0001| SENATE BILL 1169 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| DIANNA J. DURAN | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO SUBDIVISIONS; ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR | 0012| SUBDIVIDING LAND; PROVIDING FOR INCREASED CIVIL AND CRIMINAL | 0013| PENALTIES; REPEALING AND ENACTING SECTIONS OF THE NEW MEXICO | 0014| SUBDIVISION ACT. | 0015| | 0016| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0017| Section 1. Section 47-6-1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0018| Chapter 348, Section 1) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-1 | 0019| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0020| "47-6-1. [NEW MATERIAL] SHORT TITLE.--Sections 1 | 0021| through 27 of this act may be cited as the "Subdivision Act"." | 0022| Section 2. Section 47-6-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0023| Chapter 348, Section 2, as amended) is repealed and a new | 0024| Section 47-6-2 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0025| "47-6-2. [NEW MATERIAL] DEFINITIONS.--As used in the | 0001| Subdivision Act: | 0002| A. "lease" means to lease or offer to lease land; | 0003| B. "parcel" means any parcel of land not dedicated | 0004| for public or common use; | 0005| C. "person" means any individual, estate, trust, | 0006| receiver, cooperative association, club, corporation, company, | 0007| firm, partnership, joint venture, syndicate or other entity; | 0008| D. "plat" means a map, chart, survey, plan or | 0009| replat certified by a licensed, registered land surveyor | 0010| containing a description of the subdivided land with ties to | 0011| permanent monuments; | 0012| E. "sell" means to sell or offer to sell land; | 0013| F. "terrain management" means the control of | 0014| floods, drainage and erosion and measures required for adapting | 0015| proposed development to existing soil characteristics and | 0016| topography; | 0017| G. "subdivide" means to divide a surface area of | 0018| land into a subdivision; | 0019| H. "subdivider" means any person who creates or who | 0020| has created a subdivision individually or as part of a common | 0021| promotional plan or any person engaged in the sale or lease of | 0022| subdivided land which is being sold or leased or has been sold | 0023| or leased within the preceding three years by the owner in the | 0024| ordinary course of business; however, "subdivider" does not | 0025| include any duly licensed real estate broker or salesperson | 0001| acting on his own account; | 0002| | 0003| I. "subdivision" means the division of a surface | 0004| area of land, including land within a previously approved | 0005| subdivision, into two or more parcels for the purpose of sale, | 0006| lease or other conveyance or for building development, whether, | 0007| immediate or future, but "subdivision" does not include: | 0008| (1) the sale, lease or other conveyance of any | 0009| parcel that is thirty-five acres or larger in size within any | 0010| twelve-month period, provided that the land has been used | 0011| primarily and continuously for agricultural purposes, in | 0012| accordance with Section 7-36-20 NMSA 1978, for the preceding | 0013| three years; | 0014| (2) the sale or lease or apartments, offices, | 0015| stores or similar space within a building; | 0016| (3) the division of land within the boundaries | 0017| of a municipality; | 0018| (4) the division of land in which only gas, | 0019| oil, mineral or water rights are severed from the surface | 0020| ownership of the land; | 0021| (5) the division of land created by court | 0022| order where the order creates no more than one parcel per | 0023| party; | 0024| (6) the division of land for grazing or | 0025| farming activities provided the land continues to be used for | 0001| grazing or farming activities; | 0002| (7) the division of land resulting only in the | 0003| alteration of parcel boundaries where parcels are altered for | 0004| the purpose of increasing or reducing the size of contiguous | 0005| parcels and where the number of parcels is not increased; | 0006| (8) the division of land to create burial | 0007| plots in a cemetery; | 0008| (9) the division of land to create a parcel | 0009| that is sold or donated as a gift to an immediate family | 0010| member; however, this exception shall be limited to allow the | 0011| seller or donor to sell or give no more than one parcel per | 0012| tract of land per immediate family member; | 0013| (10) the division of land created to provide | 0014| security for mortgages, liens or deeds of trust; provided that | 0015| the division of land is not the result of a seller-financed | 0016| transaction; | 0017| (11) the sale, lease or other conveyance of | 0018| land that creates no parcel smaller than one hundred forty | 0019| acres; | 0020| (12) the division of land to create a parcel | 0021| that is donated to any trust or nonprofit corporation granted | 0022| an exemption from federal income tax, as described in Section | 0023| 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; | 0024| school, college or other institution with a defined curriculum | 0025| and a student body and faculty that conducts classes on a | 0001| regular basis; or to any church or group organized for the | 0002| purpose of divine worship, religious teaching or other | 0003| specifically religious activity; or | 0004| (13) the sale, lease or other conveyance of a | 0005| single parcel from a tract of land, except from a tract within | 0006| a previously approved subdivision, within any five-year period; | 0007| provided that a second or subsequent sale, lease or other | 0008| conveyance from the same tract of land within five years of the | 0009| first sale, lease or other conveyance shall be subject to the | 0010| provisions of the Subdivision Act; provided further that a | 0011| survey shall be filed with the county clerk indicating the | 0012| five-year holding period for both the original tract and the | 0013| newly created tract; | 0014| J. "time of purchase or lease" means the time of | 0015| signing any document obligating the person signing the | 0016| document to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire a legal | 0017| interest in land as a lessee; | 0018| K. "common promotional plan" means any plan or | 0019| scheme of operation, undertaken by a single subdivider or a | 0020| group of subdividers acting in concert, to offer for sale or | 0021| lease parcels of land where such land is either contiguous or | 0022| part of the same area of land or is known, designated or | 0023| advertised as a common unit or by a common name; | 0024| L. "type-one subdivision" means any subdivision | 0025| containing five hundred or more parcels, any one of which is | 0001| less than ten acres in size; | 0002| M. "type-two subdivision" means any subdivision | 0003| containing not fewer than twenty-five but not more than four | 0004| hundred ninety-nine parcels, any one of which is less than ten | 0005| acres in size; | 0006| N. "type-three subdivision" means any subdivision | 0007| containing not fewer than five but not more than twenty-four | 0008| parcels, any one of which is less than ten acres in size; | 0009| O. "type-four subdivision" means any subdivision | 0010| containing twenty-five or more parcels, each of which is ten | 0011| acres or more in size; and | 0012| P. "type-five subdivision" means any subdivision | 0013| containing not fewer than three parcels and not more than | 0014| twenty-four parcels, each of which is ten acres or more in | 0015| size." | 0016| Section 3. Section 47-6-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0017| Chapter 348, Section 3) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-3 | 0018| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0019| "47-6-3. [NEW MATERIAL] SUBDIVISION--DESCRIPTION.--Any | 0020| person desiring to subdivide land shall have a plat of the | 0021| proposed subdivision certified by a surveyor registered in New | 0022| Mexico. The plat shall define the subdivision and all roads by | 0023| reference to permanent monuments, accurately describe each | 0024| parcel, number each parcel in progression and give its | 0025| dimensions and the dimensions of all land dedicated for public | 0001| use or for the use of the owners of parcels fronting or | 0002| adjacent to the land. Descriptions of parcels by number and | 0003| plat designation are valid in conveyances and valid for the | 0004| purpose of taxation." | 0005| Section 4. Section 47-6-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0006| Chapter 348, Section 4) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-4 | 0007| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0008| "47-6-4. [NEW MATERIAL] PLAT ACKNOWLEDGMENT-- | 0009| AFFIDAVIT.--Every plat shall contain a statement that the land | 0010| being subdivided is subdivided in accordance with the desire of | 0011| the owner of the land. The plat shall be acknowledged by the | 0012| owner or his authorized agent in the manner required for the | 0013| acknowledgment of deeds. Every plat submitted to the county | 0014| clerk shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the owner or his | 0015| authorized agent stating whether or not the proposed | 0016| subdivision lies within the subdivision regulation jurisdiction | 0017| of the county." | 0018| Section 5. Section 47-6-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0019| Chapter 348, Section 5, as amended) is repealed and a new | 0020| Section 47-6-5 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0021| "47-6-5. [NEW MATERIAL] DEDICATION FOR PUBLIC USE-- | 0022| MAINTENANCE.--Approval of a plat by the board of county | 0023| commissioners dedicates the land designated on the plat for | 0024| public use. Dedicated land is public property, and the fee | 0025| vests in the county if the dedicated land lies outside the | 0001| boundaries of a municipality. The plat shall clearly state | 0002| that the subdivider has agreed to build the roads within the | 0003| subdivision in full conformance with the requirements of the | 0004| county subdivision regulations. Upon full conformance with the | 0005| county road construction standards, the roads may be accepted | 0006| for maintenance by the county." | 0007| Section 6. Section 47-6-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0008| Chapter 348, Section 6, as amended) is repealed and a new | 0009| Section 47-6-6 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0010| "47-6-6. [NEW MATERIAL] FILING WITH COUNTY CLERK.--The | 0011| county clerk may not accept any plat subject to the Subdivision | 0012| Act for filing that has not been approved as provided in the | 0013| Subdivision Act. | 0014| Section 7. Section 47-6-7 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0015| Chapter 348, Section 7) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-7 | 0016| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0017| "47-6-7. [NEW MATERIAL] VACATION OF PLATS--APPROVAL-- | 0018| DUTIES OF COUNTY CLERK--EFFECT.-- | 0019| A. Any plat filed in the office of the county clerk | 0020| may be vacated or a portion of the plat may be vacated if: | 0021| (1) the owners of the land proposed to be | 0022| vacated sign an acknowledged statement, declaring the plat or a | 0023| portion of the plat to be vacated; and | 0024| (2) the statement is approved by the board of | 0025| county commissioners of the county within whose platting | 0001| authority the vacated portion of the subdivision is located. | 0002| B. In approving the vacation of all or a part of a | 0003| plat, the board of county commissioners shall determine whether | 0004| or not the vacation will adversely affect the interests of | 0005| persons on contiguous land or persons within the subdivision | 0006| being vacated. In approving the vacation of all or a portion | 0007| of a plat, the board of county commissioners may require that | 0008| streets dedicated to the county in the original plat continue | 0009| to be dedicated to the county. The owners of lots on the | 0010| vacated portion of the plat may enclose in equal proportions | 0011| the adjoining streets and alleys that are authorized to be | 0012| abandoned. | 0013| C. The approved statement declaring the vacation of | 0014| a portion or all of a plat shall be filed in the office of the | 0015| county clerk wherein the original plat is filed. The county | 0016| clerk shall mark the original plat with the words "Vacated" or | 0017| "Partially Vacated" and refer on the plat to the volume and | 0018| page on which the statement of vacation is recorded. | 0019| D. The rights of any utility existing prior to the | 0020| vacation, total or partial, of any plat are not affected by the | 0021| vacation of a plat." | 0022| Section 8. Section 47-6-8 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0023| Chapter 348, Section 8) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-8 | 0024| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0025| "47-6-8. [NEW MATERIAL] REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO SALE OR | 0001| LEASE.-- | 0002| A. It is unlawful to sell or lease land from within | 0003| a subdivision unless the subdivision plat is approved by the | 0004| board of county commissioners and on file with the clerk of the | 0005| county in which the subdivision is located. Where a | 0006| subdivision lies within more than one county, the subdivision | 0007| plat shall be approved by the board of county commissioners of | 0008| each county in which the subdivision is located and on file | 0009| with the county clerk of each county in which the subdivision | 0010| is located. | 0011| B. It is unlawful to sell or lease land in a type- | 0012| one, type-two or type-four subdivision until the subdivider has | 0013| furnished the board of county commissioners and filed with the | 0014| county clerk a copy of his sales contracts, leases and any | 0015| other document that will convey an interest in the subdivided | 0016| land; | 0017| C. Prior to the sale or lease of any parcel within | 0018| a type-one, type-two or type-four subdivision by a subdivider | 0019| in the ordinary course of business all corners of all parcels | 0020| and blocks within a subdivision shall be permanently marked | 0021| with metal stakes in the ground and a reference stake placed | 0022| beside one corner of each parcel." | 0023| Section 9. Section 47-6-9 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0024| Chapter 348, Section 9, as amended) is repealed and a new | 0025| Section 47-6-9 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0001| "47-6-9. [NEW MATERIAL] SUBDIVISION REGULATION--COUNTY | 0002| AUTHORITY.-- | 0003| A. The board of county commissioners of each county | 0004| shall regulate subdivisions within the county's boundaries. In | 0005| regulating subdivisions, the board of county commissioners of | 0006| each county shall adopt regulations setting forth the county's | 0007| requirement for: | 0008| (1) enough water for subdivision use; | 0009| (2) water of an acceptable quality for | 0010| subdivision use; | 0011| (3) liquid waste disposal; | 0012| (4) solid waste disposal; | 0013| (5) sufficient and adequate roads; | 0014| (6) terrain management; | 0015| (7) phased development; | 0016| (8) specific information to be contained in a | 0017| subdivider's disclosure statement in addition to that required | 0018| in Section 47-6-17 NMSA 1978; | 0019| (9) reasonable fees approximating the cost to | 0020| the county of determining compliance with the Subdivision Act | 0021| and county subdivision regulations while passing upon | 0022| subdivision plats; | 0023| (10) a summary procedure as provided in | 0024| Sections 47-6-12 and 47-6-13 NMSA 1978; and | 0025| (11) any other matter relating to subdivisions | 0001| that the board of county commissioners feels is necessary to | 0002| ensure that development is well planned, giving consideration | 0003| to population density in the area. | 0004| B. Subsection A of this section does not preempt | 0005| the authority of any state agency to regulate or perform any | 0006| activity that it is required or authorized by law to perform." | 0007| Section 10. Section 47-6-10 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0008| Chapter 348, Section 10, as amended) is repealed and a new | 0009| Section 47-6-10 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0010| "47-6-10. [NEW MATERIAL] COUNTY SUBDIVISION | 0011| REGULATIONS--HEARINGS--APPEAL.--In promulgating subdivision | 0012| regulations, the board of county commissioners shall adhere to | 0013| the following procedures. | 0014| A. Prior to adopting, amending or repealing any | 0015| regulation, the board of county commissioners shall consult | 0016| with representatives of the state engineer's office, the | 0017| department of environment, all soil and water conservation | 0018| districts within the county and the state highway and | 0019| transportation department about the subjects within their | 0020| respective expertise for which the board of county | 0021| commissioners is considering promulgating a regulation. In the | 0022| process of the consultation, the representatives of each of the | 0023| state agencies shall give consideration to the conditions | 0024| peculiar to the county and shall submit written guidelines to | 0025| the board of county commissioners for its consideration in | 0001| formulating regulations. The guidelines: | 0002| (1) shall be given consideration by the board | 0003| of county commissioners in the formulation of the county's | 0004| subdivision regulations; | 0005| (2) shall become a part of the record of any | 0006| hearing in which regulations are adopted, amended or repealed; | 0007| and | 0008| (3) may be in such detail as the agency | 0009| involved desires. | 0010| B. A regulation may not be adopted, amended or | 0011| repealed until after a public hearing held by the board of | 0012| county commissioners. Notice of the hearing shall be given at | 0013| least thirty days prior to the hearing date and shall state: | 0014| (1) the subject of the regulation; | 0015| (2) the time and place of the hearing; | 0016| (3) the manner in which interested persons may | 0017| present their views; and | 0018| (4) the place and manner in which interested | 0019| persons may secure copies of any proposed regulation. The | 0020| board of county commissioners may impose a reasonable charge | 0021| for the costs incurred in the reproducing and mailing of the | 0022| proposed regulations. | 0023| C. The notice shall be published in a newspaper of | 0024| general circulation in the county. | 0025| D. Reasonable effort shall be made to give notice | 0001| to all persons who have made a written request to the board of | 0002| county commissioners for advance notice of its hearings. | 0003| E. The board of county commissioners shall give the | 0004| state engineer, the department of environment, the state | 0005| highway and transportation department and the soil and water | 0006| conservation districts thirty days' notice of its regulation | 0007| hearings. | 0008| F. At the hearing, the board of county | 0009| commissioners shall allow all interested persons reasonable | 0010| opportunity to submit data, views or arguments, orally or in | 0011| writing, and to examine witnesses testifying at the hearing. | 0012| The board shall keep a complete record of the hearing | 0013| proceedings. | 0014| G. Representatives from the state engineer's | 0015| office, the department of environment, the soil and water | 0016| conservation districts within the county and the state highway | 0017| and transportation department shall be present at the hearings | 0018| when the proposed regulation relates to an issue that is within | 0019| the agencies' respective area of expertise. Where a proposed | 0020| regulation relates to an issue that is within the agencies' | 0021| respective area of expertise, the representatives from the | 0022| state agencies shall enter into the record of the hearing a | 0023| written statement setting forth any comments that they might | 0024| have, whether favorable or unfavorable, about the proposed | 0025| county regulation. Oral statements may also be made by the | 0001| state agencies' representatives. | 0002| H. A regulation is not invalid because of the | 0003| failure of a state agency to submit a guideline prior to the | 0004| promulgation of the regulation or because the representative of | 0005| a state agency required to appear at a public hearing on the | 0006| regulation did not appear or did not make any comment for entry | 0007| in the hearing record. If a state agency does not submit | 0008| guidelines, does not appear as required at a hearing or does | 0009| not have any comment for the record at a hearing on the | 0010| regulation, the county shall proceed as if the action required | 0011| of the state agency had been taken. | 0012| I. The board of county commissioners shall act on | 0013| the proposed regulations at the regulation hearings or at a | 0014| public meeting to be held within thirty days of the hearing on | 0015| the proposed regulations. Upon adopting the regulations, the | 0016| board of county commissioners shall include in the record a | 0017| short statement setting forth the board's reasoning and the | 0018| basis of the board's decision, including the facts and | 0019| circumstances considered and the weight given to those facts | 0020| and circumstances. | 0021| J. Any person heard or represented at the hearing | 0022| shall be given written notice of the board's action if the | 0023| person makes a written request to the board for notice of its | 0024| decision. | 0025| K. A regulation, amendment or repeal is not | 0001| effective until thirty days after its filing with the county | 0002| clerk and the state records administrator. | 0003| L. Any person who is or may be adversely affected | 0004| by a regulation adopted by the board of county commissioners | 0005| may appeal to the district court for relief. All appeals shall | 0006| be upon the record made at the hearing and shall be taken to | 0007| the district court within thirty days after filing regulations | 0008| with the state records administrator. | 0009| M. An appeal is perfected by filing a notice of | 0010| appeal in the district court of the county in which the | 0011| subdivision is located. The appellant shall certify in his | 0012| notice of appeal that arrangements have been made with the | 0013| board of county commissioners for preparation of a sufficient | 0014| number of transcripts of the record of the hearing to support | 0015| his appeal, including one copy that he shall furnish at his own | 0016| expense to the board of county commissioners. A copy of the | 0017| notice of appeal shall also be served upon the board of county | 0018| commissioners. | 0019| N. Upon appeal, the district court shall set aside | 0020| the regulation only if it is found to be: | 0021| (1) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0022| discretion; | 0023| (2) not supported by substantial evidence; or | 0024| (3) otherwise not in accordance with law. | 0025| O. Any party to the action in district court may | 0001| appeal to the court of appeals for further relief." | 0002| Section 11. Section 47-6-11 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0003| Chapter 348, Section 11, as amended) is repealed and a new | 0004| Section 47-6-11 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0005| "47-6-11. [NEW MATERIAL] SUBDIVISION APPROVAL--TYPE- | 0006| ONE AND TYPE-TWO SUBDIVISIONS.-- | 0007| A. Any subdivider having an approved type-one or | 0008| type-two subdivision shall furnish: | 0009| (1) water to fulfill the use of water proposed | 0010| by the subdivider, if any, in his disclosure statement; | 0011| (2) water of an acceptable quality for the use | 0012| of water proposed by the subdivider in his disclosure | 0013| statement; | 0014| (3) liquid waste disposal facilities to | 0015| fulfill the liquid waste provisions proposed by the subdivider | 0016| in his disclosure statement; | 0017| (4) solid waste disposal facilities to fulfill | 0018| the solid waste provisions proposed by the subdivider in his | 0019| disclosure statement; | 0020| (5) satisfactory roads; and | 0021| (6) terrain management to fulfill the | 0022| provisions for terrain management proposed by the subdivider in | 0023| his disclosure statement. | 0024| B. Prior to approving the plat for a type-one or | 0025| type-two subdivision, the board of county commissioners of the | 0001| county in which the subdivision is located shall: | 0002| (1) determine whether the subdivider can | 0003| fulfill the proposals contained in his disclosure statement; | 0004| and | 0005| (2) determine whether the subdivision will | 0006| conform with the requirements of the Subdivision Act and with | 0007| the county's subdivision regulations. | 0008| C. The board of county commissioners shall not | 0009| approve the plat of any subdivision if the subdivider cannot | 0010| reasonably demonstrate that he can fulfill the proposals | 0011| contained in his disclosure statement or if the subdivider has | 0012| not conformed with the Subdivision Act and the county's | 0013| subdivision regulations. | 0014| D. Any subdivider submitting a plat of a type-one | 0015| or type-two subdivision for approval shall submit sufficient | 0016| information to the board of county commissioners to permit the | 0017| board to determine whether: | 0018| (1) the subdivider can fulfill the proposals | 0019| contained in his disclosure statement; and | 0020| (2) the subdivider has conformed with the | 0021| Subdivision Act and the county's subdivision regulations. | 0022| E. In determining whether a subdivider can fulfill | 0023| the proposals contained in his disclosure statement and in | 0024| determining whether the subdivider's provisions for a type-one | 0025| or type-two subdivision conform with county regulations, the | 0001| board of county commissioners shall request opinions from: | 0002| (1) the state engineer to determine: | 0003| (a) whether the subdivider can fulfill | 0004| the proposals in his disclosure statement concerning water for | 0005| the subdivision, excepting water quality; and | 0006| (b) whether the subdivider's water | 0007| proposals conform with county regulations; | 0008| (2) the department of environment to | 0009| determine: | 0010| (a) whether the subdivider can fulfill | 0011| the proposals contained in his disclosure statement for liquid | 0012| and solid wastes; | 0013| (b) whether the water proposed is of an | 0014| acceptable quality to conform with county regulations; and | 0015| (c) whether the liquid and solid waste | 0016| disposal proposals conform with county regulations; | 0017| (3) the state highway and transportation | 0018| department detailing the requirements of state highway access | 0019| when the board of county commissioners determines this to be of | 0020| importance; and | 0021| (4) the soil and water conservation district | 0022| to determine: | 0023| (a) whether the subdivider can fulfill | 0024| the proposals contained in his disclosure statement concerning | 0025| terrain management; and | 0001| (b) whether the subdivider's proposals | 0002| for terrain management conform with county regulations. | 0003| F. If, in the opinion of each appropriate state | 0004| agency, a subdivider can fulfill the proposals contained in his | 0005| disclosure statement concerning water, liquid and solid waste | 0006| disposal and terrain management, and the subdivider has | 0007| conformed with county regulations in his subdivision proposal, | 0008| then the board of county commissioners shall weigh these | 0009| factors in determining whether to approve the subdivision plat. | 0010| G. If in the opinion of the state engineer the | 0011| subdivider's water proposals do not conform with county | 0012| regulations for a type-one subdivision or, if the state | 0013| engineer does not have sufficient information upon which to | 0014| base an opinion, the subdivider shall be notified of this fact | 0015| by the board of county commissioners and the procedure set out | 0016| below shall be followed: | 0017| (1) if the state engineer has rendered an | 0018| adverse opinion, the board of county commissioners shall give | 0019| the subdivider a copy of the opinion; | 0020| (2) the subdivider shall be given forty-five | 0021| days from the date of notification to submit additional | 0022| information to the state engineer through the board of county | 0023| commissioners; | 0024| (3) if, within sixty days of notification to | 0025| the subdivider, the state engineer does not change his opinion | 0001| or issue a favorable opinion when one has been withheld because | 0002| of insufficient information, the board of county commissioners | 0003| shall not approve the subdivider's plat unless: | 0004| (a) the subdivider requests the | 0005| appointment of three qualified water scientists to be chosen by | 0006| the water quality control commission and paid by the | 0007| subdivider; and | 0008| (b) a majority of the water scientists | 0009| chosen do not agree with the state engineer's opinion that the | 0010| subdivider's water proposals do not conform with county | 0011| regulations; and | 0012| (4) if a majority of the water scientists do | 0013| not agree with the state engineer's opinion that the | 0014| subdivider's water proposals do not conform with county | 0015| regulations, then their opinions shall be submitted to the | 0016| board of county commissioners, which may utilize the opinions | 0017| in its final determination approving or disapproving the | 0018| subdivision plat. | 0019| H. If, in the opinion of the state engineer, the | 0020| subdivider's water proposals do not conform with county | 0021| regulations for a type-two subdivision or if the state engineer | 0022| does not have sufficient information upon which to base an | 0023| opinion, the subdivider shall be notified of this fact by the | 0024| board of county commissioners and the procedures set out below | 0025| shall be followed: | 0001| (1) if the state engineer has rendered an | 0002| adverse opinion, the board of county commissioners shall give | 0003| the subdivider a copy of the opinion; | 0004| (2) the subdivider shall be given forty-five | 0005| days from the date of notification to submit more information | 0006| to the state engineer through the board of county | 0007| commissioners; and | 0008| (3) if, within sixty days of the date the | 0009| subdivider was notified, the state engineer does not change his | 0010| opinion or issue a favorable opinion when one has been withheld | 0011| because of insufficient information, the board of county | 0012| commissioners shall hold a public hearing devoted solely to | 0013| determining whether or not the subdivider's water proposals | 0014| conform with county regulations. | 0015| I. If, in the opinion of the appropriate state | 0016| agency, a type-one or type-two subdivision proposal does not | 0017| conform with county regulations for water of an acceptable | 0018| quality, liquid and solid waste disposal, highway access and | 0019| terrain management, or if the appropriate state agency does not | 0020| have sufficient information upon which to base an opinion on | 0021| any one of these subjects, the subdivider shall be notified of | 0022| this fact by the board of county commissioners, and the | 0023| procedure set out below shall be followed: | 0024| (1) if the appropriate state agency has | 0025| rendered an adverse opinion, the board of county commissioners | 0001| shall give the subdivider a copy of the opinion; | 0002| (2) the subdivider shall be given forty-five | 0003| days from the date of notification to submit additional | 0004| information to the state agency through the board of county | 0005| commissioners; and | 0006| (3) if, within sixty days of the date of | 0007| notification to the subdivider, the state agency does not | 0008| change its opinion, or issue a favorable opinion when it has | 0009| withheld one because of insufficient information, the board of | 0010| county commissioners shall hold a public hearing devoted solely | 0011| to determining whether the subdivider has conformed with the | 0012| applicable county regulation concerning which the state agency | 0013| has rendered an unfavorable opinion or withheld an opinion | 0014| because of insufficient information." | 0015| Section 12. Section 47-6-14 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0016| Chapter 348, Section 14) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-14 | 0017| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0018| "47-6-14. [NEW MATERIAL] HEARINGS ON SUBDIVISION | 0019| PLATS.--Whenever a hearing is required because of an adverse | 0020| report from a state agency that a subdivider's proposal does | 0021| not meet a specified county regulation or because a state | 0022| agency has not furnished an opinion due to insufficient | 0023| information, the board of county commissioners shall adhere to | 0024| the following requirements concerning the hearing: | 0025| A. notice of the hearing shall be given at least | 0001| thirty days prior to the hearing date and shall state: | 0002| (1) the subject of the hearing; | 0003| (2) the time and place of the hearing; | 0004| (3) the manner in which interested persons may | 0005| present their views; and | 0006| (4) where interested persons may secure copies | 0007| of the adverse opinion and of the subdivider's proposal on the | 0008| subject covered by the state agency's opinion or the opinion | 0009| request. The board of county commissioners may impose a | 0010| reasonable charge for the costs incurred in reproducing and | 0011| mailing the opinion and proposal to those persons requesting | 0012| copies; | 0013| B. the notice shall be published in a newspaper of | 0014| general circulation in the county; | 0015| C. reasonable effort shall be made to give notice | 0016| to all persons who have made a written request to the board of | 0017| county commissioners for advance notice of its hearings. | 0018| Notice shall also be given to the state agency that prepared | 0019| the adverse report or withheld a report on the basis of | 0020| insufficient information; | 0021| D. at the hearing, the board of county | 0022| commissioners shall allow all interested persons a reasonable | 0023| opportunity to submit data, views or arguments, orally or in | 0024| writing, and to examine witnesses testifying at the hearing; | 0025| and | 0001| E. the board of county commissioners shall approve | 0002| or disapprove the subdivision plat within thirty days of the | 0003| termination of the hearing at a public meeting of the board of | 0004| county commissioners." | 0005| Section 13. Section 47-6-15 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0006| Chapter 348, Section 15) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-15 | 0007| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0008| "47-6-15. [NEW MATERIAL] APPEALS.-- | 0009| A. Any party who is or may be adversely affected by | 0010| a decision of the board of county commissioners or its delegate | 0011| in approving or disapproving a subdivision plat may appeal to | 0012| the district court of the county in which the subdivision is | 0013| located within thirty days of the date of the board's action. | 0014| B. An appeal is perfected by filing a notice of | 0015| appeal in the district court. A copy of the notice of appeal | 0016| shall be served upon the board of county commissioners. | 0017| C. Upon appeal, the district court shall set aside | 0018| the action of the board of county commissioners or its delegate | 0019| only if it is found to be: | 0020| (1) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of | 0021| discretion; | 0022| (2) not supported by substantial evidence; or | 0023| (3) otherwise not in accordance with law. | 0024| D. Any party to the action in district court may | 0025| appeal to the court of appeals for further relief." | 0001| Section 14. Section 47-6-16 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0002| Chapter 348, Section 16) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-16 | 0003| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0004| "47-6-16. [NEW MATERIAL] SUCCEEDING SUBDIVISIONS.--Any | 0005| proposed subdivision may be combined and upgraded for | 0006| classification purposes by the board of county commissioners | 0007| with a previous subdivision if the proposed subdivision | 0008| includes either: | 0009| A. a part of a previous subdivision that has been | 0010| approved in the preceding three-year period; or | 0011| B. any unsubdivided land retained by a subdivider | 0012| after creating a previous subdivision when the previous | 0013| subdivision was approved in the preceding three-year period." | 0014| Section 15. Section 47-6-17 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0015| Chapter 348, Section 17) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-17 | 0016| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0017| "47-6-17. [NEW MATERIAL] DISCLOSURE.-- | 0018| A. Prior to selling or leasing any land in a type- | 0019| one, type-two or type-four subdivision, the subdivider shall | 0020| disclose in writing such information as the board of county | 0021| commissioners requires, by regulation, to permit the | 0022| prospective purchaser or lessee to make an informed decision | 0023| about the purchase or lease of the land. | 0024| B. The disclosure statement for subdivisions with | 0025| twenty-five or more parcels but fewer than one hundred parcels | 0001| shall contain at least the following information: | 0002| (1) the name of the subdivision; | 0003| (2) the name and address of the subdivider and | 0004| the name and address of the person in charge of sales or | 0005| leasing in New Mexico; | 0006| (3) the size of the subdivision, both present | 0007| and anticipated; | 0008| (4) the size of the largest and smallest | 0009| parcels offered for sale or lease within the subdivision and | 0010| the proposed range of selling or leasing prices, including | 0011| financing terms; | 0012| (5) the distance from the nearest town to the | 0013| subdivision and the route over which this distance is computed; | 0014| (6) the name and address of the person who is | 0015| recorded as having legal and equitable title to the property | 0016| offered for sale or lease; | 0017| (7) a statement of the condition of title | 0018| including any encumbrances; | 0019| (8) a statement of all restrictions or | 0020| reservations of record that subject the subdivided land to any | 0021| unusual conditions affecting its use or occupancy; | 0022| (9) the name and address of the escrow agent, | 0023| if any; | 0024| (10) a statement as to availability and cost | 0025| of public utilities; | 0001| (11) a statement of the proposed use of water, | 0002| if any, within the subdivision; | 0003| (12) a statement describing the quality and | 0004| quantity of water for the proposed use, if any, of the | 0005| subdivision; | 0006| (13) a description of the means of liquid | 0007| waste disposal for the proposed use of the subdivision; | 0008| (14) a description of the means of solid waste | 0009| disposal for the proposed use of the subdivision; | 0010| (15) a description of the means of water | 0011| delivery, if any, within the subdivision; | 0012| (16) the average depth to water within the | 0013| subdivision if water is available only from subterranean | 0014| sources and if water is contemplated for the proposed use of | 0015| the subdivision; | 0016| (17) a description of access to the | 0017| subdivision; | 0018| (18) a statement disclosing whether the roads | 0019| within the subdivision have been accepted for maintenance by | 0020| the county; | 0021| (19) a description of the subdivider's | 0022| provisions for terrain management; | 0023| (20) a summary, approved by the issuing state | 0024| agency, of the opinions, if any, whether favorable or adverse, | 0025| provided by state agencies to the board of county commissioners | 0001| concerning any one of the points listed above; and | 0002| (21) such other information as the board of | 0003| county commissioners may require. | 0004| C. The disclosure statement for subdivisions with | 0005| one hundred or more parcels shall contain all of the | 0006| information required in Subsection B of this section as well as | 0007| the following information: | 0008| (1) a statement of any activities or | 0009| conditions adjacent to or nearby the subdivision that would | 0010| subject the subdivided land to any unusual conditions affecting | 0011| its use or occupancy; | 0012| (2) a description of all recreational | 0013| facilities, actual and proposed, in the subdivision; | 0014| (3) a statement as to the availability of: | 0015| (a) fire protection; | 0016| (b) police protection; | 0017| (c) public schools for the inhabitants | 0018| of the subdivision, including a statement concerning the | 0019| proximity of the nearest elementary and secondary schools; | 0020| (d) hospital facilities; | 0021| (e) shopping facilities; and | 0022| (f) public transportation; and | 0023| (4) a statement setting forth the projected | 0024| dates upon which any of the items mentioned in this section for | 0025| which the subdivider has responsibility will be completed if | 0001| they are not yet completed. | 0002| D. The disclosure statement shall be in the form | 0003| that the board of county commissioners, after consultation with | 0004| the attorney general, may require by regulation. The form of | 0005| disclosure statements, insofar as possible, shall be uniform | 0006| for all counties. | 0007| E. Any subdivider who has satisfied the disclosure | 0008| requirement of the Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act | 0009| may submit his approved statement of record in lieu of the | 0010| disclosure statement required by the Subdivision Act. However, | 0011| any information required in the Subdivision Act and not covered | 0012| in the subdivider's statement of record shall be attached to | 0013| the statement of record. | 0014| F. It is unlawful to sell or lease land in a type- | 0015| one, type-two or type-four subdivision until: | 0016| (1) the required disclosure statement has been | 0017| filed with the county clerk, the board of county commissioners | 0018| and the attorney general's office; and | 0019| (2) the prospective purchaser or lessee has | 0020| been given a copy of the disclosure statement prior to the time | 0021| of purchase or lease." | 0022| Section 16. Section 47-6-18 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0023| Chapter 348, Section 18) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-18 | 0024| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0025| "47-6-18. [NEW MATERIAL] ADVERTISING STANDARDS.-- | 0001| A. Brochures, disclosure statements, publications | 0002| and advertising of any form relating to subdivided land shall: | 0003| (1) not misrepresent or contain false or | 0004| misleading statements of fact; | 0005| (2) not describe deeds, title insurance or | 0006| other items included in a transaction as "free" and shall not | 0007| state that any parcel is "free" or given as an "award" or | 0008| "prize" if any consideration is required for any reason; | 0009| (3) not describe parcels available for | 0010| "closing costs only" or similar terms unless all such costs are | 0011| accurately and completely itemized or when additional parcels | 0012| must be purchased at a higher price; | 0013| (4) not include an asterisk or other reference | 0014| symbol as a means of contradicting or substantially changing | 0015| any statement; | 0016| (5) if subdivision illustrations are used, | 0017| accurately portray the subdivision in its present state, and if | 0018| illustrations are used portraying points of interest outside | 0019| the subdivision, state the actual road miles from the | 0020| subdivision; | 0021| (6) not contain artists' conceptions of the | 0022| subdivision or any facilities within it unless clearly | 0023| described as such and shall not contain maps unless accurately | 0024| drawn to scale with the scale indicated; | 0025| (7) not contain references to any facilities, | 0001| points of interest or municipalities located outside the | 0002| subdivision unless the distances from the subdivision are | 0003| stated in the advertisement in actual road miles; and | 0004| (8) refer to where the subdivider's disclosure | 0005| statement may be obtained if a disclosure statement is required | 0006| for the subdivision. | 0007| B. Copies of all brochures, publications and | 0008| advertising relating to subdivided land shall be filed with the | 0009| board of county commissioners of the county in which the | 0010| subdivision is located and with the attorney general within | 0011| fifteen days after initial use by the subdivider." | 0012| Section 17. Section 47-6-19 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0013| Chapter 348, Section 19, as amended) is repealed and a new | 0014| Section 47-6-19 NMSA 1978 to read: | 0015| "47-6-19. [NEW MATERIAL] ROAD DEVELOPMENT.-- | 0016| A. Roads within a subdivision shall be constructed | 0017| only on a schedule approved by the board of county | 0018| commissioners. In approving or disapproving a subdivider's | 0019| road construction schedule, the board of county commissioners | 0020| shall consider: | 0021| (1) the proposed use of the subdivision; | 0022| (2) the period of time before the roads will | 0023| receive substantial use; | 0024| (3) the period of time before construction of | 0025| homes will commence on the portion of the subdivision serviced | 0001| by the road; | 0002| (4) the county regulations governing phased | 0003| development; and | 0004| (5) the needs of prospective purchasers and | 0005| lessees in viewing the land within the subdivision. | 0006| B. All proposed roads shall conform to minimum | 0007| county safety standards. | 0008| C. The board of county commissioners shall not | 0009| approve the grading or construction of roads unless and until | 0010| the subdivider can reasonably demonstrate that the roads to be | 0011| constructed will receive use and that the roads are required to | 0012| provide access to parcels or improvements within twenty-four | 0013| months from the date of construction of the road. | 0014| D. It is unlawful for the subdivider to grade or | 0015| otherwise commence construction of roads unless the | 0016| construction conforms to the schedule of road development | 0017| approved by the board of county commissioners." | 0018| Section 18. Section 47-6-20 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0019| Chapter 348, Section 20) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-20 | 0020| NMSA 1978 to read: | 0021| "47-6-20. [NEW MATERIAL] STATE AGENCIES REQUIRED TO | 0022| PROVIDE COUNTIES WITH INFORMATION.-- | 0023| A. Any state agency receiving a request from the | 0024| board of county commissioners for an opinion on water, water | 0025| quality, liquid or solid waste disposal adequacy, terrain | 0001| management or highway access shall furnish the board with the | 0002| requested opinion. The board of county commissioners shall | 0003| furnish the appropriate state agency with all relevant | 0004| information that the board has received from the subdivider on | 0005| the subject for which the board is seeking an opinion. If the | 0006| state agency does not have sufficient information upon which to | 0007| base an opinion, the state agency shall notify the board of | 0008| this fact. | 0009| B. All opinion requests mailed by the board of | 0010| county commissioners shall be by certified mail "return receipt | 0011| requested". Boards of county commissioners delivering opinion | 0012| requests shall obtain receipts showing the day the opinion | 0013| request was received by the particular state agency." | 0014| Section 19. Section 47-6-21 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0015| Chapter 348, Section 21) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-21 | 0016| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0017| "47-6-21. [NEW MATERIAL] INFORMATION REPORTS.--In | 0018| determining whether the subdivider can fulfill the proposals | 0019| contained in his disclosure statement and in determining | 0020| whether the subdivision will conform with county regulations, | 0021| the appropriate state agency may request, through the board of | 0022| county commissioners, that the subdivider submit such | 0023| information as the agency may feel necessary to permit it to | 0024| make that determination." | 0025| Section 20. Section 47-6-22 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0001| Chapter 348, Section 22, as amended) is repealed and a new | 0002| Section 47-6-22 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0003| "47-6-22. [NEW MATERIAL] TIME LIMIT ON ADMINISTRATIVE | 0004| ACTION.-- | 0005| A. All opinions required of state agencies shall be | 0006| furnished to the board of county commissioners within sixty | 0007| days after the state agencies receive the written request and | 0008| accompanying information from the board of county | 0009| commissioners. If the board of county commissioners does not | 0010| receive a requested opinion within the sixty-day period, the | 0011| board shall proceed in accordance with its own best judgment | 0012| concerning the subject of the opinion request. The failure of | 0013| a state agency to provide an opinion when requested by the | 0014| board of county commissioners does not indicate that the | 0015| subdivider's provisions concerning the subject of the opinion | 0016| request were unacceptable or inadequate. | 0017| B. Subdivision plats submitted to the board of | 0018| county commissioners for approval shall be approved or | 0019| disapproved at a public meeting of the board or by summary | 0020| procedure where appropriate: | 0021| (1) within forty-five days of the date the | 0022| final subdivision plat is submitted if the plat is for a type- | 0023| three, type-four or type-five subdivision; | 0024| (2) within one hundred eighty days of the date | 0025| the final subdivision plat is submitted, if the plat is for a | 0001| type-one or a type-two subdivision when a public hearing is not | 0002| required on the subdivision; and | 0003| (3) within thirty days after the conclusion of | 0004| any public hearing on a type-one or type-two subdivision when | 0005| the hearing is caused by an adverse opinion from a state agency | 0006| on the subdivision. | 0007| C. Except as provided in Subsection G of Section | 0008| 47-6-11 NMSA 1978, if the board of county commissioners does | 0009| not act upon the plat within the required period of time, the | 0010| plat is deemed to be approved thirty days after the subdivider | 0011| gives the attorney general written notice of the board of | 0012| county commissioners' failure to act. If the board of county | 0013| commissioners fails to approve or reject the final plat within | 0014| the thirty days, after notice to the attorney general, upon | 0015| demand the board of county commissioners shall issue a | 0016| certificate stating that the plat has been approved." | 0017| Section 21. Section 47-6-23 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0018| Chapter 348, Section 23) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-23 | 0019| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0020| "47-6-23. [NEW MATERIAL] RIGHT OF INSPECTION-- | 0021| RESCISSION.--If the purchaser or lessee of subdivided land has | 0022| not inspected his parcel prior to the time of purchase or | 0023| lease, the purchase or lease agreement shall contain a | 0024| provision giving the purchaser or lessee six months within | 0025| which to personally inspect his parcel. After making the | 0001| personal inspection within the six-month period, the purchaser | 0002| shall have the right to rescind the purchase or lease agreement | 0003| and receive a refund of all funds paid on the transaction to | 0004| the seller or lessor when merchantable title is revested in the | 0005| seller or lessor. Notice of such rescission to the seller | 0006| shall be made in writing and shall be given within three days | 0007| of the date of personal inspection." | 0008| Section 22. Section 47-6-25 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0009| Chapter 348, Section 25) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-25 | 0010| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0011| "47-6-25. [NEW MATERIAL] SUSPENSION OF RIGHT OF SALE.- | 0012| -The board of county commissioners may suspend or revoke | 0013| approval of a plat as to the unsold or unleased portions of a | 0014| subdivider's plat if the subdivider does not meet the schedule | 0015| of compliance approved by the board." | 0016| Section 23. Section 47-6-25.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1981, | 0017| Chapter 148, Section 7) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-25 | 0018| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0019| "47-6-25.1. [NEW MATERIAL] ATTORNEY GENERAL--DISTRICT | 0020| ATTORNEYS--INVESTIGATION.-- | 0021| A. If the attorney general or a district attorney | 0022| has reasonable cause to believe that a person has information | 0023| or may be in possession, custody or control of any document or | 0024| other tangible object relevant to a civil investigation for | 0025| violation of the Subdivision Act, the attorney general or the | 0001| district attorney, or both, may before bringing any action | 0002| apply to the district court of Santa Fe county, or any county | 0003| where the district attorney has his office, for approval of a | 0004| civil investigative demand, demanding, in writing, such person | 0005| to appear and be examined under oath, to answer written | 0006| interrogatories under oath or to produce the document or object | 0007| for inspection and copying. The demand shall: | 0008| (1) be served upon the person in the manner | 0009| required for service of process in this state or, if the person | 0010| cannot be found or does not reside or maintain a principal | 0011| place of business within this state, in the manner required for | 0012| service of process in the state in which the person resides, | 0013| maintains a principal place of business or can be found; | 0014| (2) describe the nature of the conduct under | 0015| investigation; | 0016| (3) describe the class of documents or objects | 0017| with sufficient definiteness to permit it to be fairly | 0018| identified if the production of documents or objects is | 0019| requested; | 0020| (4) contain a copy of the written | 0021| interrogatories if answers to written interrogatories are | 0022| sought; | 0023| (5) prescribe a reasonable time at which the | 0024| person shall appear to testify or within which the document or | 0025| object must be produced; | 0001| (6) specify a place for the taking of | 0002| testimony or for production of the document or object and | 0003| designate a person who may be an authorized employee of the | 0004| attorney general or district attorney to be custodian of the | 0005| document or object; and | 0006| (7) contain a copy of Subsections B through D | 0007| of this section. No demand to produce a document or object for | 0008| inspection and copying shall contain any requirement that would | 0009| be unreasonable or improper if contained in a subpoena duces | 0010| tecum issued in a civil proceeding by a district court of this | 0011| state. The district court shall approve the demand if it finds | 0012| that the attorney general or district attorney has reasonable | 0013| cause to believe that a person has information or may be in | 0014| possession, custody or control of any document or other | 0015| tangible object relevant to a civil investigation for violation | 0016| of the Subdivision Act and that the demand is proper in form. | 0017| A demand shall not be issued without approval of the district | 0018| court. | 0019| B. If a person fails to comply with the written | 0020| demand served upon him under the provisions of Subsection A of | 0021| this section, the attorney general or district attorney may | 0022| file a petition for an order to enforce the demand in the | 0023| district court of the county in which the person resides or in | 0024| which he maintains a principal place of business within this | 0025| state or of the county of Santa Fe if the person neither | 0001| resides nor has a principal place of business in this state. | 0002| Notice of hearing on the petition and a copy of the petition | 0003| shall be served upon the person, who may appear in opposition | 0004| to the petition. If the court finds that the demand is proper | 0005| in form and there is reasonable cause to believe that the | 0006| person has information or may be in possession, custody or | 0007| control of any document or other tangible object relevant to a | 0008| civil investigation for violation of the Subdivision Act, the | 0009| court shall order the person to comply with the demand, subject | 0010| to any modification that the court may prescribe. Upon motion | 0011| by the person and for good cause shown, the court may make any | 0012| further protective order in the proceedings that justice | 0013| requires. | 0014| C. Prior to the filing of an action under the | 0015| provisions of the Subdivision Act for the violation under | 0016| investigation, any testimony taken or material produced under | 0017| this section shall be kept confidential by the attorney general | 0018| or district attorney unless confidentiality is waived by the | 0019| person being investigated and the person who has testified, | 0020| answered interrogatories or produced material, or unless | 0021| disclosure is authorized by the court. Any testimony taken or | 0022| material produced under this section shall be open to | 0023| inspection only to the attorney general or district attorney | 0024| and the person upon whom the demand for which inspection is | 0025| sought has been served, unless otherwise ordered by the court. | 0001| D. Any person compelled to appear under this | 0002| section and required to testify under oath may be accompanied, | 0003| represented and advised by counsel. An objection may properly | 0004| be made, received and entered upon the record when it is | 0005| claimed that the person is entitled to refuse to answer the | 0006| question on grounds of any constitutional or other legal right | 0007| or privilege." | 0008| Section 24. Section 47-6-26 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0009| Chapter 348, Section 26, as amended) is repealed and a new | 0010| Section 47-6-26 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0011| "47-6-26. [NEW MATERIAL] INJUNCTIVE RELIEF--MANDAMUS.- | 0012| -The board of county commissioners, the district attorney or | 0013| the attorney general may apply to the district court to have a | 0014| subdivider enjoined from selling or leasing land within the | 0015| affected subdivision until he complies with the terms of | 0016| Sections 47-5-9 and 47-6-1 through 47-6-28 NMSA 1978. In | 0017| addition, the board of county commissioners, the district | 0018| attorney or the attorney general may seek injunctive relief or | 0019| bring mandamus to compel compliance with the provisions of this | 0020| act. However, nothing in this section shall be construed as | 0021| limiting any common-law right of any person in any court | 0022| relating to subdivisions." | 0023| Section 25. Section 47-6-27 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0024| Chapter 348, Section 27, as amended) is repealed and a new | 0025| Section 47-6-27 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0001| "47-6-27. [NEW MATERIAL] CRIMINAL PENALTIES.-- | 0002| A. Any person who sells or leases land that is a | 0003| part of a subdivision before the plat has been approved and | 0004| recorded or during a period in which the subdivider's right to | 0005| sell has been suspended is guilty of a misdemeanor, which shall | 0006| be punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars | 0007| ($1,000) for each parcel for which a violation occurred. | 0008| B. Any person who publishes or disseminates any | 0009| material in violation of the Subdivision Act is guilty of a | 0010| misdemeanor, which shall be punishable by a fine of not more | 0011| than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or by imprisonment for not | 0012| more than one year or both. | 0013| C. Any person who violates any other provision of | 0014| the Subdivision Act is guilty of a misdemeanor, which shall be | 0015| punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars | 0016| ($1,000) for each violation of the Subdivision Act. | 0017| D. A conviction based upon any violation of the | 0018| Subdivision Act requires proof of and a finding of general | 0019| criminal intent. | 0020| Section 26. Section 47-6-27.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1981, | 0021| Chapter 148, Section 9) is repealed and a new Section 47-6-27.1 | 0022| NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0023| "47-6-27.1. [NEW MATERIAL] PRIVATE REMEDIES.-- | 0024| A. Any transaction involving the sale or lease of | 0025| subdivided land in a subdivision subject to the Subdivision | 0001| Act, which has not been approved by the board of county | 0002| commissioners, in violation of that act shall be voidable at | 0003| the option of the purchaser or lessee. The purchaser or lessee | 0004| may recover restitution of all money, property or other things | 0005| paid to or received by the seller or lessor on his behalf. The | 0006| action shall be brought within one year after actual discovery | 0007| by the purchaser or lessee of lack of approval but in no event | 0008| after three years from the signing of the purchase or lease | 0009| agreement. | 0010| B. Any purchaser or lessee of subdivided land who | 0011| suffers any loss of money or property, real or personal, as a | 0012| result of any material violation of the Subdivision Act or any | 0013| county regulations adopted under that act may bring an action | 0014| to recover either restitution of all money, property or other | 0015| things paid to or received by the seller or lessor on his | 0016| behalf or actual damages. The action shall be brought within | 0017| three years of the signing of the purchase or lease agreement. | 0018| C. Any purchaser or lessee of subdivided land who | 0019| has purchased or leased land within an approved subdivision may | 0020| bring an action in district court to compel specific | 0021| performance of any proposed improvement set forth in a | 0022| subdivider's disclosure statement or in any document obligating | 0023| the person signing the document to purchase or lease land as a | 0024| lessee or set forth in any advertising or promotional materials | 0025| relating to the subdivided land. The action shall be brought | 0001| within three years after the signing of the purchase or lease | 0002| agreement. | 0003| D. Costs shall be allowed to the prevailing party | 0004| unless the court otherwise directs. The court, in its | 0005| discretion, may award reasonable attorney fees to the | 0006| prevailing party. | 0007| E. The remedies provided in this section are in | 0008| addition to remedies otherwise available under common law or | 0009| other statutes of this state. | 0010| F. This section shall apply to the purchase or | 0011| lease of subdivided land in approved or unapproved subdivisions | 0012| that are entered into after the effective date of this | 0013| section." | 0014| Section 27. Section 47-6-29 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0015| Chapter 348, Section 41, as amended) is repealed and a new | 0016| Section 47-6-29 NMSA 1978 is enacted to read: | 0017| "47-6-29. [NEW MATERIAL] JURISDICTION.--Nothing in the | 0018| Subdivision Act as currently in force or as hereafter amended | 0019| shall be construed as limiting the municipal extraterritorial | 0020| subdivision and platting jurisdiction provided for in Sections | 0021| 3-20-1 through 3-20-15 NMSA 1978." | 0022| Section 28. REPEAL.--Sections 47-6-11.1, 47-6-11.2, | 0023| 47-6-11.3 and Section 47-6-27.2 (being Laws 1995, Chapter 212, | 0024| Sections 12, 13, 14 and 25) are repealed. | 0025| Section 29. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the | 0001| provisions of this act is July 1, 1997. | 0002|  |