0001| HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 1 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| KIP W. NICELY | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| A JOINT RESOLUTION | 0011| PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 4, SECTION 16 OF THE | 0012| CONSTITUTION OF NEW MEXICO REQUIRING A MINIMUM APPROPRIATION OF | 0013| NOT LESS THAN FIFTY PERCENT FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN THE GENERAL | 0014| APPROPRIATION BILL AND MANDATORY TESTING. | 0015| | 0016| BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0017| Section 1. It is proposed to amend Article 4, Section 16 | 0018| of the constitution of New Mexico to read: | 0019| "The subject of every bill shall be clearly expressed in | 0020| its title, and no bill embracing more than one subject shall be | 0021| passed except general appropriation bills and bills for the | 0022| codification or revision of the laws; but if any subject is | 0023| embraced in any act which is not expressed in its title, only | 0024| so much of the act as is not so expressed shall be void. | 0025| General appropriation bills shall embrace nothing but | 0001| appropriations for the expense of the executive, legislative | 0002| and judiciary departments, interest, sinking fund, payments on | 0003| the public debt, public schools and other expenses required by | 0004| existing laws; but if any such bill contain any other matter, | 0005| only so much thereof as is hereby forbidden to be placed | 0006| therein shall be void. Beginning January 1, 2003, no general | 0007| appropriation bill shall become law if the general fund | 0008| appropriation for public schools in that bill is less than | 0009| fifty percent of the total general fund appropriation therein | 0010| for the executive, legislative and judiciary departments; | 0011| provided that, as a condition for public school appropriations | 0012| in the general appropriation bill, the legislature shall enact | 0013| appropriate laws to provide annual mandatory standard | 0014| performance testing of public school students in all grades of | 0015| public school with the test results being made available to the | 0016| legislature sixty days prior to the commencement of the | 0017| legislative session. All other appropriations shall be made | 0018| by separate bills." | 0019| Section 2. The amendment proposed by this resolution | 0020| shall be submitted to the people for their approval or | 0021| rejection at the next general election or at any special | 0022| election prior to that date which may be called for that | 0023| purpose. | 0024|  |