0001| SENATE BILL 743 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| L. SKIP VERNON | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO CHILDREN; PROVIDING SENTENCING ALTERNATIVES FOR | 0012| CERTAIN JUVENILE OFFENDERS; PROVIDING FOR THE DESIGNATION OF AN | 0013| OFFENSE COMMITTED BY A JUVENILE AS AN EXTENDED JURISDICTION | 0014| JUVENILE PROSECUTION AND FOR THE IMPOSITION OF AN ADULT | 0015| SENTENCE; CREATING NEW CRIMINAL OFFENSES AND PENALTIES; | 0016| ENACTING THE EXTENDED JURISDICTION JUVENILE PROSECUTION ACT, | 0017| NEW SECTIONS OF THE CHILDREN'S CODE AND NEW SECTIONS OF THE | 0018| CRIMINAL CODE. | 0019| | 0020| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0021| Section 1. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0022| enacted to read: | 0023| "[NEW MATERIAL] SHORT TITLE.--Sections 1 through 17 of | 0024| this act may be cited as the "Extended Jurisdiction Juvenile | 0025| Prosecution Act"." | 0001| Section 2. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0002| enacted to read: | 0003| "[NEW MATERIAL] PURPOSE.--The purpose of the Extended | 0004| Jurisdiction Juvenile Prosecution Act is to provide a | 0005| children's court judge with an additional sentencing mechanism | 0006| that allows the option of prosecuting a child as an adult in | 0007| district court or sentencing a child to both a juvenile | 0008| sentence, which is immediately imposed, and also an adult | 0009| sentence, which is imposed only if the child violates the | 0010| juvenile sentence or commits a new crime." | 0011| Section 3. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0012| enacted to read: | 0013| "[NEW MATERIAL] DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Extended | 0014| Jurisdiction Juvenile Prosecution Act: | 0015| A. "court" means the children's court division of | 0016| the district court; and | 0017| B. "handgun" means a loaded or unloaded pistol, | 0018| revolver or firearm that is designed to or may readily be | 0019| converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosion | 0020| and the barrel length of which, not including a revolving, | 0021| detachable or magazine breech, does not exceed twelve inches." | 0022| Section 4. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0023| enacted to read: | 0024| "[NEW MATERIAL] EXTENDED JURISDICTION JUVENILE | 0025| PROSECUTION--DESIGNATION.--A proceeding involving a child is an | 0001| extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution if: | 0002| A. the child was fourteen to seventeen years of age | 0003| at the time that the child was alleged to have committed either | 0004| a crime of violence, as provided in Section 15 of the Extended | 0005| Jurisdiction Juvenile Prosecution Act, or first degree murder, | 0006| as provided in Section 30-2-1 NMSA 1978, and a certification | 0007| hearing was held where the court designated the proceeding as | 0008| an extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution; | 0009| B. the child was sixteen or seventeen years of age | 0010| at the time of the alleged felony offense, a handgun was used | 0011| in the commission of that offense and the prosecutor designated | 0012| in the delinquency petition that the proceeding shall be an | 0013| extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution; or | 0014| C. the child was fourteen to seventeen years of age | 0015| at the time of an alleged felony offense, the prosecutor | 0016| requested that the court designate the proceeding as an | 0017| extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution, a certification | 0018| hearing was held on the issue of designation, where the court | 0019| designated the proceeding as an extended jurisdiction juvenile | 0020| prosecution." | 0021| Section 5. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0022| enacted to read: | 0023| "[NEW MATERIAL] DELINQUENCY PETITION--EXTENDED | 0024| JURISDICTION JUVENILE.--When a prosecutor files a delinquency | 0025| petition alleging that a child committed an offense pursuant to | 0001| Subsection B of Section 4 of the Extended Jurisdiction Juvenile | 0002| Prosecution Act, the prosecutor shall indicate in the petition | 0003| whether or not the proceeding shall be designated as an | 0004| extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution. When a prosecutor | 0005| files a delinquency petition alleging that a child fourteen to | 0006| seventeen years of age committed an offense pursuant to | 0007| Subsection A or C of Section 4 of the Extended Jurisdiction | 0008| Juvenile Prosecution Act, the prosecutor may request the court | 0009| to designate the proceeding as an extended jurisdiction | 0010| juvenile prosecution." | 0011| Section 6. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0012| enacted to read: | 0013| "[NEW MATERIAL] HEARING ON PROSECUTOR'S REQUEST.--When | 0014| a prosecutor requests the court to designate a proceeding as an | 0015| extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution, the court shall | 0016| hold a hearing pursuant to Section 13 of the Extended | 0017| Jurisdiction Juvenile Prosecution Act to consider the request. | 0018| The hearing shall be held within thirty days after the request | 0019| is filed unless after the request is filed good cause is shown | 0020| by the prosecution or the child as to why the hearing should | 0021| not be held within that period, in which case the court may | 0022| allow up to ninety days from the date of the filing of the | 0023| request for the hearing. If the prosecutor shows by clear and | 0024| convincing evidence that designation of that proceeding as an | 0025| extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution serves public | 0001| safety, the court shall grant the request for designation. In | 0002| determining whether public safety is served, the court shall | 0003| consider the factors specified in Section 10 of the Extended | 0004| Jurisdiction Juvenile Prosecution Act. The court shall decide | 0005| whether to designate the proceeding as an extended jurisdiction | 0006| juvenile prosecution within fifteen days after that request, | 0007| unless additional time is needed, in which case the court may | 0008| extend the period up to an additional fifteen days." | 0009| Section 7. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0010| enacted to read: | 0011| "[NEW MATERIAL] PROCEEDING.--A child who is the subject | 0012| of an extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution has the right | 0013| to a trial by jury and to the effective assistance of counsel." | 0014| Section 8. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0015| enacted to read: | 0016| "[NEW MATERIAL] DISPOSITION.-- | 0017| A. If an extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution | 0018| results in a guilty plea or finding of guilt, the court shall: | 0019| (1) impose one or more juvenile dispositions | 0020| pursuant to Section 32A-2-19 NMSA 1978; and | 0021| (2) impose the appropriate adult felony | 0022| sentence pursuant to Section 31-18-15 NMSA 1978, which shall be | 0023| suspended. | 0024| B. The child shall be informed by the court that he | 0025| has been convicted of an adult felony sentence which was | 0001| suspended on condition that the child successfully complete the | 0002| juvenile sentence and does not commit another felony offense." | 0003| Section 9. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0004| enacted to read: | 0005| "[NEW MATERIAL] IMPOSITION OF ADULT SENTENCE.--If a | 0006| child convicted as an extended jurisdiction juvenile violates | 0007| the conditions of the suspended adult sentence, or is alleged | 0008| to have committed a new felony offense, the court may, without | 0009| notice, revoke the suspended sentence and direct that the | 0010| offender be taken into immediate custody. The court shall | 0011| notify the offender in writing of the reasons for revocation of | 0012| the suspended adult sentence. If the offender challenges the | 0013| reasons, the court shall hold a summary hearing on the issue. | 0014| If the court finds that the offender has violated the | 0015| conditions of the suspended sentence, the court shall sentence | 0016| the offender as an adult and order adult sanctions authorized | 0017| by the Criminal Sentencing Act, unless the court finds | 0018| mitigating factors that justify continuing the suspended adult | 0019| sentence." | 0020| Section 10. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0021| enacted to read: | 0022| "[NEW MATERIAL] INAPPLICABILITY TO CERTAIN OFFENDERS.-- | 0023| The Extended Jurisdiction Juvenile Prosecution Act does not | 0024| apply to an alleged serious youthful offender as defined in | 0025| Subsection H of Section 32A-2-3 NMSA 1978 or to a youthful | 0001| offender as defined in Paragraph (3) of Subsection I of Section | 0002| 32A-2-3 NMSA 1978." | 0003| Section 11. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0004| enacted to read: | 0005| "[NEW MATERIAL] PUBLIC SAFETY.-- | 0006| A. In determining whether public safety is served | 0007| by certifying a child to district court, the court shall | 0008| consider the following factors: | 0009| (1) the seriousness of the alleged offense, | 0010| including the existence of any aggravating factors recognized | 0011| by applicable sentencing guidelines, the use of a handgun and | 0012| the impact on any victim; | 0013| (2) the culpability of the child in committing | 0014| the alleged offense, including the level of the child's | 0015| participation in planning and carrying out the offense and the | 0016| existence of any mitigating factors recognized by the | 0017| sentencing guidelines; | 0018| (3) the child's prior record of delinquency; | 0019| (4) the adequacy of the punishment or referral | 0020| to juvenile community service programs; and | 0021| (5) any other dispositional options available | 0022| for the child. | 0023| B. In considering the factors in Subsection A of | 0024| this section, the court shall give the greatest weight to the | 0025| seriousness of the alleged offense and to the child's prior | 0001| record of delinquency." | 0002| Section 12. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0003| enacted to read: | 0004| "[NEW MATERIAL] JURISDICTION OF COURT OVER AN EXTENDED | 0005| JURISDICTION JUVENILE.-- | 0006| A. The jurisdiction of the court over a child | 0007| sentenced as an extended jurisdiction juvenile extends until | 0008| that offender becomes twenty-one years of age, unless the court | 0009| terminates jurisdiction before that date. | 0010| B. The court may designate a proceeding as an | 0011| extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution, may conduct a | 0012| trial, receive a plea or impose a disposition pursuant to | 0013| Subsections A and C of Section 4 of the Extended Jurisdiction | 0014| Juvenile Prosecution Act, if: | 0015| (1) a child is alleged to have committed an | 0016| offense before that child's eighteenth birthday; and | 0017| (2) the prosecutor files a petition in a | 0018| timely manner. | 0019| C. The court has jurisdiction over a child who has | 0020| been adjudicated delinquent until the child's twenty-first | 0021| birthday if the child intentionally fails to appear at any | 0022| court hearing or fails to appear at or flees from any placement | 0023| under a court order. The court has jurisdiction over a child | 0024| sentenced as an extended jurisdiction juvenile who fails to | 0025| appear at any court hearing or fails to appear at or flees from | 0001| any placement under a court order." | 0002| Section 13. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0003| enacted to read: | 0004| "[NEW MATERIAL] WRITTEN FINDINGS--OPTIONS.-- | 0005| A. The court shall decide whether to order | 0006| certification to district court within fifteen days after the | 0007| certification hearing is completed, unless additional time is | 0008| needed, in which case the court may extend the period up to | 0009| another fifteen days. If the court orders certification to | 0010| district court, the order shall contain, in writing, findings | 0011| of fact and conclusions of law as to why public safety is not | 0012| served by retaining the proceeding in the court. If the court | 0013| decides after a hearing not to order certification to district | 0014| court, the decision shall contain, in writing, findings of fact | 0015| and conclusions of law as to why certification to district | 0016| court is not ordered. | 0017| B. If the court judge decides not to order | 0018| certification of a child to district court, the court shall | 0019| designate the proceeding as an extended jurisdiction juvenile | 0020| prosecution and include in its decision written findings of | 0021| fact and conclusions of law as to why the retention of the | 0022| proceeding in the children's court serves public safety." | 0023| Section 14. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0024| enacted to read: | 0025| "[NEW MATERIAL] CERTIFICATION TO DISTRICT COURT FOR | 0001| PROSECUTION AS AN ADULT.-- | 0002| A. When a child who is at least fourteen years of | 0003| age is alleged to have committed an offense pursuant to | 0004| Subsection A or C of Section 4 of the Extended Jurisdiction | 0005| Juvenile Prosecution Act, the court may certify the proceeding | 0006| to the district court for disposition. | 0007| B. The court shall certify the proceeding to | 0008| district court if: | 0009| (1) the child was sixteen or seventeen years | 0010| of age at the time of the offense; and | 0011| (2) the delinquency petition alleges that the | 0012| child used a handgun in the commission of a felony offense. | 0013| C. If the court finds that probable cause exists to | 0014| believe the child committed the alleged offense, the burden is | 0015| on the child to show by clear and convincing evidence that | 0016| retaining the proceeding in the court serves public safety. If | 0017| the court finds that the child has not rebutted the presumption | 0018| by clear and convincing evidence, the court shall certify the | 0019| proceeding to district court." | 0020| Section 15. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0021| enacted to read: | 0022| "[NEW MATERIAL] CRIME OF VIOLENCE DEFINED.--As used in | 0023| the Extended Jurisdiction Juvenile Prosecution Act, "crime of | 0024| violence" means: | 0025| A. shooting at a dwelling or an occupied building | 0001| or shooting at or from a motor vehicle, as provided in Section | 0002| 30-3-8 NMSA 1978; | 0003| B. unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon on school | 0004| premises, as provided in Section 30-7-2.1 NMSA 1978; | 0005| C. unlawful possession of a handgun, as provided in | 0006| Section 30-7-2.2 NMSA 1978; | 0007| D. negligent use of a deadly weapon, as provided in | 0008| Section 30-7-4 NMSA 1978; | 0009| E. unlawful possession of a switchblade, as | 0010| provided in Section 30-7-8 NMSA 1978; | 0011| F. unlawful carrying of a replica firearm or BB gun | 0012| on school premises, as provided in Section 30-7-2.4 NMSA 1978; | 0013| and | 0014| G. unlawful transfer of a handgun, as provided in | 0015| Section 30-7-2.5 NMSA 1978." | 0016| Section 16. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0017| enacted to read: | 0018| "[NEW MATERIAL] ADJUDICATION OR CONVICTION OF A CRIME | 0019| OF VIOLENCE--PROHIBITION ON POSSESSION OF HANDGUNS.--A person | 0020| who was adjudicated delinquent for, or convicted as an extended | 0021| jurisdiction juvenile of, a crime of violence as provided in | 0022| Section 15 of the Extended Jurisdiction Juvenile Prosecution | 0023| Act is not entitled to ship, transport, possess or receive a | 0024| handgun for a period of ten years from the time the person was | 0025| discharged, provided that the person was not convicted of any | 0001| other felony offense. A person who has received a relief of | 0002| disability under United States Code, Title 18, Section 925, as | 0003| amended, is not subject to the restrictions of this section." | 0004| Section 17. A new section of the Children's Code is | 0005| enacted to read: | 0006| "[NEW MATERIAL] JUVENILE OFFENDERS--FAILURE TO | 0007| APPEAR.-- | 0008| A. A person who intentionally fails to appear for a | 0009| court disposition is guilty of a felony if: | 0010| (1) the person was prosecuted in court for an | 0011| offense that would have been a felony if committed by an adult; | 0012| (2) the court made findings pursuant to an | 0013| admission in court or after trial; | 0014| (3) the person was released from custody on | 0015| the condition that the person appear in the court for a | 0016| disposition in connection with the offense; and | 0017| (4) the person was notified that failure to | 0018| appear is a criminal offense. | 0019| B. Whoever intentionally fails to appear for a | 0020| children's court disposition is guilty of a fourth degree | 0021| felony and shall be sentenced pursuant to Section 31-18-15 NMSA | 0022| 1978." | 0023| Section 18. A new section of the Criminal Code, Section | 0024| 30-7-2.4 NMSA 1978, is enacted to read: | 0025| "30-7-2.4. [NEW MATERIAL] UNLAWFUL CARRYING OF A | 0001| REPLICA HANDGUN OR BB GUN ON SCHOOL PREMISES.-- | 0002| A. Unlawful carrying of a replica handgun or BB gun | 0003| on school premises consists of knowingly carrying a replica | 0004| handgun or BB gun on school premises. | 0005| B. As used in this section: | 0006| (1) "BB gun" means a device that fires or | 0007| ejects a shot measuring eighteen hundredths of an inch or less | 0008| in diameter; | 0009| (2) "replica handgun" means any object that | 0010| closely resembles a rifle, pistol or any type of weapon | 0011| manufactured to expel a projectile by the action of an | 0012| explosion; and | 0013| (3) "school premises" means: | 0014| (a) the buildings and grounds, including | 0015| playgrounds, playing fields and parking areas, and any school | 0016| bus of any public elementary, secondary, junior high or high | 0017| school in or on which school or school-related activities are | 0018| being operated under the supervision of a local school board; | 0019| or | 0020| (b) any other public buildings or | 0021| grounds, including playing fields and parking areas that are | 0022| not school property, in or on which public school-related and | 0023| sanctioned activities are being performed. | 0024| C. Whoever commits unlawful possession of a replica | 0025| handgun or BB gun on school premises is guilty of a fourth | 0001| degree felony and shall be sentenced pursuant to Section | 0002| 31-18-15 NMSA 1978." | 0003| Section 19. A new section of the Criminal Code, Section | 0004| 30-7-2.5 NMSA 1978, is enacted to read: | 0005| "30-7-2.5. [NEW MATERIAL] UNLAWFUL TRANSFER OF A | 0006| HANDGUN--PENALTY.-- | 0007| A. Unlawful transfer of a handgun consists of: | 0008| (1) the transfer of a handgun to a person who | 0009| is less than nineteen years of age; or | 0010| (2) the transfer of a handgun to a person less | 0011| than nineteen years of age who has made a false statement in | 0012| order to become a transferee, if the transferor knows or has | 0013| reason to know the transferee has made the false statement. | 0014| B. Whoever commits unlawful transfer of a handgun | 0015| to a person under the age of nineteen is guilty of a fourth | 0016| degree felony and shall be sentenced pursuant to Section 31-18- | 0017| 15 NMSA 1978." | 0018| Section 20. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the | 0019| provisions of this act is July 1, 1997. | 0020|  |