0001| SENATE BILL 354 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| BEN D. ALTAMIRANO | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO COMMERCIAL TRANSACTIONS; INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF | 0012| DELINQUENCY CHARGES AUTHORIZED PURSUANT TO RETAIL INSTALLMENT | 0013| CONTRACTS; AUTHORIZING THE IMPOSITION OF DELINQUENCY CHARGES | 0014| PURSUANT TO RETAIL CHARGE AGREEMENTS; AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE | 0015| NMSA 1978. | 0016| | 0017| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0018| Section 1. Section 56-1-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0019| Chapter 258, Section 2, as amended) is amended to read: | 0020| "56-1-2. RETAIL INSTALLMENT CONTRACTS--CONSOLIDATION-- | 0021| FIRST BOUGHT, FIRST PAID.-- | 0022| A. Each retail installment contract shall be in | 0023| writing, dated, signed by the retail buyer and completed as to | 0024| all essential provisions except as otherwise provided in | 0025| Subsections G and H of this section. | 0001| B. The printed or typed portion of the contract, | 0002| other than instructions for completion, shall be in a size | 0003| equal to at least eight-point type. The contract shall be | 0004| designated "retail installment contract" and shall contain | 0005| substantially the following notice printed or typed in a size | 0006| equal to at least ten-point bold type: | 0007| "NOTICE TO THE BUYER. DO NOT SIGN THIS CONTRACT BEFORE | 0008| YOU READ IT OR IF IT CONTAINS BLANK SPACES. YOU ARE | 0009| ENTITLED TO A COPY OF THE CONTRACT YOU SIGN.". | 0010| C. The retail seller shall deliver to the retail | 0011| buyer or mail to him at his address shown on the retail | 0012| installment contract a copy of the contract as accepted by the | 0013| seller. Until the seller does so, a buyer who has not received | 0014| delivery of the goods or been furnished or rendered the | 0015| services shall have the right to rescind his contract and to | 0016| receive a refund of all payments made and return of all goods | 0017| traded in to the seller on account of or in contemplation of | 0018| the contract or, if such goods cannot be returned, the value | 0019| thereof. Any acknowledgment by the buyer of delivery of a copy | 0020| of the contract shall be in a size equal to at least ten-point | 0021| bold type and, if contained in the contract, shall appear | 0022| directly above the buyer's signature. | 0023| D. The retail installment contract shall contain | 0024| the names of the seller and the buyer, the place of business of | 0025| the seller, the residence or other address of the buyer as | 0001| specified by the buyer and a description or identification of | 0002| the goods sold or to be sold or services furnished or rendered | 0003| or to be furnished or rendered. | 0004| E. The retail installment contract shall contain | 0005| the following items: | 0006| (1) the cash sale price of the goods or | 0007| services; | 0008| (2) the amount of the buyer's down payment, | 0009| identifying the amounts paid in money and allowed for goods | 0010| traded in; | 0011| (3) the difference between the items listed | 0012| in Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection; | 0013| (4) the aggregate amount, if any, included for | 0014| insurance, if a separate identified charge is made therefor, | 0015| specifying the [type or] types of insurance and the [term | 0016| or] terms of coverage; | 0017| (5) the aggregate amount of official fees; | 0018| (6) the principal balance, which is the sum of | 0019| the items listed in Paragraphs (3), (4) and (5) of this | 0020| subsection; | 0021| (7) the amount or rate of the time price | 0022| differential; | 0023| (8) the amount of the time balance owed by the | 0024| buyer to the seller, which is the sum of the items listed in | 0025| Paragraph (6) of this subsection and the amount set out | 0001| under [item] Paragraph (7) of this subsection; | 0002| (9) except as otherwise provided in [the next | 0003| two sentences] this paragraph, the maximum number of | 0004| installment payments required and the amount of each | 0005| installment and the due date of each payment necessary to pay | 0006| the time balance set forth in [item] Paragraph (8) of this | 0007| subsection. If installment payments other than the final | 0008| payment are stated as a series of equal scheduled amounts and | 0009| if the amount of the final installment payment does not | 0010| substantially exceed the scheduled amount of each preceding | 0011| installment payment, the maximum number of payments and the | 0012| amount and due date of each payment need not be separately | 0013| stated, and the amount of the scheduled final installment | 0014| payment may be stated as the remaining unpaid balance. The due | 0015| date of the first installment payment may be fixed by a day or | 0016| date or may be fixed by reference to the date of the contract | 0017| or to the time of delivery or installation; | 0018| (10) the time sale price; and | 0019| (11) if any installment, except the down | 0020| payment, is more than double the average of all other | 0021| installments, except the down payment, the following legend | 0022| printed in at least ten point bold type or typewritten: "THIS | 0023| CONTRACT IS NOT PAYABLE IN INSTALLMENTS OF EQUAL AMOUNTS" | 0024| followed, if there [be but] is only one [such] larger | 0025| installment, by: "AN INSTALLMENT OF $_______________ WILL BE | 0001| DUE ON _______________." or, if there [be] is more than one | 0002| [such] larger installment, by: "LARGER INSTALLMENTS WILL BE | 0003| DUE AS FOLLOWS: _______________.", in [such] the latter | 0004| case, inserting the amount of every [such] larger installment | 0005| and of its due date. | 0006| The [above] items set forth in this subsection need | 0007| not be stated in the sequence or order set forth above; | 0008| additional items may be included to explain the computations | 0009| made in determining the amount to be paid by the buyer. | 0010| F. A retail installment contract need not be | 0011| contained in a single document. If the contract is contained | 0012| in more than one document, one such document may be an original | 0013| document signed by the retail buyer, stated to be applicable to | 0014| purchases of goods or services to be made by the retail buyer | 0015| from time to time. In such case, [such] the document, | 0016| together with the sales slip, account book or other written | 0017| statement relating to each purchase, shall set forth all of the | 0018| information required by this section and shall constitute the | 0019| retail installment contract for each purchase. On each | 0020| succeeding purchase pursuant to [such] the original | 0021| document, the sales slip, account book or other written | 0022| statement may at the option of the seller constitute the memor- | 0023| | 0024| andum required by Subsection M of this section. | 0025| G. Retail installment contracts negotiated and | 0001| entered into by mail without personal solicitations by salesmen | 0002| or other representatives of the seller and based upon a catalog | 0003| of the seller, or other printed solicitation which clearly sets | 0004| forth the cash sale prices and other terms of sales to be made | 0005| through such medium, may be made as provided in this | 0006| subsection. The provisions of [this act] Chapter 56, | 0007| Article 1 NMSA 1978 with respect to retail installment | 0008| contracts shall be applicable to such sales, except that: | 0009| (1) the designation and notice provisions of | 0010| Subsection B of this section shall not be applicable to such | 0011| contract; and | 0012| (2) the retail installment contract, when | 0013| completed by the buyer, need not contain the items required by | 0014| Subsection E of this section. | 0015| When the contract is received from the retail buyer, the | 0016| seller shall prepare a written memorandum containing all of the | 0017| information required by Subsection E of this section to be | 0018| included in a retail installment contract. In lieu of | 0019| delivering a copy of the contract to the retail buyer as | 0020| provided in Subsection C of this section, the seller shall | 0021| deliver to the buyer a copy of such memorandum prior to the due | 0022| date of the first installment payable under the contract. | 0023| H. A retail installment contract shall not be signed | 0024| by any party thereto when it contains blank spaces of items | 0025| which are essential provisions of the transaction; provided, | 0001| however, if delivery of the goods is not made at the time of | 0002| the execution of the contract, the identifying numbers [of] | 0003| or marks of the goods or similar information and the due date | 0004| of the first installment may be inserted by the seller in the | 0005| seller's counterpart of the contract after it has been signed | 0006| by the buyer. The buyer's acknowledgment, conforming to the | 0007| requirements of this section, of delivery of a copy of the | 0008| contract shall be presumptive proof or, in the case of a holder | 0009| of the contract without knowledge to the contrary when he | 0010| purchases it, conclusive proof of such delivery and of | 0011| compliance with this subsection and any other requirement | 0012| relating to completion of the contract prior to execution | 0013| thereof by the buyer in any action or proceeding. | 0014| I. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, a | 0015| retail installment contract may provide for, and the seller or | 0016| holder may then charge, collect and receive, a time price | 0017| differential. | 0018| The time price differential on a retail installment | 0019| contract shall be computed on the principal balance of each | 0020| transaction as determined under Subsection E of this section | 0021| on contracts payable in successive monthly payments substan- | 0022| | 0023| tially equal in amount from the date of the contract to the | 0024| maturity of the final payment, notwithstanding that the total | 0025| time balance thereof is required to be paid in one or more de- | 0001| | 0002| ferred payments. When a retail installment contract provides | 0003| for payment other than in substantially equal successive | 0004| monthly payments, the time price differential shall not exceed | 0005| the amount which will provide the same return as is permitted | 0006| on substantially equal successive monthly payment contracts, | 0007| having due regard for the schedule of payments. The time price | 0008| differential may be computed on the basis of a full month for | 0009| any fractional portion of a month in excess of ten days. | 0010| J. Notwithstanding the provisions of any retail | 0011| installment contract to the contrary, any buyer may prepay in | 0012| full the unpaid time balance [thereof] of the contract at | 0013| any time before its final due date and, if he does so, shall | 0014| receive a refund credit [thereon] for [such] the | 0015| prepayment. The amount of [such] the refund credit shall | 0016| represent at least as great a proportion of the original time | 0017| price differential, after deducting [therefrom] a maximum of | 0018| ten dollars ($10.00), as [(1)] the sum of the monthly | 0019| balances under the schedule of payments in the contract begin- | 0020| | 0021| ning as of the date after [such] the prepayment which is | 0022| the next succeeding monthly anniversary date of the due date of | 0023| the first installment under the contract or, if the prepayment | 0024| is prior to the due date of the first installment under the | 0025| contract, [then] as of the date after [such] the prepay- | 0001| | 0002| ment which is the next succeeding monthly anniversary date of | 0003| the date of the contract bears to [(2)] the sum of all the | 0004| monthly balances under the schedule of installment payments in | 0005| the contract. Where the amount of refund credit is less than | 0006| one dollar ($1.00), no refund credit need be made. | 0007| K. The holder of any retail installment contract, if | 0008| it so provides, may collect a delinquency and collection charge | 0009| on each installment in default for a period of more than ten | 0010| days in [the] an amount not to exceed [five percent of | 0011| each installment or five dollars ($5.00), whichever is less, or | 0012| in lieu thereof, interest after maturity of each such | 0013| installment not to exceed the highest lawful contract rate] | 0014| ten dollars ($10.00). In addition, [such] the contract | 0015| may provide for the payment of an attorney's reasonable fee | 0016| [where] when it is referred for collection to an attorney | 0017| not a salaried employee of the holder of the contract and for | 0018| court costs and disbursements. | 0019| L. Upon written request of the buyer, the holder of a | 0020| retail installment contract shall give or forward to the buyer | 0021| a written statement of the dates and amounts of payments and | 0022| the total amount unpaid under the contract. A buyer shall be | 0023| given a written receipt for any payment when made in cash. | 0024| Such a statement or receipt shall be given the buyer once | 0025| without charge; if any additional statement is requested by the | 0001| buyer, it shall be supplied by the holder at a charge not in | 0002| excess of one dollar ($1.00) for each additional statement or | 0003| receipt so supplied. | 0004| M. | 0005| (1) If, in a retail installment transaction, a | 0006| retail buyer makes any subsequent purchases of goods or | 0007| services from a retail seller from whom he has previously | 0008| purchased goods or services under one or more retail | 0009| installment contracts and the amounts under such previous | 0010| [contract or] contracts have not been fully paid, the subse- | 0011| | 0012| quent purchases may, at the seller's option, be included in and | 0013| consolidated with one or more of the previous [contract or] | 0014| contracts. Each subsequent purchase shall be a separate retail | 0015| installment contract under [this act] Chapter 56, Article 1 | 0016| NMSA 1978, notwithstanding that the same may be included in | 0017| and consolidated with one or more [of such] previous | 0018| [contract or] contracts. All the provisions of [this act] | 0019| Chapter 56, Article 1 NMSA 1978 with respect to retail | 0020| installment contracts shall be applicable to such subsequent | 0021| purchases except as [hereinafter] stated in this subsection. | 0022| (2) In the event of such consolidation, in lieu | 0023| of the buyer's executing a retail installment contract | 0024| respecting each subsequent purchase as provided in this | 0025| section, it [shall be] is sufficient if the seller [shall | 0001| prepare] prepares a written memorandum of each subsequent | 0002| purchase, in which case the provisions of Subsections A, B, C | 0003| and E of this section shall not be applicable. Unless | 0004| previously furnished in writing to the buyer by the seller by | 0005| sales slip, memorandum or otherwise, such memorandum shall | 0006| contain, with respect to each subsequent purchase, [items] | 0007| Paragraphs (1) through (8) of Subsection E of this section | 0008| and, in addition, the outstanding balance of the previous | 0009| [contract or] contracts, the consolidated time balance and | 0010| the revised installments applicable to the consolidated time | 0011| balance, if any. | 0012| The seller shall deliver to the buyer a copy of such | 0013| memorandum prior to the due date of the first installment of | 0014| [such] the consolidated contract. | 0015| (3) When such subsequent purchases are made, if | 0016| the seller has retained title or taken a lien or other security | 0017| interest in any of the goods purchased under any one of the | 0018| contracts included in the consolidation, the entire amount of | 0019| all payments made prior to [such] the subsequent purchases | 0020| shall be deemed to have been applied on the previous purchases, | 0021| and each payment after [such] the subsequent purchase made | 0022| on the consolidated contract shall be deemed to have been | 0023| allocated to the purchases earliest in time. The payments | 0024| shall be credited first to the current carrying charges and | 0025| then in reduction of the purchase price of merchandise in the | 0001| order in which it was purchased. Articles of merchandise for | 0002| which the sales price and carrying charges have been paid | 0003| [for] under this section shall not thereafter be repossessed | 0004| or considered security for payment of any charge arising out of | 0005| any subsequent purchases made by the buyer. However, the | 0006| amount of any down payment on the subsequent purchase shall be | 0007| allocated in its entirety to [such] the subsequent | 0008| purchase. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to | 0009| cases where [such] previous and subsequent purchases involve | 0010| equipment, parts or other goods attached or affixed to goods | 0011| previously purchased and not fully paid or to services in con- | 0012| | 0013| nection therewith rendered by the seller at the buyer's | 0014| request." | 0015| Section 2. Section 56-1-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0016| Chapter 258, Section 3, as amended) is amended to read: | 0017| "56-1-3. RETAIL CHARGE AGREEMENTS.-- | 0018| A. Each retail charge agreement shall be in writing | 0019| and signed by the buyer. A copy of any such agreement executed | 0020| on or after the effective date of this [act] section shall | 0021| be delivered or mailed to the buyer prior to the date on which | 0022| the first payment is due [thereunder] under the agreement. | 0023| Any acknowledgment by the buyer of delivery of a copy of the | 0024| agreement contained in the body thereof shall be in a size | 0025| equal to at least ten-point bold type and shall appear directly | 0001| above the buyer's signature. No agreement executed on or after | 0002| the effective date of this [act] section shall be signed by | 0003| the buyer when it contains blank spaces to be filled in after | 0004| it has been signed. The buyer's acknowledgment, conforming to | 0005| the requirements of this subsection, of delivery of a copy of | 0006| an agreement shall be presumptive proof in any action or | 0007| proceeding of such delivery and that the agreement, when | 0008| signed, did not contain any blank spaces as [herein] provided | 0009| in this section. All retail charge agreements executed on or | 0010| after the effective date of this [act] section shall state | 0011| the maximum amount and rate of the time price differential to | 0012| be charged and paid [pursuant thereto]. Any such agreement | 0013| shall contain substantially the following notice printed or | 0014| typed in a size equal to at least ten-point bold type: | 0015| "NOTICE TO THE BUYER--DO NOT SIGN THIS AGREEMENT BEFORE | 0016| YOU READ IT OR IF IT CONTAINS BLANK SPACES. YOU ARE | 0017| ENTITLED TO A COPY OF THE AGREEMENT YOU SIGN.". | 0018| B. The buyer under the retail charge agreement shall | 0019| promptly be supplied with a statement as of the end of each | 0020| monthly period, which need not be a calendar month, or other | 0021| regular period agreed upon in writing, at the end of which | 0022| there is any unpaid balance [thereunder], which statement | 0023| shall recite the following: | 0024| (1) the unpaid balance under the retail charge | 0025| agreement at the beginning and at the end of the period; | 0001| (2) the dollar amount of each purchase by the | 0002| buyer during the period and, unless a sales slip or a | 0003| memorandum of each purchase has previously been furnished the | 0004| buyer or is attached to the statement, the purchase or posting | 0005| date, a brief description or identification and the cash price | 0006| of each purchase; | 0007| (3) the payments made by the buyer and any other | 0008| credits to the buyer during the period; | 0009| (4) the amount, if any, of any time price | 0010| differential for [such] the period; and | 0011| (5) a legend to the effect that the buyer may at | 0012| any time pay his total unpaid balance or any part thereof. | 0013| C. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, a | 0014| retail charge agreement may provide for, and the seller or | 0015| holder may then charge, collect and receive, a time price | 0016| differential for the privilege of paying in installments | 0017| [thereunder]. | 0018| D. The time price differential on a retail charge | 0019| agreement shall be computed from month to month, which need not | 0020| be a calendar month, or other regular period, on all amounts | 0021| unpaid under the agreement at the beginning of each such | 0022| period. The time price differential under this subsection may | 0023| be computed for all unpaid balances within a range of not in | 0024| excess of ten dollars ($10.00) on the basis of the median | 0025| amount within such range, if as so computed [such] the time | 0001| price differential is applied to all unpaid balances within | 0002| such range. | 0003| E. A retail charge agreement may also provide for, | 0004| and the seller or holder may then charge, collect and receive | 0005| a delinquency charge on each installment in default for a | 0006| period of more than ten days in an amount not to exceed ten | 0007| dollars ($10.00). In addition, the agreement may provide for | 0008| the payment of an attorney's reasonable fee [where] when it | 0009| is referred for collection to an attorney not a salaried | 0010| employee of the holder of the retail charge agreement or any | 0011| unpaid balance thereunder and for court costs and dis- | 0012| | 0013| bursements." | 0014| Section 3. Section 56-1-9 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1965, | 0015| Chapter 258, Section 9) is amended to read: | 0016| "56-1-9. VIOLATION--BAR TO RECOVERY.--Any seller who | 0017| enters into any contract or agreement which does not comply | 0018| with the provisions of [this act] Chapter 56, Article 1 NMSA | 0019| 1978 or who violates any provision of [this act] that | 0020| article except as a result of an accidental or bona fide error | 0021| shall be barred from the recovery of any time price | 0022| differential, official fees or any delinquency or collection | 0023| charge under or in connection with the [related retail | 0024| installment] contract or [purchases under a retail charge] | 0025| agreement. [but] The seller may nevertheless recover from the | 0001| buyer an amount equal to the cash price of the goods or | 0002| services and the cost to the seller of any insurance included | 0003| in the transaction." | 0004| Section 4. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the | 0005| provisions of this act is July 1, 1997. | 0006|  | 0007| | 0008| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0009| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0010| | 0011| | 0012| February 6, 1997 | 0013| | 0014| Mr. President: | 0015| | 0016| Your CORPORATIONS & TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE, to | 0017| whom has been referred | 0018| | 0019| SENATE BILL 354 | 0020| | 0021| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0022| recommendation that it DO PASS, and thence referred to the | 0023| FINANCE COMMITTEE. | 0024| | 0025| Respectfully submitted, | 0001| | 0002| | 0003| | 0004| | 0005| __________________________________ | 0006| Roman M. Maes, III, Chairman | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| Adopted_______________________ Not | 0011| Adopted_______________________ | 0012| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0013| | 0014| | 0015| Date ________________________ | 0016| | 0017| | 0018| The roll call vote was 4 For 2 Against | 0019| Yes: 4 | 0020| No: McKibben, Maes | 0021| Excused: Fidel, Robinson, Wilson, Maloof | 0022| Absent: None | 0023| | 0024| | 0025| S0354CT1 | 0001| |