0001| SENATE BILL 229 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| JOSEPH A. FIDEL | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| FOR THE GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS; AMENDING, ENACTING AND | 0012| RECOMPILING SECTIONS OF THE NMSA 1978. | 0013| | 0014| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0015| Section 1. A new section of the Campaign Reporting Act is | 0016| enacted to read: | 0017| "[NEW MATERIAL] RULES AND REGULATIONS.--The secretary | 0018| of state may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations to | 0019| implement the provisions of the Campaign Reporting Act." | 0020| Section 2. Section 1-19-29 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, | 0021| Chapter 46, Section 5, as amended) is amended to read: | 0022| "1-19-29. TIME AND PLACE OF FILING REPORTS.-- | 0023| A. Annually, all reporting individuals shall file | 0024| with the proper filing officer by 5:00 p.m. on the second | 0025| Monday in May a report of all expenditures made and | 0001| contributions received on or before the first Monday in May and | 0002| not previously reported. The report shall be filed annually | 0003| until the reporting individual's bank account has been closed | 0004| and the other provisions specified in Subsection E of this | 0005| section have been satisfied. | 0006| B. In an election year, in addition to the May | 0007| report provided for in Subsection A of this section, all | 0008| reporting individuals, except for persons who file a statement | 0009| of exception pursuant to Section 1-19-33 NMSA 1978 and except | 0010| for public officials who are not candidates in an election that | 0011| year, shall file reports of all expenditures made and | 0012| contributions received according to the following schedule: | 0013| (1) by 5:00 p.m. on the second Monday in | 0014| October, a report of all expenditures made and contributions | 0015| received on or before the first Monday in October and not | 0016| previously reported; | 0017| (2) by [12:00 noon] 5:00 p.m. on the | 0018| [Friday] Thursday before a primary, general or statewide | 0019| special election, a report of all expenditures made and | 0020| contributions received by 5:00 p.m. on the Tuesday before the | 0021| election. Any contribution or pledge to contribute that is | 0022| received after 5:00 p.m. on the Tuesday before the election and | 0023| that is for five hundred dollars ($500) or more in a | 0024| legislative or nonstatewide judicial election, or two | 0025| thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) or more in a statewide | 0001| election, shall be reported to the proper filing officer | 0002| either in a supplemental report on a prescribed form within | 0003| twenty-four hours of receipt or in the report to be filed by | 0004| 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday before a primary, general or | 0005| statewide special election, except that any such contribution | 0006| or pledge to contribute that is received after 5:00 p.m. on the | 0007| Friday before the election may be reported by 12:00 noon on the | 0008| Monday before the election; and | 0009| (3) by 5:00 p.m. on the thirtieth day after a | 0010| primary, general or statewide special election, a report of all | 0011| expenditures made and contributions received on or before the | 0012| twenty-fifth day after the election and not previously | 0013| reported. | 0014| C. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this | 0015| section, the report due on the thirtieth day after an election | 0016| need be the only report filed after the annual May report if | 0017| the candidate is not opposed in the election and if the report | 0018| includes all expenditures made and contributions received for | 0019| that election and not previously reported. | 0020| D. A report of expenditures and contributions filed | 0021| after a deadline set forth in this section shall not be deemed | 0022| to have been timely filed. | 0023| E. Each reporting individual shall file a report of | 0024| expenditures and contributions annually pursuant to the filing | 0025| schedule set forth in this section, regardless of whether any | 0001| expenditures were made or contributions were received during | 0002| the reporting period. Reports shall be required until the | 0003| reporting individual delivers a report to the proper filing | 0004| officer stating that: | 0005| (1) there are no outstanding campaign debts; | 0006| (2) all money has been expended in accordance | 0007| with the provisions of Section 1-19-29.1 NMSA 1978; and | 0008| (3) the bank account has been closed. | 0009| F. Each treasurer of a political committee shall | 0010| file a report of expenditures and contributions annually | 0011| pursuant to the filing schedule set forth in this section until | 0012| the treasurer files a report that affirms that the committee | 0013| has dissolved or no longer exists and that its bank account has | 0014| been closed. | 0015| G. A reporting individual who is a candidate within | 0016| the meaning of the Campaign Reporting Act because of the amount | 0017| of contributions he receives or expenditures he makes and who | 0018| does not ultimately file a declaration of candidacy or a | 0019| nominating petition with the proper filing officer shall | 0020| nevertheless file a report, not later than the second Monday in | 0021| May for a primary election or the second Monday in October for | 0022| a general election, of all contributions received and | 0023| expenditures made on or before the first Monday in May for a | 0024| primary election or the first Monday in October for a general | 0025| election, and not previously reported." | 0001| Section 3. Section 1-19-34.4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, | 0002| Chapter 46, Section 15, as amended) is amended to read: | 0003| "1-19-34.4. EDUCATION AND VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE.-- | 0004| INVESTIGATIONS--BINDING ARBITRATION--REFERRALS FOR ENFORCEMENT.- | 0005| - | 0006| A. The secretary of state shall advise and seek to | 0007| educate all persons required to perform duties under the | 0008| Campaign Reporting Act of those duties. This includes advising | 0009| all known reporting individuals at least annually of [the | 0010| Campaign Reporting] that act's deadlines for submitting | 0011| required reports and statements of exception. The secretary of | 0012| state, in consultation with the attorney general, shall issue | 0013| advisory opinions, when requested in writing to do so, on | 0014| matters concerning [the Campaign Reporting] that act. All | 0015| prescribed forms prepared shall be clear and easy to complete. | 0016| B. The secretary of state may initiate | 0017| investigations to determine whether any provision of the | 0018| Campaign Reporting Act has been violated. Additionally, any | 0019| person who believes that a provision of that act has been | 0020| violated may file a written complaint with the secretary of | 0021| state [anytime] any time prior to ninety days after an | 0022| election, except that no complaints from the public may be filed | 0023| within eight days prior to an election. The secretary of state | 0024| shall adopt procedures for issuing advisory opinions and | 0025| processing complaints and notifications of violations. | 0001| C. The secretary of state shall at all times seek to | 0002| ensure voluntary compliance with the provisions of the Campaign | 0003| Reporting Act. If the secretary of state determines that a | 0004| provision of that act for which a penalty may be imposed has | 0005| been violated, the secretary of state shall by written notice | 0006| set forth the violation and the fine imposed and inform the | 0007| reporting individual that he has ten working days from the date | 0008| of the letter to correct the matter and to provide a written | 0009| explanation, under penalty of perjury, stating any reason why | 0010| the violation occurred. If a timely explanation is filed and | 0011| the secretary of state determines that good cause exists to | 0012| waive the fine imposed, the secretary of state may by a written | 0013| notice of final action partially or fully waive any fine imposed | 0014| for any late, incomplete or false report or statement of | 0015| exception. A written notice of final action shall be sent by | 0016| certified mail. | 0017| D. Upon receipt of the notice of final action, the | 0018| person against whom the penalty has been imposed may protest the | 0019| secretary of state's determination, including an advisory | 0020| opinion, by submitting on a prescribed form a written request | 0021| for binding arbitration to the secretary of state within ten | 0022| working days of the date of the notice of final action. Any | 0023| fine imposed shall [not] be due and payable [until the | 0024| arbitration decision is issued, and] within ten working days | 0025| of the date of notice of final action. No additional fine | 0001| shall accrue pending the issuance of the arbitration decision. | 0002| Fines paid pursuant to a notice of final action that are | 0003| subsequently reduced or dismissed shall be reimbursed with | 0004| interest within ten working days after the filing of the | 0005| arbitration decision with the secretary of state. Interest on | 0006| the reduced or dismissed portion of the fine shall be the same | 0007| as the rate of interest earned by the secretary of state's | 0008| escrow account. | 0009| E. An arbitration hearing shall be conducted by a | 0010| [panel of three persons. The person against whom the penalty | 0011| has been imposed shall choose one panel member and submit that | 0012| panel member's name with the request for arbitration] single | 0013| arbitrator selected by the person against whom the penalty has | 0014| been imposed from a list of five arbitrators provided by the | 0015| secretary of state. The secretary of state shall [choose one | 0016| panel member and] provide notice of the selection within | 0017| fifteen days of receipt of the request for arbitration. [The | 0018| two panel members shall then choose the third panel member. If | 0019| no agreement is reached on a third panel member within thirty | 0020| days of receipt of the request for arbitration, the presiding | 0021| judge of the district court for the first judicial district | 0022| shall appoint the third panel member within ten days | 0023| thereafter.] Neither the secretary of state nor a person | 0024| subject to the Campaign Reporting Act, Lobbyist Regulation Act | 0025| or Financial Disclosure Act may serve as [a panel member. Panel | 0001| members shall be paid per diem and mileage by the secretary of | 0002| state in accordance with the provisions of the Per Diem and | 0003| Mileage Act plus reimbursement for reasonable actual expenses.] | 0004| an arbitrator. Arbitrators selected by the secretary of state | 0005| shall be considered to be independent contractors, not public | 0006| officers or employees, and shall not be paid per diem and | 0007| mileage. | 0008| F. The [arbitration panel] arbitrator shall | 0009| conduct the hearing within [sixty] thirty days of the | 0010| request for arbitration. The [arbitration panel] arbitrator | 0011| may impose any penalty the secretary of state is authorized to | 0012| impose. The [panel] arbitrator shall state the reasons for | 0013| [its] his decision in a written document that shall be a | 0014| public record. The decision shall be final and binding. The | 0015| decision shall be issued and filed with the secretary of state | 0016| within [forty-five] thirty days of the conclusion of the | 0017| hearing. Unless otherwise provided for in this section or by | 0018| rule or regulation adopted by the secretary of state, the | 0019| procedures for the arbitration shall be governed by the Uniform | 0020| Arbitration Act [including the procedures set forth in Section | 0021| 44-7-7 NMSA 1978 authorizing the issuance of subpoenas]. No | 0022| [panel member] arbitrator shall be subject to liability for | 0023| actions taken pursuant to this section. | 0024| G. The secretary of state may refer a matter to the | 0025| attorney general or a district attorney for a civil injunctive | 0001| or other appropriate order or for criminal enforcement." | 0002| Section 4. Section 1-19-35 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1979, | 0003| Chapter 360, Section 11, as amended) is amended to read: | 0004| "1-19-35. REPORTS AND STATEMENTS--LATE FILING PENALTY-- | 0005| FAILURE TO FILE.-- | 0006| A. Except for the report required to be filed and | 0007| delivered the [Friday] Thursday prior to the election and | 0008| any supplemental report, as required in Paragraph (2) of | 0009| Subsection B of Section 1-19-29 NMSA 1978, that is due prior to | 0010| the election, and subject to the provisions of Section 1-19-34.4 | 0011| NMSA 1978, if a statement of exception or a report of | 0012| expenditures and contributions contains false or incomplete | 0013| information or is filed after any deadline imposed by the | 0014| Campaign Reporting Act, the responsible reporting individual or | 0015| political committee, in addition to any other penalties or | 0016| remedies prescribed by the Election Code, shall be liable for | 0017| and shall pay to the secretary of state fifty dollars ($50.00) | 0018| per day for each regular working day after the time required by | 0019| the Campaign Reporting Act for the filing of statements of | 0020| exception or reports of expenditures and contributions until the | 0021| complete or true statement or report is filed, up to a maximum | 0022| of five thousand dollars ($5,000). | 0023| B. If any reporting individual files a false, | 0024| incomplete or late report of expenditures and contributions due | 0025| on the [Friday] Thursday prior to the election, the | 0001| reporting individual or political committee shall be liable and | 0002| pay to the secretary of state five hundred dollars ($500) for | 0003| the first working day and fifty dollars ($50.00) for each | 0004| subsequent working day after the time required for the filing of | 0005| the report until the true and complete report is filed, up to a | 0006| maximum of five thousand dollars ($5,000). | 0007| C. If a reporting individual fails to file or files | 0008| a late supplemental report of expenditures and contributions as | 0009| required in Paragraph (2) of Subsection B of Section 1-19-29 | 0010| NMSA 1978, the reporting individual or political committee shall | 0011| be liable for and pay to the secretary of state a penalty equal | 0012| to the amount of each contribution received or pledged after the | 0013| Tuesday before the election that was not timely filed. | 0014| D. All sums collected for the penalty shall be | 0015| deposited in the state general fund. A report or statement of | 0016| exception shall be deemed timely filed only if it is received by | 0017| the proper filing officer by the date and time prescribed by | 0018| law. | 0019| E. Any candidate who fails or refuses to file a | 0020| report of expenditures and contributions or statement of | 0021| exception or to pay a penalty imposed by the secretary of state | 0022| as required by the Campaign Reporting Act shall not, in addition | 0023| to any other penalties provided by law: | 0024| (1) have his name printed upon the ballot if | 0025| the violation occurs before and through the final date for the | 0001| withdrawal of candidates; or | 0002| (2) be issued a certificate of nomination or | 0003| election, if the violation occurs after the final date for | 0004| withdrawal of candidates or after the election, until the | 0005| candidate satisfies all reporting requirements of the Campaign | 0006| Reporting Act and pays all penalties owed. | 0007| F. Any candidate who loses an election and who | 0008| failed or refused to file a report of expenditures and | 0009| contributions or a statement of exception or to pay a penalty | 0010| imposed by the secretary of state as required by the Campaign | 0011| Reporting Act shall not be, in addition to any other penalties | 0012| provided by law, permitted to file a declaration of candidacy or | 0013| nominating petition for any future election until the candidate | 0014| satisfies all reporting requirements of the Campaign Reporting | 0015| Act and pays all penalties owed." | 0016| Section 5. Section 2-11-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1977, | 0017| Chapter 261, Section 6, as amended) is amended to read: | 0018| "2-11-6. EXPENDITURE REPORT TO BE FILED--CONTENTS-- | 0019| REPORTING PERIODS.-- | 0020| A. Each lobbyist or lobbyist's employer who makes or | 0021| incurs expenditures or political contributions for the benefit | 0022| of a state legislator or candidate for the state legislature, a | 0023| state public officer or candidate for state public office, a | 0024| board or commission member or state employee who is involved in | 0025| an official action affecting the lobbyist's employer or in | 0001| support of or in opposition to a ballot issue or pending | 0002| legislation or official action shall file an expenditure report | 0003| with the secretary of state on a prescribed form or in an | 0004| electronic format approved by the secretary of state. The | 0005| expenditure report shall include a sworn statement that sets | 0006| forth: | 0007| (1) the cumulative total of the expenditures | 0008| made or incurred, separated into categories that identify the | 0009| total separate amounts spent on: | 0010| (a) meals and beverages; | 0011| (b) other entertainment expenditures; | 0012| (c) gifts; and | 0013| (d) other expenditures; | 0014| (2) each political contribution made, | 0015| identified by amount, date and name of the candidate or ballot | 0016| issue supported or opposed; and | 0017| (3) the names, addresses and occupations of | 0018| other contributors and the amounts of their separate political | 0019| contributions if the lobbyist or lobbyist's employer delivers | 0020| directly or indirectly separate contributions from those | 0021| contributors in excess of five hundred dollars ($500) in the | 0022| aggregate for each election to a candidate, a campaign committee | 0023| or anyone authorized by a candidate to receive funds on his | 0024| behalf. | 0025| B. If the expenditure report is filed | 0001| electronically, the report shall be subscribed and sworn to in | 0002| an independent affidavit that shall be delivered to the | 0003| secretary of state within forty-eight hours after the | 0004| expenditure report is electronically filed. | 0005| C. In identifying expenditures pursuant to the | 0006| provisions of Paragraph (1) of Subsection A of this section, any | 0007| individual expenditure that is more than the threshold level | 0008| established in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, | 0009| that must be reported separately to claim a business expense | 0010| deduction, as published by the secretary of state, shall be | 0011| identified by amount, date, purpose, type of expenditure and | 0012| name of the person who received or was benefited by the | 0013| expenditure; provided, in the case of special events, including | 0014| parties, dinners, athletic events, entertainment and other | 0015| functions, to which all members of the legislature, to which all | 0016| members of either house or any legislative committee or to which | 0017| all members of a board or commission are invited, expenses need | 0018| not be allocated to each individual who attended, but the date, | 0019| location, name of the body invited and total expenses incurred | 0020| shall be reported. | 0021| D. The reports required pursuant to the provisions | 0022| of the Lobbyist Regulation Act shall be filed: | 0023| (1) by January 15 for all expenditures and | 0024| political contributions made or incurred during the preceding | 0025| year and not previously reported; | 0001| (2) within [ten days after a legislative | 0002| session ends] forty-eight hours for each separate expenditure | 0003| made or incurred during [the] a legislative session that was | 0004| for five hundred dollars ($500) or more; and | 0005| (3) by May 1 for all expenditures and political | 0006| contributions made or incurred [since the January filing] | 0007| through April 25 of the current year and not previously | 0008| reported. | 0009| E. A lobbyist's personal living expenses and the | 0010| expenses incidental to establishing and maintaining an office in | 0011| connection with lobbying activities or compensation paid to a | 0012| lobbyist by a lobbyist's employer need not be reported. | 0013| F. A lobbyist or lobbyist's employer shall obtain | 0014| and preserve all records, accounts, bills, receipts, books, | 0015| papers and documents necessary to substantiate the financial | 0016| statements required to be made under the Lobbyist Regulation Act | 0017| for a period of two years from the date of filing of the report | 0018| containing such items. When the lobbyist is required under the | 0019| terms of his employment to turn over any such records to his | 0020| employer, responsibility for the preservation of them as | 0021| required by this section and the filing of reports required by | 0022| this section shall rest with the employer. Such records shall | 0023| be made available to the secretary of state or attorney general | 0024| upon written request. | 0025| G. Any lobbyist's employer who also engages in | 0001| lobbying shall comply with the provisions of the Lobbyist | 0002| Regulation Act. | 0003| H. An organization of two or more persons, including | 0004| an individual who holds himself out as an organization, that | 0005| within one calendar year expends funds in excess of two thousand | 0006| five hundred dollars ($2,500) not otherwise reported under the | 0007| Lobbyist Regulation Act to conduct an advertising campaign for | 0008| the purpose of lobbying shall register with the secretary of | 0009| state within forty-eight hours after expending two thousand five | 0010| hundred dollars ($2,500). Such registration shall indicate the | 0011| name of the organization and the names, addresses and | 0012| occupations of any of its principals, organizers or officers and | 0013| shall include the name of any lobbyist or lobbyist's employer | 0014| who is a member of the organization. Within fifteen days after | 0015| a legislative session, the organization shall report the | 0016| contributions, pledges to contribute, expenditures and | 0017| commitments to expend for the advertising campaign for the | 0018| purpose of lobbying, including the names, addresses and | 0019| occupations of the contributors, to the secretary of state on a | 0020| prescribed form." | 0021| Section 6. Section 10-16A-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, | 0022| Chapter 46, Section 41, as amended) is amended to read: | 0023| "10-16A-3. REQUIRED DISCLOSURES FOR CERTAIN CANDIDATES AND | 0024| PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES--CONDITION FOR PLACEMENT ON BALLOT | 0025| OR APPOINTMENT.-- | 0001| A. At the time of filing a declaration of candidacy | 0002| or nominating petition, a candidate for legislative or statewide | 0003| office shall file with the proper filing officer, as defined in | 0004| Section 1-8-25 NMSA 1978, a financial disclosure statement on a | 0005| prescribed form. In addition, each year thereafter during the | 0006| month of January, a legislator and a person holding a statewide | 0007| office shall file with the proper filing officer a financial | 0008| disclosure statement. If the proper filing officer is not the | 0009| secretary of state, the proper filing officer shall forward a | 0010| copy of the financial disclosure statement to the secretary of | 0011| state within seventy-two hours. | 0012| B. A state agency head or official whose appointment | 0013| to a board or commission is subject to confirmation by the | 0014| senate shall file with the secretary of state a financial | 0015| disclosure statement within thirty days of appointment and | 0016| during the month of January every year thereafter that he holds | 0017| public office. | 0018| C. The financial disclosure statement shall include | 0019| for any person identified in Subsection A or B of this section | 0020| and the person's spouse the following information for the prior | 0021| calendar year: | 0022| (1) the full name, mailing address and | 0023| residence address of each person covered in the disclosure | 0024| statement, except the address of the spouse need not be | 0025| disclosed; the name and address of the person's and spouse's | 0001| employer and the title or position held; and a brief description | 0002| of the nature of the business or occupation; | 0003| (2) all sources of gross income of more than | 0004| five thousand dollars ($5,000) to each person covered in the | 0005| disclosure statement, identified by general category | 0006| descriptions that disclose the nature of the income source, in | 0007| the following broad categories: law practice or consulting | 0008| operation or similar business, finance and banking, farming and | 0009| ranching, medicine and health care, insurance (as a business and | 0010| not as payment on an insurance claim), oil and gas, | 0011| transportation, utilities, general stock market holdings, bonds, | 0012| government, education, manufacturing, real estate, consumer | 0013| goods sales with a general description of the consumer goods and | 0014| the category "other", with direction that the income source be | 0015| similarly described. In describing a law practice, consulting | 0016| operation or similar business of the person or spouse, the major | 0017| areas of specialization or income sources shall be described, | 0018| and if the spouse or a person in the reporting person's or | 0019| spouse's law firm, consulting operation or similar business is | 0020| or was during the reporting calendar year or the prior calendar | 0021| year a registered lobbyist under the Lobbyist Regulation Act, | 0022| the names and addresses of all clients represented for lobbying | 0023| purposes during those two years shall be disclosed; | 0024| (3) a general description of the type of real | 0025| estate owned in New Mexico, other than a personal residence, and | 0001| the county where it is located; | 0002| (4) all other New Mexico business interests not | 0003| otherwise listed of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more in a | 0004| New Mexico business or entity, including any position held and a | 0005| general statement of purpose of the business or entity; | 0006| (5) all memberships held by the reporting | 0007| individual and his spouse on boards of for-profit businesses in | 0008| New Mexico; | 0009| (6) all New Mexico professional licenses held; | 0010| (7) each state agency that was sold goods or | 0011| services in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000) during the | 0012| prior calendar year by a person covered in the disclosure | 0013| statement; | 0014| (8) each state agency, other than a court, | 0015| before which a person covered in the disclosure statement | 0016| represented or assisted clients in the course of his employment | 0017| during the prior calendar year; and | 0018| (9) a general category that allows the person | 0019| filing the disclosure statement to provide whatever other | 0020| financial interest or additional information the person believes | 0021| should be noted to describe potential areas of interest that | 0022| should be disclosed. | 0023| D. A complete financial disclosure statement shall | 0024| be filed every year. [The secretary of state shall mail each | 0025| person required to file a financial disclosure statement a copy | 0001| of any statement the person filed the previous year.] | 0002| E. The financial disclosure statements filed | 0003| pursuant to this section are public records open to public | 0004| inspection during regular office hours and shall be retained by | 0005| the state for five years from the date of filing. | 0006| F. A person who files a financial disclosure | 0007| statement may file an amended statement at any time to reflect | 0008| significant changed circumstances that occurred since the last | 0009| statement was filed. | 0010| G. Any candidate for a legislative or statewide | 0011| office who fails or refuses to file a financial disclosure | 0012| statement required by this section before the final date for the | 0013| withdrawal of candidates provided for in the Election Code shall | 0014| not have his name printed on the election ballot. | 0015| H. For a state agency head or an official whose | 0016| appointment to a board or commission is subject to confirmation | 0017| by the senate, the filing of the financial disclosure statement | 0018| required by this section is a condition of entering upon and | 0019| continuing in state employment or holding an appointed | 0020| position." | 0021| Section 7. TEMPORARY PROVISION--RECOMPILATION.--Section | 0022| 10-16-16 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1980, Chapter 86, Section 1) is | 0023| recompiled as Section 27-2-12.7 NMSA 1978. | 0024|  | 0025| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0001| FIRST SESSION, 1997 SB 229/a | 0002| | 0003| February 14, 1997 | 0004| Mr. President: | 0005| | 0006| Your PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, to whom has been | 0007| referred | 0008| | 0009| SENATE BILL 229 | 0010| | 0011| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0012| recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows: | 0013| | 0014| 1. On page 7, line 3, after "account" insert "to be | 0015| established by the department of finance and administration". | 0016| | 0017| 2. On page 7, line 8, after "selected" insert "within ten | 0018| days". | 0019| | 0020| 3. On page 7, line 10, after the period strike the remainder | 0021| of the line, strike lines 11 and 12 through the period. | 0022| | 0023| 4. On page 7, line 23, after "Abritrators" strike "selected | 0024| by the secretary of state". | 0025| | 0001| 5. On page 11, line 4, strike "the Campaign Reporting Act" | 0002| and insert in lieu thereof "that act". | 0003| | 0004| 6. On page 15, between lines 5 and 6, insert a new section to | 0005| read: | 0006| | 0007| Section 6. Section 2-11-8.2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1977, | 0008| Chapter 261, Section 4, as amended) is amended to read: | 0009| | 0010| "2-11-8.2. COMPLIANCE WITH ACT--ENFORCEMENT OF ACT-- | 0011| BINDING ARBITRATION--CIVIL PENALTIES.-- | 0012| | 0013| A. The secretary of state shall advise and seek to | 0014| educate all persons required to perform duties pursuant to the | 0015| Lobbyist Regulation Act of those duties. This includes advising | 0016| all registered lobbyists at least annually of the Lobbyist | 0017| Regulation Act's deadlines for submitting required reports. The | 0018| secretary of state, in consultation with the attorney general, | 0019| shall issue advisory opinions, when requested to do so in writing, | 0020| on matters concerning the Lobbyist Regulation Act. All prescribed | 0021| forms prepared shall be clear and easy to complete. | 0022| | 0023| | 0024| | 0025| | 0001| B. The secretary of state may conduct thorough | 0002| examinations of reports and initiate investigations to determine | 0003| whether the Lobbyist Regulation Act has been violated. | 0004| Additionally, any person who believes that a provision of that act | 0005| has been violated may file a written complaint with the secretary | 0006| of state. The secretary of state shall adopt procedures for | 0007| issuing advisory opinions, processing complaints and notifications | 0008| of violations. | 0009| | 0010| C. The secretary of state shall at all times seek to | 0011| ensure voluntary compliance with the provisions of the Lobbyist | 0012| Regulation Act. If the secretary of state determines that a | 0013| provision of that act for which a penalty may be imposed has been | 0014| violated, the secretary of state shall by written notice set forth | 0015| the violation and the fine imposed and inform the person that he | 0016| has ten working days to provide a written explanation, under | 0017| penalty of perjury, stating any reason the violation occurred. If | 0018| a timely explanation is filed and the secretary of state | 0019| determines that good cause exists, the secretary of state may by a | 0020| written notice of final action partially or fully waive any fine | 0021| imposed. A written notice of final action shall be sent by | 0022| certified mail. | 0023| | 0024| D. If the person charged disputes the secretary of | 0025| state's determination, including an advisory opinion, the person | 0001| charged may request binding arbitration within ten working days of | 0002| the date of the final action. Any penalty imposed shall [not] | 0003| be due and payable [until the arbitration decision is issued, | 0004| and] within ten working days of the notice of final action. No | 0005| additional penalty shall accrue pending issuance of the | 0006| arbitration decision. Fines paid pursuant to a notice of final | 0007| action that are subsequently reduced or dismissed shall be | 0008| reimbursed with interest within ten working days after the filing | 0009| of the arbitration decision with the secretary of state. | 0010| Interest on the reduced or dismissed portion of the fine shall be | 0011| the same as the rate of interest earned by the secretary of | 0012| state's escrow account to be established by the department of | 0013| finance and administration. | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| | 0018| | 0019| | 0020| | 0021| | 0022| E. An arbitration hearing shall be conducted by a | 0023| [panel of three persons. The person against whom the penalty has | 0024| been imposed shall choose one panel member and submit the panel | 0025| member's name with the request for arbitration. The secretary of | 0001| state shall choose one panel member and provide notice of the | 0002| selection within fifteen days of receipt of the request for | 0003| arbitration. The two members shall then choose the third panel | 0004| member. If no agreement is reached on a third panel member within | 0005| thirty days of receipt of the request for arbitration, the | 0006| presiding judge of the district court for the first judicial | 0007| district shall appoint the third panel member within ten days | 0008| thereafter] single arbitrator selected within ten days by the | 0009| person against whom the penalty has been imposed from a list of | 0010| five arbitrators provided by the secretary of state. Neither the | 0011| secretary of state nor a person subject to the Lobbyist Regulation | 0012| Act, Campaign Reporting Act or Financial Disclosure Act may serve | 0013| as [a panel member. Panel members shall be paid per diem and | 0014| mileage by the secretary of state in accordance with the | 0015| provisions of the Per Diem and Mileage Act plus reimbursement for | 0016| reasonable actual expenses] an arbitrator. Arbitrators shall be | 0017| considered to be independent contractors, not public officers or | 0018| employees, and shall not be paid per diem and mileage. | 0019| | 0020| F. The [arbitration panel] arbitrator may impose any | 0021| penalty and take any action the secretary of state is authorized | 0022| to take. The [panel] arbitrator shall state the reasons for | 0023| [its] his decision in a written document that shall be a | 0024| public record. The decision shall be final and binding. The | 0025| decision shall be issued and filed with the secretary of state | 0001| within [forty-five] thirty days of the conclusion of the | 0002| hearing. Unless otherwise provided for in this section, or by | 0003| rule or regulation adopted by the secretary of state, the | 0004| procedures for the arbitration shall be governed by the Uniform | 0005| Arbitration Act. [including the procedures set forth in Section | 0006| 44-7-7 NMSA 1978 authorizing the issuance of subpoenas] No | 0007| [panel member] arbitrator shall be subject to liability for | 0008| actions taken pursuant to this section. | 0009| | 0010| | 0011| | 0012| | 0013| | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| G. Any person who files a report after the deadline | 0018| imposed by the Lobbyist Regulation Act, or any person who files a | 0019| false or incomplete report, shall be liable for and shall pay to | 0020| the secretary of state fifty dollars ($50.00) per day for each | 0021| regular working day after the time required for the filing of the | 0022| report until the complete report is filed, up to a maximum of five | 0023| thousand dollars ($5,000). | 0024| | 0025| H. The secretary of state may refer a matter to the | 0001| attorney general or a district attorney for a civil injunctive or | 0002| other appropriate order or enforcement.". | 0003| | 0004| 7. Renumber succeeding sections accordingly. | 0005| | 0006| 8. On page 18, lines 8, 9 and 10, remove the brackets and | 0007| line-through. | 0008| | 0009| 9. On page 18, line 8, strike "person" and insert in lieu | 0010| thereof "elected official". | 0011| | 0012| 10. On page 19, between lines 3 and 4, insert a new section: | 0013| | 0014| Section 8. Section 10-16A-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, | 0015| Chapter 46, Section 44) is amended to read: | 0016| | 0017| "10-16A-6. INVESTIGATIONS--BINDING ARBITRATION--FINES-- | 0018| ENFORCEMENT.-- | 0019| | 0020| A. The secretary of state may conduct thorough | 0021| examinations of statements and initiate investigations to | 0022| determine whether the Financial Disclosure Act has been violated. | 0023| Any person who believes that act has been violated may file a | 0024| written complaint with the secretary of state. The secretary of | 0025| state shall adopt procedures for processing complaints and | 0001| notifications of violations. | 0002| | 0003| B. If the secretary of state determines that a violation | 0004| has occurred for which a penalty should be imposed, the secretary | 0005| of state shall so notify the person charged and impose the | 0006| penalty. If the person charged disputes the secretary of state's | 0007| determination, the person charged may request binding arbitration. | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| | 0011| | 0012| | 0013| C. The arbitration decision shall be decided by a | 0014| [panel of three persons. The secretary of state shall choose one | 0015| panel member within fifteen days of receipt of the request for | 0016| arbitration; the | 0017| person charged shall choose another panel member and submit the | 0018| arbitrator's name with the request for arbitration; and those two | 0019| members shall choose the third panel member. If no agreement is | 0020| reached on a third panel member within thirty days of receipt of | 0021| the request for arbitration, the presiding judge of the district | 0022| court for the first judicial district shall appoint the third | 0023| panel member] single arbitrator selected within ten days by the | 0024| person against whom the penalty has been imposed from a list of | 0025| five arbitrators provided by the secretary of state. No [panel | 0001| member] arbitrator may be a person subject to the Financial | 0002| Disclosure Act, Campaign Reporting Act or Lobbyist Regulation Act. | 0003| [Panel members shall be paid per diem and mileage in accordance | 0004| with the provisions of the Per Diem and Mileage Act plus | 0005| reimbursement for reasonable actual expenses.] Arbitrators shall | 0006| be considered to be independent contractors, not public officers | 0007| or employees, and shall not be paid per diem and mileage. | 0008| | 0009| D. The [arbitration panel] arbitrator may take any | 0010| action the secretary of state is authorized to take. The | 0011| [panel] arbitrator shall state the reasons for [its] his | 0012| decision in a written document that shall be a public record. The | 0013| decision shall be final and binding. The decision shall be issued | 0014| within [forty-five] thirty days of the conclusion of the | 0015| hearing. Unless otherwise provided for in this section, or by | 0016| rule or regulation adopted by the secretary of state, the | 0017| procedures for the arbitration shall be governed by the Uniform | 0018| Arbitration Act [including the procedures set forth in Section | 0019| 44-7-7 NMSA 1978 authorizing the issuance of subpoenas]. No | 0020| [panel member] arbitrator shall be subject to liability for | 0021| actions taken pursuant to this section. | 0022| | 0023| E. Any person who files a statement or report after the | 0024| deadline imposed by the Financial Disclosure Act or any person who | 0025| files a false or incomplete statement or report [shall be] is | 0001| liable for and shall pay to the secretary of state, at or from the | 0002| time initially required for the filing, fifty dollars ($50.00) per | 0003| day for each regular working day after the time required for the | 0004| filing of the statement or report until the complete report is | 0005| filed, up to a maximum of five thousand dollars ($5,000). | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| F. The secretary of state may refer a matter to the | 0009| attorney general or a district attorney for a civil injunctive or | 0010| other appropriate order or enforcement."". | 0011| | 0012| 11. Renumber the succeeding section accordingly. | 0013| | 0014| Respectfully submitted, | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| __________________________________ | 0018| Shannon Robinson, Chairman | 0019| | 0020| | 0021| Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________ | 0022| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0023| | 0024| | 0025| Date ________________________ | 0001| | 0002| The roll call vote was 6 For 0 Against | 0003| Yes: 6 | 0004| No: 0 | 0005| Excused: Boitano, Feldman, Vernon | 0006| Absent: None | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| S0229PA1 .116709.1 | 0011| .116990.1 | 0012| | 0013| State of New Mexico | 0014| House of Representatives | 0015| | 0016| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0017| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0018| | 0019| | 0020| March 13, 1997 | 0021| | 0022| | 0023| Mr. Speaker: | 0024| | 0025| Your VOTERS AND ELECTIONS COMMITTEE, to whom has | 0001| been referred | 0002| | 0003| SENATE BILL 229, as amended | 0004| | 0005| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0006| recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows: | 0007| | 0008| 1. On page 1, line 19, after the period insert: | 0009| | 0010| "In adopting and promulgating these rules and regulations, the | 0011| secretary of state shall comply with the provisions of the | 0012| Administrative Procedures Act. In addition to any other | 0013| notification required pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph (2) | 0014| of Subsection A of Section 12-8-4 NMSA 1978, the secretary of | 0015| state shall notify all qualified political parties in the state | 0016| and the New Mexico legislative council prior to adopting, amending | 0017| or repealing any rule or regulation."., | 0018| | 0019| and thence referred to the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. | 0020| | 0021| Respectfully submitted, | 0022| | 0023| | 0024| | 0025| | 0001| Edward C. Sandoval, Chairman | 0002| | 0003| | 0004| Adopted Not Adopted | 0005| | 0006| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0007| | 0008| Date | 0009| | 0010| The roll call vote was 8 For 0 Against | 0011| Yes: 8 | 0012| Excused: M.H. Garcia, Lujan, Nicely, Sanchez | 0013| Absent: None | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| .118793.1 | 0017| G:\BILLTEXT\BILLW_97\S0229 |