0004| SENATE BILL 139
0005| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997
0013| AN ACT
0022| Section 1. Section 22-1-6 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1989,
0023| Chapter 308, Section 1, as amended) is amended to read:
0025| REQUIRED.--
0001| A. Each school district shall be required to
0002| publish an annual school district accountability report to
0003| provide district-wide data for the previous school year. The
0004| school district shall send to the state superintendent the
0005| required data with the year-end reports prior to August 15 each
0006| year. The state superintendent shall compile the district
0007| reports data and send a draft compilation report to the
0008| districts by October 15 each year and send a final compilation
0009| state report to the governor and legislature prior to November
0010| 15 each year.
0011| B. The accountability report shall include a brief
0012| statement of the mission of the local school board, enrollment
0013| statistics, total expenditures per pupil for the school year,
0014| administrative expenditures per student for the school year,
0015| the average teacher salary, a summary of student scores on all
0016| state-mandated tests and college entrance exam scores,
0017| including the norm base year; a summary of services provided
0018| for students receiving services through the additional at-risk
0019| program units; the number of New Mexico scholars eligible for
0020| and receiving scholarships; the percentage of the graduating
0021| high school class applying for entrance into a four-year post-
0022| secondary institution; the percentage of seniors beginning the
0023| year who graduate; the percentage of ninth graders, plus any
0024| newcomers entering during grades nine through twelve, who
0025| graduate; the percentage of full-time-equivalent students
0001| participating in bilingual programs, chapter I programs,
0002| special education programs and other federally funded programs,
0003| with the percentage of the district budget attributable to each
0004| program; the percentage of the district budget utilized to
0005| employ certified teachers, administrators, support personnel
0006| and non-certified classified personnel; the number of students
0007| enrolled in advanced placement courses; a concise annual budget
0008| report, including revenue and expense data; budget funding
0009| sources; the student drop-out rate; continual student progress
0010| follow-up study; a statement of school district goals for the
0011| upcoming year; an invitation to all citizens to participate in
0012| school planning and school activities; and other data and
0013| information that clearly [communicates] communicate the activities
0014| and progress of the school district to the residents of that
0015| school district. The published accountability report shall
0016| compare district, state and national data whenever appropriate and
0017| shall include the rank of the school district among all of the
0018| school districts in the state, for all state-mandated tests and
0019| college exam scores, graduation percentages, drop-out rate, per-
0020| student administration expenditure, total per-student expenditure
0021| and average teacher salary data. The published report shall use
0022| tables and graphs to better communicate complex information and,
0023| using the ranking data, shall include a graphic representation of
0024| the school district's progress over the preceding three years.
0025| C. The annual accountability report shall also include
0001| the results of a survey of parents' views of the quality of their
0002| children's school. The survey shall be conducted each year in
0003| time to include the results in the annual accountability report.
0004| The survey shall compile the results of a written questionnaire
0005| that shall be sent home with the students to be given to their
0006| parents. The survey may be completed anonymously. The survey
0007| shall be no more than one page, shall be clearly and concisely
0008| written and shall include not more than twenty questions that
0009| shall be answered with options of a simple sliding scale ranging
0010| from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree" and shall include the
0011| optional response "don't know". The survey shall also include a
0012| request for optional written comments, which may be written on the
0013| back of the questionnaire form. The questionnaire shall include
0014| questions in the following areas:
0015| (1) parent-teacher-school relationship and
0016| communication;
0017| (2) quality of educational and extracurricular
0018| programs;
0019| (3) instructional practices and techniques;
0020| (4) resources;
0021| (5) school personnel, including the school
0022| principal; and
0023| (6) parents' view of teaching staff expectations
0024| for the students.
0025| The state board shall develop no more than ten of the
0001| questions, which shall be reviewed by the legislative education
0002| study committee prior to implementation. No more than five
0003| questions shall be developed by the local school board and no more
0004| than five questions shall be developed by the staffs of each
0005| individual school site, provided that at least half of those
0006| questions are developed by teachers rather than administrators, in
0007| order to gather information that is specific to the particular
0008| community surveyed.
0009| D. The annual accountability report for each school
0010| district shall be published no later than November 15 of each year
0011| and shall be published at least once each school year in a
0012| newspaper of general circulation in the county where the district
0013| is located. In publication, the report shall be titled "the
0014| school district report card"."
0015| Section 2. Section 22-8-2 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1978,
0016| Chapter 128, Section 3, as amended) is amended to read:
0017| "22-8-2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Public School Finance
0018| Act:
0019| A. "ADM" or "MEM" means membership;
0020| B. "membership" means the total enrollment of
0021| qualified students on the current roll of a class or school on a
0022| specified day. The current roll is established by the addition of
0023| original entries and reentries minus withdrawals. Withdrawals of
0024| students, in addition to students formally withdrawn from the
0025| public school, [includes] include students absent from the public
0001| school for as many as ten consecutive school days;
0002| C. "basic program ADM" or "basic program MEM" means
0003| the MEM of qualified students but excludes the full-time-
0004| equivalent MEM in early childhood education and three- and four-
0005| year old students receiving special education services;
0006| D. "cost differential factor" is the numerical
0007| expression of the ratio of the cost of a particular segment of the
0008| school program to the cost of the basic program in grades four
0009| through six;
0010| E. "department" or "division" means the state
0011| department of public education;
0012| F. "early childhood education ADM" or "early childhood
0013| education MEM" means the full-time-equivalent MEM of students
0014| attending approved early childhood education programs;
0015| G. "full-time-equivalent ADM" or "full-time-
0016| equivalent MEM" is that membership calculated by applying to the
0017| MEM in an approved public school program the ratio of the number
0018| of hours per school day devoted to the program to six hours or the
0019| number of hours per school week devoted to the program to thirty
0020| hours;
0021| H. "operating budget" means the annual financial plan
0022| required to be submitted by a local school board;
0023| I. "program cost" is the product of the total number
0024| of program units to which a school district is entitled multiplied
0025| by the dollar value per program unit established by the
0001| legislature;
0002| J. "program element" is that component of a public
0003| school system to which a cost differential factor is applied to
0004| determine the number of program units to which a school district
0005| is entitled, including but not limited to MEM, full-time-
0006| equivalent MEM, teacher, classroom or public school;
0007| K. "program unit" is the product of the program
0008| element multiplied by the applicable cost differential factor;
0009| L. "public money" or "public funds" means all money
0010| from public or private sources received by a local school board or
0011| officer or employee of a local school board for public use;
0012| M. "qualified student" means a public school student
0013| who:
0014| (1) has not graduated from high school;
0015| (2) is regularly enrolled in one-half or more of
0016| the minimum course requirements approved by the state board for
0017| public school students; and
0018| (3) is at least five years of age prior to 12:01
0019| a.m. on September 1 of the school year; or
0020| (4) is at least three years of age at any time
0021| during the school year and is receiving special education services
0022| pursuant to regulation of the state board; or
0023| (5) has not reached his twenty-second birthday
0024| on the first day of the school year and is receiving special
0025| education services pursuant to regulation of the state board; and
0001| N. "state superintendent" means the superintendent of
0002| public instruction or his designee."
0003| Section 3. Section 22-8-18 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1974,
0004| Chapter 8, Section 8, as amended) is amended to read:
0007| A. The total program units for the purpose of
0008| computing the program cost shall be calculated by multiplying the
0009| sum of the program units itemized as Paragraphs (1) through (4) in
0010| this subsection by the instruction staff training and experience
0011| index and adding the program units itemized as Paragraphs (5)
0012| through [(7)] (8) in this subsection. The itemized program units
0013| are as follows:
0014| (1) early childhood education;
0015| (2) basic education;
0016| (3) special education, adjusted by subtracting
0017| the units derived from [class D special education MEM] membership
0018| in class D special education programs in private, nonsectarian,
0019| nonprofit training centers;
0020| (4) bilingual multicultural education;
0021| (5) size adjustment;
0022| (6) at-risk program;
0023| [(6)] (7) enrollment growth or new district
0024| adjustment; and
0025| [(7)] (8) special education units derived from
0001| [class D special education MEM] membership in class D special
0002| education programs in private, nonsectarian, nonprofit training
0003| centers.
0004| B. The total program cost calculated as prescribed in
0005| Subsection A of this section includes the cost of early childhood,
0006| special, bilingual multicultural and vocational education and
0007| other remedial or enrichment programs. It is the responsibility
0008| of the local school board to determine its priorities in terms of
0009| the needs of the community served by that board. Funds generated
0010| under the Public School Finance Act are discretionary to local
0011| school boards, provided that the special program needs as
0012| enumerated in this section are met."
0013| Section 4. Section 22-8-19 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1974,
0014| Chapter 8, Section 9, as amended) is amended to read:
0016| A. The number of early childhood education program
0017| units is determined by multiplying the early childhood education
0018| MEM by the cost differential factor 1.44. No early childhood
0019| education student shall be counted for more than 0.5 early
0020| childhood education MEM.
0021| B. For the purpose of calculating early childhood
0022| education program units, developmentally disabled three- and four-
0023| year-old students shall be counted in early childhood education
0024| membership. No developmentally disabled three- or four-year old
0025| student shall be counted for more than 0.5 early childhood
0001| education MEM."
0002| Section 5. Section 22-8-21 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1974,
0003| Chapter 8, Section 11, as amended by Laws 1992, Chapter 75,
0004| Section 1 and also by Laws 1992, Chapter 84, Section 1) is amended
0005| to read:
0007| A. For the purpose of the Public School Finance Act,
0008| special education programs for exceptional children are those
0009| approved by the department and classified as follows:
0010| (1) class A programs, in which department
0011| certified individuals provide services to children whose
0012| individualized education programs require a minimal amount of
0013| special education and in which the ratio of students to
0014| professionals is regulated by the state board;
0015| (2) class B programs, in which department
0016| certified individuals provide services to children whose
0017| individualized education programs require a moderate amount of
0018| special education and in which the ratio of students to
0019| professionals is regulated by the state board;
0020| (3) class C programs, in which department
0021| certified individuals provide services to children whose
0022| individualized education programs require an extensive amount of
0023| special education and in which the ratio of students to
0024| professionals is regulated by the state board;
0025| (4) class D programs, in which department
0001| certified individuals provide services to children whose
0002| individualized education programs require a maximum amount of
0003| special education and in which the ratio of students to
0004| professionals is regulated by the state board. Students in class
0005| D programs may be enrolled in private, nonsectarian, nonprofit
0006| educational training centers in accordance with the provisions of
0007| Section 22-13-8 NMSA 1978; and
0008| (5) programs for developmentally disabled three-
0009| and four-year-old children meeting standards approved by the state
0010| board.
0011| B. All students assigned to the programs for
0012| exceptional children classified in Subsection A of this section
0013| shall have been so assigned as a result of diagnosis and
0014| evaluation performed in accordance with the standards of the
0015| department before the students may be counted in the determination
0016| of special education program units as provided in Subsection C of
0017| this section.
0018| C. The number of special education program units is
0019| the sum of the following:
0020| (1) [for class A and class B programs as defined
0021| in Subsection A of this section, the product of the number of
0022| approved class A and class B programs requested by the local
0023| school board and certified by the department multiplied by the
0024| cost differential factor 20] the MEM in approved class A and B
0025| programs as defined in Subsection A of this section multiplied by
0001| the cost differential factor .7;
0002| (2) the [special education] MEM in approved
0003| class C programs as defined in Subsection A of this section
0004| multiplied by the cost differential factor [1.9] 1.0;
0005| (3) the [special education] MEM in approved
0006| class D programs as defined in Subsection A of this section
0007| multiplied by the cost differential factor [3.5; and] 2.0;
0008| (4) the [special education] MEM for
0009| developmentally disabled three- and four-year-old children as
0010| defined in [Paragraph (5) of] Subsection A of this section
0011| multiplied by the cost differential factor [3.5] 2.0; provided
0012| that no developmentally disabled three- or four-year-old student
0013| shall be counted for additional ancillary service units; and
0014| (5) for related services ancillary to providing
0015| special education, the number of full-time-equivalent certified or
0016| licensed ancillary service and diagnostic service personnel
0017| multiplied by the cost differential factor 25.0.
0018| D. For the purpose of calculating membership in class
0019| C and class D programs, students shall be counted in actual grade
0020| placement or according to chronological age if not in actual grade
0021| placement."
0022| Section 6. Section 22-8-23 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1975,
0023| Chapter 119, Section 1, as amended) is amended to read:
0025| A. An approved public school with a MEM of less
0001| than 400, including early childhood education full-time-equivalent
0002| MEM but excluding [special education class C and class D MEM]
0003| membership in class C and class D programs and excluding full-
0004| time- equivalent membership in three- and four-year-old
0005| developmentally disabled programs, is eligible for additional
0006| program units. Separate schools established to provide special
0007| programs, including but not limited to vocational and alternative
0008| education, shall not be classified as public schools for purposes
0009| of generating size adjustment program units. The number of
0010| additional program units to which a school district is entitled
0011| under this subsection is the sum of elementary-junior high units
0012| and senior high units computed in the following manner:
0013| Elementary-Junior High Units
0014| 200 - MEM x 1.0 x MEM = Units
0015| 200
0016| where MEM is equal to the membership of an approved elementary or
0017| junior high school, including early childhood education full-time-
0018| equivalent membership but excluding [special education class C and
0019| class D membership] membership in class C and class D programs and
0020| excluding full-time-equivalent membership in three- and four-year-
0021| old developmentally disabled programs;
0022| Senior High Units
0023| 200 - MEM x 2.0 x MEM = Units
0024| 200
0025| or,
0001| Senior High Units
0002| 400 - MEM x 1.6 x MEM = Units
0003| 400
0004| whichever calculation for senior high units is higher, where
0005| MEM is equal to the membership of an approved senior high
0006| school excluding [special education class C and class D
0007| membership] membership in class C and class D programs.
0008| B. A school district with total MEM of less than
0009| 4,000, including early childhood education full-time-equivalent
0010| MEM [and special education MEM], is eligible for additional
0011| program units. The number of additional program units to which a
0012| district is entitled under this subsection is the number of
0013| district units computed in the following manner:
0014| District Units
0015| 4000 - MEM x 0.15 x MEM = Units
0016| 4000
0017| where MEM is equal to the total district membership,
0018| including early childhood education full-time-equivalent
0019| membership [and special education membership].
0020| C. A school district with over 10,000 MEM with a ratio
0021| of MEM to senior high schools less than 4,000:1 is eligible for
0022| additional program units based on the number of approved regular
0023| senior high schools that are not eligible for senior high units
0024| under Subsection A of this section. The number of additional
0025| program units to which an eligible school district is entitled
0001| under this subsection is the number of units computed in the
0002| following manner:
0003| 4000 - MEM x 0.50 = Units
0004| Senior High Schools
0005| where MEM is equal to the total district membership, including
0006| early childhood education full-time-equivalent membership [and
0007| special education membership], and where senior high schools are
0008| equal to the number of approved regular senior high schools in the
0009| district.
0010| [D. A school district with a total MEM of greater than
0011| ten thousand but less than fifteen thousand, including early
0012| childhood education full-time equivalent MEM and special education
0013| MEM, is eligible for additional program units. The number of
0014| additional program units to which an eligible district is entitled
0015| under this subsection is the number of units computed in the
0016| following manner:
0017| MEM - 10,000 x .l5 x MEM = Units
0018| 10,000
0019| where MEM is equal to the total district membership, including
0020| early childhood education full-time equivalent membership and
0021| special education membership.
0022| E. A school district with a total MEM of
0023| greater than fifteen thousand but less than thirty-five thousand,
0024| including early childhood education full-time equivalent MEM and
0025| special education MEM, is eligible for additional program units.
0001| The number of additional program units to which an eligible
0002| district is entitled under this subsection is the number of units
0003| computed in the following manner:
0004| MEM - 15,000 x .l5 x MEM = Units
0005| 15,000
0006| where MEM is equal to the total district membership, including
0007| early childhood education full-time equivalent membership and
0008| special education membership.
0009| F. A school district with a total MEM of greater
0010| than thirty-five thousand, including early childhood education
0011| full-time equivalent MEM and special education MEM, is eligible
0012| for additional program units. The number of additional program
0013| units to which an eligible district is entitled under this
0014| subsection is the number of units computed in the following
0015| manner:
0016| MEM - 35,000 x .023 x MEM = Units
0017| 35,000
0018| where MEM is equal to the total district membership, including
0019| early childhood education full-time equivalent membership and
0020| special education membership.]"
0021| Section 7. A new section of the Public School Finance Act,
0022| Section 22-8-23.3 NMSA 1978, is enacted to read:
0024| A. A school district is eligible for additional
0025| program units if it establishes within its state-board-approved
0001| educational plan identified services to assist students to reach
0002| their full academic potential. A school district receiving
0003| additional at-risk program units shall include a report of
0004| specified services in its annual accountability report pursuant to
0005| Section 22-1-6 NMSA 1978. The number of additional units to which
0006| a district is entitled under this section is computed in the
0007| following manner:
0008| At-Risk Index x MEM = Units
0009| where MEM is equal to the total district membership, including
0010| early childhood education, full-time-equivalent membership and
0011| special education membership, and where the at-risk index is
0012| calculated in the following manner:
0013| Refined At-Risk Cluster x 0.015 = At-Risk Index.
0014| B. To calculate the refined at-risk cluster, the
0015| department shall rank order each school district in the state on
0016| the basis of the district's percentage of membership used to
0017| determine its Title I allocation, the percentage of membership
0018| classified as limited English proficient using criteria
0019| established by the federal office of civil rights, the percentage
0020| of student mobility and the percentage of dropouts in the school
0021| district. Using this data, the department shall initially group
0022| districts into nine clusters using a neural network computer
0023| analysis. Each school district shall be assigned a whole number
0024| from one to nine reflecting its initial cluster assignment, with
0025| higher need districts receiving a higher number and lower need
0001| districts receiving a lower number. This number shall be modified
0002| on the basis of a school district's relative position in the
0003| cluster and further refined through the use of a second neural
0004| network computer analysis, a back propagation. Using the results
0005| of this analysis, the department shall refine the cluster
0006| assignment and the number assigned to each school district. The
0007| number obtained from this calculation is the refined at-risk
0008| cluster.
0009| C. The department shall recalculate the at-risk index
0010| for each school district every two years."
0011| Section 8. Section 22-8-25 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1981,
0012| Chapter 176, Section 5, as amended by Laws 1993, Chapter 226,
0013| Section 23 and also by Laws 1993, Chapter 231, Section 14) is
0014| amended to read:
0017| A. The state equalization guarantee distribution is
0018| that amount of money distributed to each school district to ensure
0019| that the school district's operating revenue, including its local
0020| and federal revenues as defined in this section, is at least equal
0021| to the school district's program cost.
0022| B. "Local revenue", as used in this section, means
0023| ninety-five percent of receipts to the school district derived
0024| from that amount produced by a school district property tax
0025| applied at the rate of fifty cents ($.50) to each one thousand
0001| dollars ($1,000) of net taxable value of property allocated to the
0002| school district and to the assessed value of products severed and
0003| sold in the school district as determined under the Oil and Gas Ad
0004| Valorem Production Tax Act and upon the assessed value of
0005| equipment in the school district as determined under the Oil and
0006| Gas Production Equipment Ad Valorem Tax Act.
0007| C. "Federal revenue", as used in this section, means
0008| ninety-five percent of receipts to the school district, excluding
0009| amounts which, if taken into account in the computation of the
0010| state equalization guarantee distribution, result, under federal
0011| law or regulations, in a reduction in or elimination of federal
0012| school funding otherwise receivable by the school district,
0013| derived from the following:
0014| (1) the school district's share of forest
0015| reserve funds distributed in accordance with Section 22-8-33 NMSA
0016| 1978; and
0017| (2) grants from the federal government as
0018| assistance to those areas affected by federal activity authorized
0019| in accordance with Sections 236 through 240 of Title 20 of the
0020| United States Code (commonly known as "PL 874 funds") or an amount
0021| equal to the revenue the district was entitled to receive if no
0022| application was made for such funds but deducting from those
0023| grants the additional amounts to which school districts would be
0024| entitled because of the provisions of Subparagraph (D) of
0025| Paragraph (2) of Subsection (d) of Section 238 of Title 20 of the
0001| United States Code.
0002| D. To determine the amount of the state equalization
0003| guarantee distribution, the state superintendent shall:
0004| (1) calculate the number of program units to
0005| which each school district is entitled using the [membership of
0006| the fortieth day of the school year, except for school districts
0007| with a MEM of 200 or less where the number of program units shall
0008| be calculated on the fortieth day membership of either the prior
0009| year or the current year, whichever is greater, for all programs
0010| except special education, which shall be calculated by using the
0011| membership on December 1 of the school year] basic program
0012| membership of the fortieth day for all programs; provided that
0013| special education program units shall be calculated using the
0014| membership in special education programs on December 1; or
0015| (2) calculate the number of program units to
0016| which a school district operating under an approved year-round
0017| school calendar is entitled using the basic program membership on
0018| an appropriate date established by the state board; or
0019| (3) calculate the number of program units to
0020| which a school district with a basic program MEM of 200 or less is
0021| entitled by using the basic program membership on the fortieth day
0022| of either the prior or the current year, whichever is greater;
0023| provided that special education program units shall be calculated
0024| using the membership in special education programs on December 1
0025| of either the prior or the current year; and
0001| [(3)] (4) using the results of the calculations
0002| in Paragraph (1), [or] (2) or (3) of this subsection and the
0003| instructional staff training and experience index from the October
0004| report of the prior school year, establish a total program cost of
0005| the school district;
0006| [(4)] (5) calculate the local and federal
0007| revenues as defined in this section;
0008| [(5)] (6) deduct the sum of the calculations
0009| made in Paragraph [(4)] (5) of this subsection from the program
0010| cost established in Paragraph [(3)] (4) of this subsection; and
0011| [(6)] (7) deduct the total amount of guaranteed
0012| energy savings contract payments that the state superintendent
0013| determines will be made to the school district from the public
0014| school energy efficiency fund during the fiscal year for which the
0015| state equalization guarantee distribution is being computed.
0016| E. The amount of the state equalization guarantee
0017| distribution to which a school district is entitled is the balance
0018| remaining after the deductions made in Paragraphs [(5) and] (6)
0019| and (7) of Subsection D of this section.
0020| F. The state equalization guarantee distribution shall
0021| be distributed prior to June 30 of each fiscal year. The
0022| calculation shall be based on the local and federal revenues
0023| specified in this section received from June 1 of the previous
0024| fiscal year through May 31 of the fiscal year for which the state
0025| equalization guarantee distribution is being computed. In the
0001| event that a district has received more state equalization
0002| guarantee funds than its entitlement, a refund shall be made by
0003| the district to the state general fund.
0004| G. Notwithstanding the methods of calculating the
0005| state equalization guarantee distribution in this section and Laws
0006| 1974, Chapter 8, Section 22, if a school district received funds
0007| under Section 2391 of Title 42 USCA and if the federal government
0008| takes into consideration grants authorized by Sections 236 through
0009| 240 of Title 20 of the United States Code and all other revenues
0010| available to the school district in determining the level of
0011| federal support for the school district for the sixty-fourth and
0012| succeeding fiscal years, the state equalization guarantee
0013| distribution for school districts receiving funds under this
0014| subsection shall be computed as follows:
0015| fiscal year program cost prior fiscal year
0016| excluding special education state equalization
0017| for the year for which the x guarantee distribution
0018| state equalization guarantee excluding special
0019| distribution is being computed education
0020| prior fiscal year program cost
0021| excluding special education
0022| plus special education funding in accordance with Paragraphs (1),
0023| [or] (2) [and] or (3) and (4) of Subsection D of this section and
0024| Section 22-8-21 NMSA 1978 plus an amount that would be produced by
0025| applying a rate of eight dollars forty-two and one-half cents
0001| ($8.425) to each one thousand dollars ($1,000) of net taxable
0002| value of property as defined in the Property Tax Code for property
0003| taxation purposes in the school district and to each one thousand
0004| dollars ($1,000) of the assessed value of products severed and
0005| sold in the school district as determined under the Oil and Gas Ad
0006| Valorem Production Tax Act and upon the assessed value of
0007| equipment in the school district as determined under the Oil and
0008| Gas Production Equipment Ad Valorem Tax Act and then reduced by
0009| the total amount of guaranteed energy savings contract payments,
0010| if any, that the state superintendent determines will be made to
0011| the school district from the public school energy efficiency fund
0012| during the fiscal year for which the state equalization guarantee
0013| distribution is being computed, equals the fiscal year state
0014| equalization guarantee distribution for the year for which the
0015| state equalization guarantee distribution is being computed.
0016| If at any time grants from the federal government as
0017| assistance to those areas affected by federal activity authorized
0018| in accordance with Sections 236 through 240 of Title 20 of the
0019| United States Code (commonly known as "PL 874 funds") are reduced
0020| or are no longer available, the state equalization guarantee
0021| distribution shall be computed by the formula contained in this
0022| subsection plus an increase by fifty percent of the amount the
0023| prior year's PL 874 funds exceed PL 874 funds for the year for
0024| which the state equalization guarantee distribution is being
0025| computed."
0001| Section 9. TEMPORARY PROVISION.--In the event that the
0002| program units of Section 22-8-18 NMSA 1978 as amended by this act
0003| are not fully funded, no school district shall receive less than
0004| its previous year's total program cost due to the change in the
0005| program cost calculation with the program cost adjusted for the
0006| establishment of a high school in Rio Rancho.
0007| Section 10. APPROPRIATION.--Fifty-eight million seven
0008| hundred thousand dollars ($58,700,000) is appropriated from the
0009| general fund to the state equalization guarantee distribution for
0010| expenditure in fiscal year 1998 for the purpose of funding
0011| additional program units authorized by law. Any unexpended or
0012| unencumbered balance remaining at the end of fiscal year 1998
0013| shall revert to the general fund.
0014| Section 11. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the
0015| provisions of this act is July 1, 1997.