0001| HOUSE JOINT MEMORIAL 23 | 0002| 43RD LEGISLATURE - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - SECOND SESSION, 1998 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| RON GENTRY | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| A JOINT MEMORIAL | 0011| REQUESTING THE UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE TO PURSUE AN | 0012| EXCHANGE OF CHECKERBOARD LAND IN THE CIBOLA NATIONAL FOREST | 0013| FOR RESOURCE PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT PURPOSES. | 0014| | 0015| WHEREAS, the United States forest service has as a | 0016| management objective the consolidation of so-called | 0017| checkerboard lands within the boundaries of the national | 0018| forests; and | 0019| WHEREAS, the United States forest service owns | 0020| approximately twenty-six thousand acres of land in a | 0021| checkerboard area in the Mount Taylor ranger district of the | 0022| Cibola national forest in McKinley and Sandoval counties; and | 0023| WHEREAS, the public has no right-of-way access to | 0024| approximately five thousand to six thousand acres of the | 0025| forest service checkerboard area and the right of way to the | - 1 - 0001| remainder of the public checkerboard and over twenty-five | 0002| thousand acres of private property is clouded in the Mount | 0003| Taylor ranger district; and | 0004| WHEREAS, the checkerboard area and the contiguous Mount | 0005| Taylor ranger district land are the yearlong and summer | 0006| grazing ranges for approximately four hundred fifty-five | 0007| cattle owned by S. Sandoval, Jr., George Lucero, the Lucero | 0008| Brothers partnership and the Marquez family, all of whom are | 0009| long-time, well-known ranching families in the area; and | 0010| WHEREAS, without the consolidation of the checkerboard, | 0011| livestock grazing on private lands may be discontinued, thus | 0012| resulting in a severe adverse impact to the historic grazing | 0013| allotment; and | 0014| WHEREAS, the consolidation of the checkerboard land by | 0015| exchange with the landowner of the private land within the | 0016| checkerboard will promote resource protection, including | 0017| increase in the quality of elk habitat, reduction in road | 0018| expansion, protection of spotted owl habitat and preservation | 0019| of the pristine riparian habitat and perennial stream at the | 0020| bottom of Tapia canyon; and | 0021| WHEREAS, no negative effects on timber management or | 0022| harvest have been identified; and | 0023| WHEREAS, from a fire management standpoint, | 0024| implementation of an exchange would be beneficial in improving | 0025| fire suppression efficiency, improving public safety and | - 2 - 0001| enhancing opportunities to reduce fuel accumulations and the | 0002| risks and consequences of wildfires; and | 0003| WHEREAS, no significant traditional Native American | 0004| cultural properties have been identified that would be | 0005| affected by an exchange and no treaty rights have been | 0006| identified that would be violated by an exchange; and | 0007| WHEREAS, the owner of the private land within the | 0008| checkerboard is willing to exchange private land for federal | 0009| land on a value-for-value basis if the exchange can be | 0010| completed within one year of entering into an exchange | 0011| agreement with the forest service; and | 0012| WHEREAS, without the consolidation, it is anticipated | 0013| that the private property within the checkerboard will be | 0014| subdivided into lots and sold to private parties to be | 0015| developed for summer residences and other uses that will | 0016| forever foreclose the opportunity to consolidate the public | 0017| lands for the general enjoyment of the American public; and | 0018| WHEREAS, because of resource damage to private lands, if | 0019| the land consolidation does not occur, the forest service can | 0020| fully expect to be challenged on right of access to public | 0021| lands, grazing rights and environmental resource damage; and | 0022| WHEREAS, land consolidation will reduce federal and | 0023| private property boundaries and will significantly reduce the | 0024| cost to the forest service for boundary surveys, posting, | 0025| corner establishment, boundary maintenance and encroachments; | - 3 - 0001| and | 0002| WHEREAS, a consolidation of public lands will provide for | 0003| a contiguous blocked-up pattern of federal ownership with an | 0004| additional forty-three thousand acres of wilderness study area | 0005| lands and fourteen thousand acres of road closure forest | 0006| service lands; and | 0007| WHEREAS, an exchange would eliminate immediate, costly | 0008| road construction and maintenance obligations for the forest | 0009| service; and | 0010| WHEREAS, the land within the checkerboard is essentially | 0011| the same, thus establishing value-for-value as the basis for | 0012| exchange of the private and public land, and there will be no | 0013| adverse consequences to the tax bases of McKinley and Sandoval | 0014| counties; | 0015| NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE | 0016| STATE OF NEW MEXICO that the United States forest service be | 0017| asked to pursue an exchange of the private land for public | 0018| land in order to consolidate the public lands within the | 0019| checkerboard area of the Mount Taylor ranger district of the | 0020| Cibola national forest as soon as possible; and | 0021| BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the United States forest | 0022| service be encouraged to join with the owner of the private | 0023| land within the checkerboard area to seek special legislation | 0024| by congress in order to expedite a consolidation of the public | 0025| property; and | - 4 - 0001| BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the New Mexico congressional | 0002| delegation be encouraged to introduce special legislation to | 0003| accomplish the exchange on behalf of all New Mexicans and the | 0004| general public; and | 0005| BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be | 0006| transmitted to officials of the United States forest service | 0007| and the Cibola national forest and to the members of the New | 0008| Mexico congressional delegation. | 0009|  |