0001| SENATE BILL 1238 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| MICHAEL S. SANCHEZ | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENT; AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE | 0012| NMSA 1978 TO MODIFY THE AIR QUALITY CONTROL ACT; DECLARING AN | 0013| EMERGENCY. | 0014| | 0015| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0016| Section 1. Section 74-2-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1967, | 0017| Chapter 277, Section 2, as amended) is amended to read: | 0018| "74-2-2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Air Quality Control | 0019| Act: | 0020| A. "air contaminant" means any substance, including | 0021| but not limited to any particulate matter; fly ash; dust; | 0022| fumes; gas; mist; smoke; vapor; microorganisms; radioactive | 0023| material, including source material, special nuclear material | 0024| and byproduct material, as defined by the federal Atomic Energy | 0025| Act of 1954, as amended; or any combination [thereof] or any | 0001| decay or reaction product thereof that is emitted or otherwise | 0002| enters the ambient air; | 0003| B. "air pollution" means the emission, except | 0004| emission that occurs in nature, into the [outdoor atmosphere] | 0005| ambient air of one or more air contaminants in quantities and | 0006| of a duration that may with reasonable probability injure human | 0007| health or animal or plant life or as may unreasonably interfere | 0008| with the public welfare, visibility or the reasonable use of | 0009| property; | 0010| C. "department" means the department of | 0011| environment; | 0012| D. "director" means the administrative head of a | 0013| local agency; | 0014| E. "emission limitation" [and] or "emission | 0015| standard" [mean] means a requirement established by the | 0016| environmental improvement board or the local board, the | 0017| department, the local authority or the local agency or pursuant | 0018| to the federal act that limits the quantity, rate or | 0019| concentration, or combination thereof, of emissions of air | 0020| contaminants on a continuous basis, including any requirements | 0021| relating to the operation or maintenance of a source to assure | 0022| continuous reduction and any design, equipment, work practice | 0023| or operational standard promulgated pursuant to the Air Quality | 0024| Control Act or the federal act; | 0025| F. "federal act" means the federal Clean Air Act, | 0001| Sections 42 U.S.C. Sections 7401, et seq., its subsequent | 0002| amendments and successor provisions; | 0003| G. "federal standard of performance" means any | 0004| standard of performance, emission limitation or emission | 0005| standard adopted pursuant to [42 USC Section 7411 or 7412] | 0006| Section 111 or 112 of the federal act; | 0007| H. "hazardous air pollutant" means an air | 0008| contaminant that has been [classified] listed as a | 0009| hazardous air pollutant pursuant to Section 112(b) of the | 0010| federal act; | 0011| I. "local agency" means the administrative agency | 0012| established by a local authority pursuant to Paragraph (2) of | 0013| Subsection A of Section 74-2-4 NMSA 1978; | 0014| J. "local authority" means any of the following | 0015| political subdivisions of the state that have, by following the | 0016| procedure set forth in Subsection A of Section 74-2-4 NMSA | 0017| 1978, assumed jurisdiction for local administration and | 0018| enforcement of the Air Quality Control Act: | 0019| (1) a county that was a class A county as of | 0020| January 1, 1980; or | 0021| (2) a municipality with a population greater | 0022| than one hundred thousand located within a county that was a | 0023| class A county as of January 1, 1980; | 0024| K. "local board" means a municipal, county or joint | 0025| air quality control board created by any local authority; | 0001| L. "mandatory class I area" means any of the | 0002| following areas in this state that were in existence on August | 0003| 7, 1977: | 0004| (1) national wilderness areas that exceed five | 0005| thousand acres in size; and | 0006| (2) national parks that exceed six thousand | 0007| acres in size; | 0008| M. "modification" means any physical change in, or | 0009| change in the method of operation of, a source that [results | 0010| in an increase in the potential emission rate] increases or | 0011| potentially increases the amount of any regulated air | 0012| contaminant emitted by the source or that results in the | 0013| emission of any regulated air contaminant not previously | 0014| emitted, but does not include: | 0015| (1) a change in ownership of the source; | 0016| (2) routine maintenance, repair or | 0017| replacement; | 0018| (3) for changes not subject to regulations to | 0019| prevent significant deterioration of air quality or to achieve | 0020| national ambient air quality standards in nonattainment areas: | 0021| [(3)] (a) installation of air | 0022| pollution control equipment, and all related process equipment | 0023| and materials necessary for its operation, undertaken for the | 0024| purpose of complying with regulations adopted by the | 0025| environmental improvement board or the local board or pursuant | 0001| to the federal act, or with permits issued by the department | 0002| or the local authority under the Air Quality Control Act; or | 0003| (b) a change that increases the amount | 0004| of any regulated air contaminant, the ambient concentration of | 0005| which is regulated pursuant to the Air Quality Control Act or | 0006| the federal act, emitted by the source by less than a de | 0007| minimis amount established by regulation of the environmental | 0008| improvement board or local board; or | 0009| (4) unless previously limited by enforceable | 0010| permit conditions: | 0011| (a) an increase in the production rate, | 0012| if such increase does not exceed the operating design capacity | 0013| of the source; | 0014| (b) an increase in the hours of | 0015| operation; or | 0016| (c) use of an alternative fuel or raw | 0017| material if, prior to January 6, 1975, the source was capable | 0018| of accommodating such fuel or raw material or if use of an | 0019| alternate fuel or raw material is caused by any natural gas | 0020| curtailment or emergency allocation or any other lack of supply | 0021| of natural gas; | 0022| N. "nonattainment area" means for any air | 0023| contaminant an area that is designated "nonattainment" with | 0024| respect to that contaminant within the meaning of Section | 0025| 107(d) of the federal act; | 0001| O. "person" includes an individual, partnership, | 0002| corporation, association, the state or political subdivision of | 0003| the state and any agency, department or instrumentality of the | 0004| United States and any of their officers, agents or employees; | 0005| [P. "potential emission rate" means the emission | 0006| rate of a source at its maximum capacity in the absence of air | 0007| pollution control equipment that is not vital to production of | 0008| the normal product of the source or to its normal operation; | 0009| Q.] P. "regulated air contaminant" means any air | 0010| contaminant, the emission or ambient concentration of which is | 0011| regulated pursuant to the Air Quality Control Act or the | 0012| federal act; | 0013| [R.] Q. "secretary" means the secretary of | 0014| environment; | 0015| [S.] R. "significant deterioration" means any | 0016| increase in the ambient concentrations of any air contaminant | 0017| above the levels allowed by the federal act or federal | 0018| regulations for that air contaminant in the area within which | 0019| the increase occurs; | 0020| [T.] S. "source" means any structure, building, | 0021| equipment, facility, installation or operation that emits or | 0022| may emit any air contaminant; | 0023| [U.] T. "standard of performance" means a | 0024| requirement of continuous emission reduction, including any | 0025| requirement relating to operation or maintenance of a source to | 0001| assure continuous emission reduction; | 0002| [V.] U. "state implementation plan" means any | 0003| plan submitted by New Mexico to the federal environmental | 0004| protection agency pursuant to [42 U.S.C. Section 7410] | 0005| Section 110 of the federal act; and | 0006| [W.] V. "toxic air pollutant" means any air | 0007| contaminant, except a hazardous air pollutant, classified by | 0008| the environmental improvement board or the local board as a | 0009| toxic air pollutant." | 0010| Section 2. Section 74-2-7 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1972, | 0011| Chapter 51, Section 4, as amended) is amended to read: | 0012| "74-2-7. PERMITS--PERMIT APPEALS TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL | 0013| IMPROVEMENT BOARD OR THE LOCAL BOARD--PERMIT FEES.-- | 0014| A. By regulation, the environmental improvement | 0015| board or the local board shall require: | 0016| (1) any person intending to construct or | 0017| modify any source, except as otherwise specifically provided by | 0018| regulation, to obtain a construction permit from the department | 0019| or the local agency prior to such construction or modification; | 0020| and | 0021| (2) any person intending to operate any source | 0022| for which an operating permit is required by [the 1990 | 0023| amendments to] Section 502 of the federal act [except as | 0024| otherwise specifically provided by regulation] to obtain an | 0025| operating permit from the department or the local agency. | 0001| B. Regulations adopted by the environmental | 0002| improvement board or the local board shall include at least the | 0003| following provisions: | 0004| (1) requirements for the form and content of | 0005| permit applications, including the submission of relevant | 0006| information [including but not limited to information] the | 0007| department or the local agency deems necessary to [ensure] | 0008| determine that regulations and standards under the Air | 0009| Quality Control Act or the federal act will not be violated; | 0010| (2) specification of the deadlines for | 0011| processing permit applications; provided, the deadline for a | 0012| final decision by the department or the local agency on a | 0013| construction permit application may not exceed: | 0014| (a) one hundred eighty days after the | 0015| application is determined to be complete, if the application is | 0016| not [affected by requirements for prevention of] subject to | 0017| regulations to prevent significant deterioration of air | 0018| quality; or | 0019| (b) two hundred forty days after the | 0020| application is determined to be complete, if the application is | 0021| [affected by requirements for prevention of] subject to | 0022| regulations to prevent significant deterioration of air | 0023| quality; | 0024| (3) specification of the public notice, | 0025| comment period and public hearing, if any, required prior to | 0001| the issuance of a permit; provided the permit regulations | 0002| adopted: | 0003| (a) by the environmental improvement | 0004| board shall include provisions governing notice to nearby | 0005| states; and | 0006| (b) by any local board shall include | 0007| provisions requiring that notice be given to the department of | 0008| all permit applications [by any source that emits, or has a | 0009| potential emission rate of, one hundred tons per year or more | 0010| of any regulated air contaminant] subject to regulations to | 0011| prevent significant deterioration of air quality or to achieve | 0012| national ambient air quality standards in nonattainment areas, | 0013| including any source of fugitive emissions of each regulated | 0014| air contaminant, at least sixty days prior to the date on which | 0015| construction or major modification is to commence; | 0016| (4) a schedule of construction permit fees | 0017| sufficient to cover: | 0018| (a) the reasonable costs of reviewing | 0019| and acting upon any application for such permit; and | 0020| (b) the reasonable costs of implementing | 0021| and enforcing the terms and conditions of the permit, excluding | 0022| any court costs or other costs associated with an enforcement | 0023| action; | 0024| (5) a schedule of emission fees consistent | 0025| with the provisions of Section 502(b)(3) of [the 1990 | 0001| amendments to] the federal act; | 0002| (6) specification of the maximum length of | 0003| time for which a permit shall be valid; provided that for an | 0004| operating permit, such period may not exceed five years; and | 0005| (7) for an operating permit only: | 0006| (a) provisions consistent with Sections | 0007| 502(b) and 505(b) of the federal act providing: 1) notice to | 0008| and review and comment by the United States environmental | 0009| protection agency; and 2) that if the department or local | 0010| agency receives notice of objection from the United States | 0011| environmental protection agency before the operating permit is | 0012| issued, the department or the local agency shall not issue the | 0013| permit unless it is revised and issued under Section 505(c) of | 0014| the federal act; | 0015| (b) provisions governing renewal of the | 0016| operating permit; and | 0017| (c) specification of the conditions | 0018| under which the operating permit may be terminated, modified or | 0019| revoked and reissued prior to the expiration of the term of the | 0020| operating permit. | 0021| C. The department or the local agency may deny any | 0022| application for: | 0023| (1) a construction permit if it appears that | 0024| the source, after construction or modification: | 0025| (a) will not meet applicable | 0001| [requirements of] regulations adopted pursuant to the Air | 0002| Quality Control Act; [the federal act or any regulation | 0003| adopted pursuant to either; or | 0004| (2) an operating permit if: | 0005| (a) the source for which the permit is | 0006| sought] | 0007| (b) will emit [a hazardous air | 0008| pollutant or] any air contaminant in excess of a federal | 0009| standard of performance or a regulation of the environmental | 0010| improvement board or the local board; | 0011| [(b) it appears that the source for | 0012| which the permit is sought] (c) will cause or contribute to | 0013| air contaminant levels in excess of any national or state | 0014| ambient air quality standard or, within the boundaries of a | 0015| local authority, applicable local ambient air quality | 0016| standards; or | 0017| [(c)] (d) will violate any other | 0018| provision of the Air Quality Control Act or the federal act | 0019| [will be violated]; and | 0020| (2) an operating permit if the source will not | 0021| meet each applicable standard, regulation or requirement under | 0022| the Air Quality Control Act or the federal act. | 0023| D. The department or the local agency may specify | 0024| reasonable terms and conditions to any permit granted under | 0025| this section [including] as follows: | 0001| (1) for a construction permit such terms and | 0002| conditions may include: | 0003| (a) a requirement that such source | 0004| install and operate control technology, determined on a case- | 0005| by-case basis, sufficient to meet the requirements of the Air | 0006| Quality Control Act, the federal act and regulations | 0007| promulgated pursuant to either; [and | 0008| (2) for an operating permit: | 0009| (a)] (b) imposition of individual | 0010| emission limits, determined on a case-by-case basis, but only | 0011| as restrictive as necessary to [meet the] ensure compliance | 0012| with applicable standards, regulations or requirements [of] | 0013| under the Air Quality Control Act and the federal act [or | 0014| the emission rate specified in the operating permit | 0015| application, whichever is more stringent]; | 0016| (c) at the request of the applicant, | 0017| imposition of practicably enforceable limitations, including | 0018| facility-wide emission limitations, that are no less stringent | 0019| than necessary to ensure compliance with applicable standards, | 0020| regulations or requirements under the Air Quality Control Act | 0021| and the federal act, or are established to limit the amount of | 0022| a regulated air contaminant that a source has the potential to | 0023| emit; | 0024| [(b)] (d) compliance with applicable | 0025| federal standards of performance; | 0001| [(c)] (e) imposition of reasonable | 0002| restrictions and limitations not relating to emission limits or | 0003| emission rates; or | 0004| [(d)] (f) any combination of the | 0005| terms and conditions listed above. | 0006| For a modification, the terms and conditions shall apply | 0007| only to the emission unit or units being modified; and | 0008| (2) for an operating permit, such terms and | 0009| conditions shall be sufficient to ensure compliance with each | 0010| applicable standard, regulation or requirement under the Air | 0011| Quality Control Act or the federal act, including any pertinent | 0012| term or condition in a construction permit issued pursuant to | 0013| this section. | 0014| E. This section does not authorize the department | 0015| or the local agency to require the use of machinery, devices or | 0016| equipment from a particular manufacturer if the federal | 0017| standards of performance, state regulations and permit | 0018| conditions may be met by machinery, devices or equipment | 0019| otherwise available. | 0020| F. The issuance of a permit does not relieve any | 0021| person from the responsibility of complying with the provisions | 0022| of the Air Quality Control Act and any applicable regulations | 0023| of the environmental improvement board or the local board. Any | 0024| conditions placed upon a permit by the department or the local | 0025| agency shall be enforceable to the same extent as a regulation | 0001| of its board. | 0002| G. Any person who participated in a permitting | 0003| action before the department or the local agency shall be | 0004| notified by the department or the local agency of the action | 0005| taken and the reasons for the action. Notification of the | 0006| applicant shall be by certified mail. | 0007| H. Any person who participated in a permitting | 0008| action before the department or the local agency and who is | 0009| adversely affected by such permitting action may file a | 0010| petition for hearing before the environmental improvement board | 0011| or the local board. The petition shall be made in writing to | 0012| the environmental improvement board or the local board within | 0013| thirty days from the date notice is given of the department's | 0014| or the local agency's action. The petition shall specify the | 0015| portions of the permitting action to which the petitioner | 0016| objects, generally state the objections, certify that a copy of | 0017| the petition has been served in accordance with this subsection | 0018| and have attached a copy of the permitting action for which a | 0019| hearing is sought. If the petitioner is not the applicant or | 0020| permittee, the petitioner shall serve a copy of the petition on | 0021| the applicant or permittee. Unless a timely [request] | 0022| petition for hearing is made, the decision of the department | 0023| or the local agency shall be final. | 0024| I. If a timely petition for hearing is made, the | 0025| environmental improvement board or the local board shall hold a | 0001| hearing within ninety days after receipt of the petition. The | 0002| environmental improvement board or the local board shall notify | 0003| the petitioner and the applicant or permittee, if other than | 0004| the petitioner, by certified mail of the date, time and place | 0005| of the hearing. If the subject of the petition is a permitting | 0006| action deemed by the environmental improvement board or the | 0007| local board to substantially affect the public interest, the | 0008| environmental improvement board or the local board shall ensure | 0009| that the public receives notice of the date, time and place of | 0010| the hearing. The public in such circumstances shall also be | 0011| given a reasonable opportunity to submit data, views or | 0012| arguments orally or in writing and to examine witnesses | 0013| testifying at the hearing. Any person submitting data, views | 0014| or arguments orally or in writing shall be subject to | 0015| examination at the hearing. | 0016| J. The environmental improvement board or the local | 0017| board may designate a hearing officer to take evidence in the | 0018| hearing. All hearings shall be recorded. | 0019| K. The burden of proof shall be upon the | 0020| petitioner. Based upon the evidence presented at the hearing, | 0021| the environmental improvement board or the local board shall | 0022| sustain, modify or reverse the action of the department or the | 0023| local agency respectively. | 0024| L. Notwithstanding any other provision of law and | 0025| subject to the provisions of Section 74-2-4 NMSA 1978, a final | 0001| decision on a permit by the department, the environmental | 0002| improvement board, the local agency, the local board or the | 0003| court of appeals that a new source will or will not meet | 0004| applicable local, state and federal air pollution standards and | 0005| regulations shall be conclusive and is binding on every other | 0006| state agency and as an issue before any other state agency | 0007| shall be deemed resolved in accordance with that final | 0008| decision. | 0009| M. Subject to the provisions of Section 74-2-4 NMSA | 0010| 1978, if the local board has adopted a permit regulation | 0011| pursuant to this section, persons [constructing or modifying | 0012| any new] intending to construct or modify a source or to | 0013| operate a source for which an operating permit is required by | 0014| Section 502 of the federal act within the boundaries of the | 0015| local authority shall obtain a construction permit or an | 0016| operating permit, whichever is applicable, from the local | 0017| agency and not from the department. | 0018| N. Fees collected pursuant to this section shall be | 0019| deposited in: | 0020| (1) the state air quality permit fund created | 0021| by Section 74-2-15 NMSA 1978 if collected by the department; or | 0022| (2) a fund created pursuant to Section 74-2-16 | 0023| NMSA 1978 if collected by a local agency pursuant to a permit | 0024| regulation adopted by the local board pursuant to this | 0025| section." | 0001| Section 3. EMERGENCY.--It is necessary for the public | 0002| peace, health and safety that this act take effect immediately. | 0003|  | 0004| |