0001| SENATE MEMORIAL 11 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| TIMOTHY Z. JENNINGS | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| A MEMORIAL | 0011| REQUESTING THE STATUARY HALL COMMISSION TO HONOR SENATOR STUART | 0012| INGLE RATHER THAN POP WITH PLACEMENT OF A STATUE IN THE | 0013| NATIONAL STATUARY HALL. | 0014| | 0015| WHEREAS, Senator Stuart Ingle is the only republican | 0016| legislator who, this session, had the foresight to sponsor a | 0017| bill repealing the Peanut Act; and | 0018| WHEREAS, it has been observed by many of the women working | 0019| at the capitol that Senator Ingle only improves with age, like | 0020| a good bottle of Bombay sapphire gin; and | 0021| WHEREAS, Stuart Ingle led the 1997 republican revolt of | 0022| House Bill 2 amendments, being the chief strategist in getting | 0023| the governor's list through the ranks of senate democrats; and | 0024| WHEREAS, Senator Ingle, besides his duties at the capitol, | 0025| is a propelling force behind the Portales emu refuge when he's | 0001| not barbecuing them; and | 0002| WHEREAS, Stuart Ingle has been spotted at numerous social | 0003| occasions surrounded by female admirers all competing for his | 0004| hand; and | 0005| WHEREAS, he's a republican even democratic women could | 0006| love; and | 0007| WHEREAS, Senator Ingle, like the fierce warrior Pop‚, has | 0008| faced death and triumphed; and | 0009| WHEREAS, like most other cool cats, Senator Ingle has | 0010| already lived more than one life, proving he deserves to be | 0011| enshrined as a tall, dark, handsome statue in the national | 0012| statuary hall for all of our nation to see; | 0013| NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE | 0014| OF NEW MEXICO that Senator Stuart Ingle be honored as a | 0015| republican leader of the senate of the state of New Mexico by | 0016| placement of a statue of him in the national statuary hall; and | 0017| BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be | 0018| transmitted to Senator Stuart Ingle and, contingent on the | 0019| passage of Senate Bill 404 of the first session of the forty- | 0020| third legislature, to the statuary hall commission. | 0021|  |