0001| HOUSE BILL 226
0010| AN ACT
0017| Section 1. AUTHORIZATION OF PROJECTS.--Pursuant to the
0018| provisions of Section 6-21-6 NMSA 1978, the legislature
0019| authorizes the New Mexico finance authority to make loans from
0020| the public project revolving fund to the following qualified
0021| entities for the following public projects on terms and
0022| conditions established by the authority:
0023| A. to the city of Alamogordo for a water project,
0024| construction of two fire stations and the acquisition of
0025| pumper trucks and related fire protection equipment;
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0001| B. to the city of Albuquerque for the acquisition
0002| of computer equipment;
0003| C. to the city of Albuquerque for a street,
0004| sidewalk, curb, storm drainage, water, sanitary sewer and
0005| utility improvement project known as special assessment
0006| district no. 216;
0007| D. to the village of Angel Fire for a water
0008| project;
0009| E. to the city of Artesia for a water project;
0010| F. to the Big Mesa cooperative for a water
0011| project;
0012| G. to the city of Bloomfield for a water project;
0013| H. to the Bluewater Acres domestic water users
0014| association for a water project;
0015| I. to the city of Carlsbad for a water project and
0016| the acquisition of solid waste vehicles and related equipment;
0017| J. to the village of Chama for a water project;
0018| K. to the Chaves county-Sierra fire district for
0019| the acquisition of a pumper truck and related fire protection
0020| equipment;
0021| L. to Cibola county for the acquisition of a
0022| sheriff's vehicle and related law enforcement equipment;
0023| M. to the Cibola county-Candy Kitchen fire
0024| district for the acquisition of a pumper truck, a brush truck
0025| and related fire protection equipment;
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0001| N. to the village of Cimarron for the acquisition
0002| and refinancing of police vehicles and related law enforcement
0003| equipment, the acquisition of a pumper truck and related fire
0004| protection equipment and the refinancing of a backhoe;
0005| O. to the town of Clayton for a water project;
0006| P. to the town of Cochiti Lake for a community
0007| center project;
0008| Q. to the Columbus area natural gas association
0009| for a natural gas distribution project;
0010| R. to the village of Cuba for a courthouse
0011| project;
0012| S. to the village of Des Moines for the
0013| acquisition of an ambulance and related emergency medical
0014| equipment;
0015| T. to Dona Ana county for a juvenile detention
0016| facility project and for the financing and refinancing of an
0017| adult detention facility project;
0018| U. to the Dona Ana county-Organ/East Mesa fire
0019| district for construction of a fire station addition;
0020| V. to the village of Eagle Nest for a water
0021| project;
0022| W. to the Edgewood water cooperative, incorporated,
0023| for the financing of a water project and refinancing a water
0024| project;
0025| X. to the El Prado water and sanitation district
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0001| for the refinancing of a water project;
0002| Y. to the state parks division of the energy,
0003| minerals and natural resources department for park system
0004| capital projects;
0005| Z. to the town of Estancia for a water project;
0006| AA. to the city of Farmington for a water project
0007| and the acquisition of a rescue unit and related fire
0008| protection equipment;
0009| BB. to the general services department for the
0010| acquisition of a research airplane and related research
0011| equipment;
0012| CC. to the Glorieta mutual domestic water consumers
0013| association for a water project;
0014| DD. to the city of Grants for a museum building
0015| project;
0016| EE. to the Grant county solid waste authority for a
0017| regional solid waste project;
0018| FF. to the Guadalupe county-Anton Chico fire
0019| district for the acquisition of a fire protection vehicle and
0020| related equipment;
0021| GG. to the town of Hagerman for the acquisition of
0022| a pumper truck and related fire protection equipment;
0023| HH. to Hidalgo county for a regional solid waste
0024| project and the acquisition of solid waste equipment;
0025| II. to the city of Hobbs for a water project;
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0001| JJ. to the village of Jemez Springs for the
0002| acquisition of a police vehicle and related law enforcement
0003| equipment;
0004| KK. to the La Cienega mutual domestic water
0005| consumers association for a water project;
0006| LL. to the Lamy water users association for a water
0007| project;
0008| MM. to the La Pasada mutual domestic water
0009| consumers and sewerage waste association for a water project
0010| and the refinancing of a water project;
0011| NN. to the city of Las Vegas for a water project,
0012| the acquisition of police vehicles and related law enforcement
0013| equipment and the acquisition of a computer system;
0014| OO. to the Leasburg mutual domestic water consumers
0015| association for a water project;
0016| PP. to the Lee Acres water users association and
0017| the West Hammond drinking water association for a water
0018| project;
0019| QQ. to the village of Logan for the refinancing of
0020| a water and sewer project;
0021| RR. to the village of Los Lunas for a wastewater,
0022| storm sewer, street improvement and lighting project;
0023| SS. to the Lower Valley water users association for
0024| the refinancing of a water project and a water project;
0025| TT. to the town of Mesilla for the refinancing of a
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0001| fire pumper truck and the acquisition of fire protection
0002| equipment;
0003| UU. to the village of Milan for a wastewater
0004| project and the acquisition of motor pool vehicles;
0005| VV. to the North Star drinking water cooperative
0006| and mutual sewage works cooperative for the refinancing of a
0007| water project and a water project;
0008| WW. to the Penasco mutual domestic water consumers
0009| association for a water project;
0010| XX. to the Puerta de Luna mutual domestic water
0011| consumers association for a water project;
0012| YY. to the Quay county-Bard-Endee fire district for
0013| the acquisition of a rescue unit and related fire protection
0014| equipment;
0015| ZZ. to the city of Raton for a street improvement
0016| project and for the acquisition of pumper trucks and related
0017| fire protection equipment;
0018| AAA. to the town of Red River for the acquisition
0019| of a police vehicle and related law enforcement equipment and
0020| a fire tanker truck and related fire protection equipment;
0021| BBB. to the village of Reserve volunteer fire
0022| department for the acquisition of a tanker unit and related
0023| fire protection equipment;
0024| CCC. to the city of Roswell for replacement and
0025| renovation of fire stations;
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0001| DDD. to the village of Roy for construction of a
0002| fire station and a street improvement project;
0003| EEE. to the pueblo of Sandia for a building
0004| infrastructure project;
0005| FFF. to the city of Santa Rosa for a solid waste
0006| project;
0007| GGG. to the Sierra county-Las Palomas fire district
0008| for construction of a fire station;
0009| HHH. to the town of Silver City for a water
0010| project;
0011| III. to the city of Socorro for a water project;
0012| JJJ. to the South Central solid waste authority for
0013| a solid waste project;
0014| KKK. to the Southside water users association for a
0015| water project;
0016| LLL. to Taos county for an administrative building
0017| project;
0018| MMM. to the Taos county-Cerro fire district for the
0019| acquisition of a tanker and related fire protection equipment;
0020| NNN. to the Taos county-Costilla fire district for
0021| the acquisition of a pumper truck and related fire protection
0022| equipment;
0023| OOO. to the Taos county-Hondo Seco fire district
0024| for the acquisition of a tanker and related fire protection
0025| equipment;
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0001| PPP. to the Taos county-Ojo Caliente fire district
0002| for the acquisition of a brush truck and related fire
0003| protection equipment;
0004| QQQ. to the village of Taos Ski Valley for a
0005| municipal office building project;
0006| RRR. to the village of Tatum for the acquisition of
0007| a police vehicle and related law enforcement equipment;
0008| SSS. to the city of Texico for a water project;
0009| TTT. to Torrance county for a detention facility
0010| project;
0011| UUU. to the Torrance county-Duran fire district for
0012| the acquisition of a pumper truck and related fire protection
0013| equipment;
0014| VVV. to the city of Truth or Consequences for the
0015| acquisition of a scraper;
0016| WWW. to the city of Tucumcari for the acquisition
0017| of a pumper truck and related fire protection equipment;
0018| XXX. to the village of Tularosa for the acquisition
0019| of patrol vehicles and related law enforcement equipment;
0020| YYY. to the Twin Forks mutual domestic water
0021| consumers association for a water project;
0022| ZZZ. to Valencia county for an adult detention
0023| facility project;
0024| AAAA. to the Malaga water users cooperative for a
0025| water project; and
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0001| BBBB. to the city of Eunice for a water and sewer
0002| project.
0003| Section 2. VOIDING OF AUTHORIZATION.--If a qualified
0004| entity listed in Section 1 of this act has not certified to
0005| the New Mexico finance authority by the end of fiscal year
0006| 2001 its desire to continue to pursue a loan from the public
0007| project revolving fund for a public project listed in Section
0008| 1 of this act, then the legislative authorization granted to
0009| the New Mexico finance authority by Section 1 of this act to
0010| make a loan from the public project revolving fund to that
0011| qualified entity for that public project shall be void.
0012| Section 3. EMERGENCY.--It is necessary for the public
0013| peace, health and safety that this act take effect
0014| immediately.