexico border has dramatically increased, resulting in | 0007| noticeably severe declines in New Mexico wells drawing from | 0008| the Ogallala aquifer in Lea county; and | 0009| WHEREAS, since Texas does not limit, restrict or regulate | 0010| the pumping of water to the same extent imposed in this state | 0011| by law and regulation, New Mexicans cannot resort to | 0012| comparable pumping to attempt to mitigate the effects of the | 0013| unregulated Texas pumping; and | 0014| WHEREAS, creating a "buffer zone" five miles wide along | 0015| the Texas-New Mexico border in Lea county from which unlimited | 0016| New Mexico pumping of the Ogallala aquifer would be permitted | 0017| could achieve more agricultural development in New Mexico by | 0018| using the water that is currently appropriated from under New | 0019| Mexico by Texas' pumping and could likely enhance New Mexico's | 0020| negotiating stance with its Texas counterparts to resolve the | 0021| inequitable use of the Ogallala aquifer's limited water | 0022| resources by Texas to the detriment of New Mexico; | 0023| NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE | 0024| STATE OF NEW MEXICO that the state engineer evaluate, | 0025| determine and exercise his authority with respect to | - 2 - 0001| establishing and permitting a five-mile wide buffer zone along | 0002| the Texas-New Mexico border in Lea county for unrestricted and | 0003| unlimited pumping by New Mexico to counteract the impacts | 0004| created by unrestricted pumping of the Ogallala aquifer | 0005| permitted by Texas; and | 0006| BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an appropriate interim | 0007| committee of the legislature study and make recommendations to | 0008| the full legislature on the facts and impacts of and | 0009| resolution alternatives to Texas' border pumping; and | 0010| BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the attorney general evaluate | 0011| whether New Mexico should stop, counteract and resolve the | 0012| unrestricted pumping in Texas being done to the detriment of | 0013| New Mexico and its citizens and, if so, initiate litigation or | 0014| alternative legal methods to do so; and | 0015| BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this memorial be | 0016| transmitted to members of the New Mexico legislative council, | 0017| the state engineer and the attorney general. | 0018|  |