0001| SENATE BILL 1144 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| MANNY M. ARAGON | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS; AMENDING THE NMSA 1978 TO | 0012| REQUIRE CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF A CLASS | 0013| A COUNTY TO AN ANNEXATION BY ANY MUNICIPALITY LOCATED IN THE | 0014| COUNTY THAT HAS A POPULATION OF TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND PERSONS OR | 0015| MORE. | 0016| | 0017| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0018| Section 1. Section 3-57-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1967, | 0019| Chapter 248, Section 5) is amended to read: | 0020| "3-57-5. ANNEXATION BY PETITION TO MUNICIPALITY-- | 0021| INFRASTRUCTURE EXTENSION PLAN.-- | 0022| A. The governing body of a municipality located | 0023| within a class A county with a population of two hundred | 0024| thousand or more persons shall by ordinance express its consent | 0025| to or rejection of the annexation of territory of the county by | 0001| ordinance whenever a petition: | 0002| (1) seeks the annexation of county territory | 0003| to [a] the municipality [in a Class A county]; | 0004| (2) is signed by the owners of a majority of | 0005| the number of acres in [such] the county territory proposed | 0006| to be annexed; | 0007| (3) is signed by a majority of the owners of | 0008| land in [such] the county territory proposed to be | 0009| annexed; | 0010| (4) is accompanied by a map [which shall | 0011| show] that shows the external boundary of the county | 0012| territory proposed to be annexed and the relationship of | 0013| [the] that territory [proposed to be annexed] to the | 0014| existing boundary of the municipality; [and] | 0015| (5) is presented to the governing body of | 0016| [such] the municipality [the governing body shall by | 0017| ordinance express its consent or rejection to the annexation of | 0018| such territory]; | 0019| (6) is evaluated by the municipality for | 0020| infrastructure needs, and the municipality completes and | 0021| approves a written feasibility plan demonstrating the | 0022| municipality's willingness, plans and capability, both | 0023| financial and technical, to extend and install water and sewer | 0024| facilities into the territory for which annexation is | 0025| petitioned, including the intended completion date for such | 0001| extensions; and | 0002| (7) is then presented to the board of county | 0003| commissioners of the county in which the municipality is | 0004| located and that board by resolution consents to the | 0005| annexation. | 0006| B. The governing body of a municipality located | 0007| within a class A county with a population of less than two | 0008| hundred thousand persons shall by ordinance express its consent | 0009| to or rejection of the annexation of territory of the county | 0010| whenever a petition: | 0011| (1) seeks the annexation of county territory | 0012| to the municipality; | 0013| (2) is signed by the owners of a majority of | 0014| the number of acres in the county territory proposed to be | 0015| annexed; | 0016| (3) is signed by a majority of the owners of | 0017| land in the county territory proposed to be annexed; | 0018| (4) is accompanied by a map that shows the | 0019| external boundary of the county territory proposed to be | 0020| annexed and the relationship of that territory to the existing | 0021| boundary of the municipality; and | 0022| (5) is presented to the governing body of the | 0023| municipality. | 0024| [B.] C. If the ordinance consents to the | 0025| annexation of the territory, a copy of the ordinance with a | 0001| copy of the plat of the territory [so] annexed shall be filed | 0002| in the office of the county clerk. | 0003| [C.] D. Within thirty days after the filing of | 0004| a copy of the ordinance in the office of the county clerk, | 0005| [any] a person owning land within the territory annexed to | 0006| the municipality may appeal to the district court questioning | 0007| the validity of the annexation proceedings. If no appeal to | 0008| the district court is filed within thirty days after the filing | 0009| of the ordinance in the office of the county clerk or if the | 0010| court renders judgment in favor of the municipality, the | 0011| annexation [shall be deemed] is complete." | 0012|  SENATE FLOOR SUBSTITUTE FOR | 0013| SENATE BILLS 1144 & 1148 | 0014| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| | 0018| | 0019| | 0020| | 0021| | 0022| AN ACT | 0023| RELATING TO LAND USE; PROVIDING FOR METHODS OF ANNEXATION, | 0024| ZONING, SUBDIVISION, PLANNING AND PLATTING IN EXTRATERRITORIAL | 0025| ZONES OF CERTAIN MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES; CREATING AN | 0001| EXTRATERRITORIAL LAND USE COMMISSION AND AUTHORITY; PROVIDING | 0002| POWERS AND DUTIES; AMENDING AND ENACTING SECTIONS OF THE NMSA | 0003| 1978. | 0004| | 0005| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0006| Section 1. A new Section 3-7-17.1 NMSA 1978 is enacted to | 0007| read: | 0008| "3-7-17.1. [NEW MATERIAL] ANNEXATION--CERTAIN | 0009| MUNICIPALITY IN CLASS A COUNTY--PROCEDURES--LIMITATIONS.-- | 0010| A. A petition that seeks the annexation of | 0011| territory contiguous to a municipality having a population over | 0012| two hundred thousand persons located in a class A county shall | 0013| be presented to the city council and be: | 0014| (1) signed by the owners of a majority of the | 0015| number of acres in the contiguous territory; and | 0016| (2) accompanied by a map that shows the | 0017| external boundary of the territory proposed to be annexed and | 0018| the relationship of the territory proposed to be annexed to the | 0019| existing boundary of the municipality. | 0020| B. The city council shall submit the petition to | 0021| the board of county commissioners of the county in which the | 0022| municipality is located for its review and comment. The | 0023| comments shall be submitted to the city council within thirty | 0024| days of receipt. | 0025| C. The city council shall by ordinance approve or | 0001| disapprove the annexation of the territory unless the petition | 0002| for annexation is not signed by a majority of the owners of | 0003| land in the county territory proposed to be annexed. | 0004| D. If the petition for annexation is not signed by | 0005| a majority of the owners of land proposed to be annexed, the | 0006| question of the approval or disapproval of the annexation of | 0007| the land shall be submitted to the extraterritorial land use | 0008| authority for its approval or disapproval. If the | 0009| extraterritorial land use authority approves the annexation, | 0010| the city council may approve the annexation. | 0011| E. When the nonconsenting property owners' | 0012| properties are entirely surrounded by consenting property | 0013| owners, the city council may approve the annexation without | 0014| approval or disapproval of the extraterritorial land use | 0015| authority. | 0016| F. In considering an annexation pursuant to the | 0017| petition method provided in this section, the city council shall | 0018| consider the impact of the annexation on existing county contracts | 0019| and provisions of services such as fire protection, solid waste | 0020| collection or water and sewer service and may make agreements with | 0021| the county to continue such services if it is in the interest of | 0022| the county, the residents of the proposed annexed area or the | 0023| municipality. | 0024| G. A municipality having a population over two hundred | 0025| thousand persons and located in a class A county shall not force a | 0001| resident or business located in the unincorporated area of the | 0002| county to agree to annexation as a condition of extending sewer | 0003| and water service to that person or business, if that sewer or | 0004| water service extension is paid for all or in part by federal, | 0005| state or county money. The municipality may make agreement to | 0006| annexation a condition of extending sewer and water service if the | 0007| extension of the service is paid for entirely with municipal | 0008| money." | 0009| Section 2. Section 3-19-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0010| Chapter 300, Section 14-18-5, as amended) is amended to read: | 0011| "3-19-5. PLANNING AND PLATTING JURISDICTION.-- | 0012| A. Each municipality shall have planning and platting | 0013| jurisdiction within its municipal boundary. The planning and | 0014| platting jurisdiction of a municipality: | 0015| (1) having a population of twenty-five thousand | 0016| [or more] to two hundred thousand persons includes all | 0017| territory within five miles of its boundary and not within the | 0018| boundary of another municipality; or | 0019| (2) having a population of less than twenty-five | 0020| thousand persons includes all territory within three miles of its | 0021| boundary and not within the boundary of another municipality. | 0022| B. A municipality having a population over two | 0023| hundred thousand persons located in a class A county shall have | 0024| planning and platting jurisdiction within five miles of the | 0025| boundary of the municipality shared with the county and not within | 0001| the boundary of another municipality through the extraterritorial | 0002| land use commission that shall make recommendations to the | 0003| extraterritorial land use authority. | 0004| [B.] C. If territory not lying within the boundary | 0005| of a municipality is within the planning and platting jurisdiction | 0006| of more than one municipality, the planning and platting | 0007| jurisdiction of each municipality shall terminate equidistant from | 0008| the boundary of each municipality unless one municipality has a | 0009| population of less than two thousand five hundred persons and | 0010| another municipality has a population of more than two thousand | 0011| five hundred persons according to the most recent census. Then | 0012| the planning and platting jurisdiction of the municipality having | 0013| the greatest population extends to such territory." | 0014| Section 3. Section 3-20-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0015| Chapter 300, Section 14-19-5, as amended) is amended to read: | 0016| "3-20-5. COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL JURISDICTION OVER | 0017| SUBDIVISION--CONCURRENT JURISDICTION--ACCEPTANCE OF UNAPPROVED | 0018| STREETS--EXERCISE OF JURISDICTION.-- | 0019| A. For the purpose of approving the subdivision and | 0020| platting of land: | 0021| (1) the jurisdiction of a county includes all | 0022| territory not within the boundary of a municipality; | 0023| (2) the jurisdiction of a municipality having a | 0024| population of twenty-five thousand [or more] to two hundred | 0025| thousand persons according to the most recent census includes all | 0001| territory within five miles of the boundary of the municipality | 0002| and not within the boundary of another municipality; [and] | 0003| (3) the jurisdiction of a municipality having a | 0004| population of less than twenty-five thousand persons according to | 0005| the most recent census includes all territory within three miles | 0006| of the municipal boundary and not within the boundary of another | 0007| municipality; and | 0008| (4) a municipality having a population over two | 0009| hundred thousand persons according to the most recent census | 0010| located in a class A county shall share approval authority with | 0011| the county of subdivisions and platting of land within five miles | 0012| of the municipal boundary. Approval shall be through the actions | 0013| of the extraterritorial land use commission and extraterritorial | 0014| land use authority. | 0015| B. Each municipality shall have jurisdiction over | 0016| the territory within its boundary. | 0017| [B.] C. If territory not lying within the boundary | 0018| of a municipality is within the platting jurisdiction of more than | 0019| one municipality, the platting jurisdiction of each municipality | 0020| shall terminate equidistant from the boundary of each municipality | 0021| unless one municipality has a population according to the most | 0022| recent census of less than two thousand five hundred persons and | 0023| another municipality has a population according to the most recent | 0024| census of more than two thousand five hundred persons. Then the | 0025| platting jurisdiction of the municipality having the greatest | 0001| population extends to such territory. | 0002| [C.] D. The county and a municipality shall | 0003| exercise concurrent jurisdiction over territory within the | 0004| platting jurisdiction of both the county and the municipality | 0005| except as provided in Paragraph (4) of Subsection A of this | 0006| section. | 0007| [D.] E. The governing body of a municipality or | 0008| the board of county commissioners may not locate, construct or | 0009| accept any street dedication until the street dedication is first | 0010| submitted to the planning authority for approval or disapproval. | 0011| If disapproved by the planning authority, the street dedication | 0012| may be approved by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the | 0013| governing body of the municipality having jurisdiction or of the | 0014| board of county commissioners having jurisdiction. A street | 0015| dedication accepted by the planning authority or by a two-thirds | 0016| vote of all the members of the governing body of the municipality | 0017| having jurisdiction or of the board of county commissioners having | 0018| jurisdiction shall have the same status as any other public | 0019| street." | 0020| Section 4. A new section of Chapter 3, Article 21 NMSA 1978 | 0021| is enacted to read: | 0022| "[NEW MATERIAL] EXTRATERRITORIAL ZONING IN CLASS A COUNTY | 0023| WITH MUNICIPALITY OVER TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND--PROCEDURES.-- | 0024| A. In a class A county that has a municipality with a | 0025| population over two hundred thousand persons, extraterritorial | 0001| zoning between that municipality and the county shall be | 0002| determined by an "extraterritorial land use authority". The | 0003| extraterritorial land use authority shall have the jurisdiction | 0004| and powers of an extraterritorial zoning authority and shall carry | 0005| out the duties related to planning and platting jurisdiction, | 0006| extraterritorial zoning, subdivision approval, and annexation | 0007| approval or disapproval as provided in Section 3-7-17.1 NMSA 1978. | 0008| The extraterritorial land use authority shall consist of four | 0009| county commissioners appointed by the board of county | 0010| commissioners and three city councilors or two city councilors and | 0011| the mayor appointed by the municipality. | 0012| B. The extraterritorial zoning commission in a class A | 0013| county having a municipality with a population over two hundred | 0014| thousand persons that is concerned with extraterritorial zoning | 0015| between that municipality and the county shall be known as the | 0016| "extraterritorial land use commission". The commission shall be | 0017| composed of five members of the county planning commission | 0018| appointed by the board of county commissioners and five members of | 0019| the environmental planning commission of the municipality | 0020| appointed by the city council. | 0021| C. The composition of the extraterritorial land use | 0022| commission shall not affect the composition of any other | 0023| extraterritorial zoning commission that may be established in that | 0024| county with any other municipality. | 0025| D. The extraterritorial land use commission shall have | 0001| the authority to carry out duties related to planning and platting | 0002| jurisdiction, subdivision and extraterritorial zoning." | 0003|  State of New Mexico | 0004| House of Representatives | 0005| | 0006| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0007| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| March 10, 1997 | 0011| | 0012| | 0013| Mr. Speaker: | 0014| | 0015| Your ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE, to | 0016| whom has been referred | 0017| | 0018| SENATE FLOOR SUBSTITUTE FOR SENATE BILLS 1144 AND | 0019| 1148 | 0020| | 0021| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0022| recommendation that it DO PASS, and thence referred to the | 0023| GOVERNMENT AND URBAN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE. | 0024| | 0025| Respectfully submitted, | 0001| | 0002| | 0003| | 0004| | 0005| James Roger Madalena, Chairman | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| Adopted Not Adopted | 0009| | 0010| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0011| | 0012| Date | 0013| | 0014| The roll call vote was 9 For 0 Against | 0015| Yes: 9 | 0016| Excused: Getty, Knowles, Madalena | 0017| Absent: None | 0018| | 0019| | 0020| G:\BILLTEXT\BILLW_97\S1144 |