State of New Mexico
House of Representatives
February 28, 1997
Mr. Speaker:
Your EDUCATION COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred
SENATE BILL 100, as amended
has had it under consideration and reports same with
recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:
1. Strike all Senate Finance Committee Amendments.
2. Strike Senate Floor Amendment 1.
3. On page 2, line 12, strike "1,303,271.8" and insert in
lieu thereof "1,222,070.8".
4. On page 2, line 14, strike "71,314.2" and insert in lieu
thereof "69,364.1".
5. On page 2, line 16, strike "2,740.4" and insert in lieu
thereof "2,457.0".
6. On page 2, line 18, strike "11,516.9" and insert in lieu
thereof "11,073.2".
7. Adjust all totals and subtotals accordingly.
8. On page 3, line 5, after the period insert the following:
"Elimination of size adjustment factors for districts with greater
than ten thousand, an addition of an at-risk factor and changing the
manner in which special education units are calculated, will result
in substantial changes in the state equalization guarantee
distribution. To ameliorate the changes in the equalization
guarantee distribution, and notwithstanding the provisions of
Section 22-8-25 NMSA 1978, the equalization guarantee for fiscal
year 1998 shall be distributed as follows:
(1) using the fiscal year 1997 total program cost
plus forty million dollars ($40,000,000) included in the state
equalization guarantee, calculate the program cost for each school
district and the statewide total program cost, and the district and
statewide percentage change from the fiscal year 1997 program cost.
Establish a cap for an interim program cost, which is one and three-
fourths multiplied by the statewide average percentage increase.
For districts whose calculated program cost is less than the program
cost for fiscal year 1997, the interim program cost shall be the
program cost for fiscal year 1997. For districts whose calculated
program cost is between the program cost for fiscal year 1997 and
the established cap, the interim program cost shall be the
calculated program cost. For districts whose calculated program
cost exceeds the cap (capped districts), the interim program cost
shall be the program cost as capped;
(2) the excess funds from the capped interim
program costs shall be redistributed to the capped districts in
proportion to which each capped district's program units bear to the
total program units of the capped districts;
(3) seven million six hundred ninety-three
thousand one hundred dollars ($7,693,100) of the state equalization
guarantee shall be distributed to each district in proportion to
which the district's total program units bear to the statewide total
program units. The total program cost for each school district
shall be the sum of distribution calculated in this paragraph and
Paragraphs (1) and (2) above; and
(4) for the purposes of these calculations,
program cost for fiscal year 1997 shall be defined as the program
cost adjusted for the establishment of a high school in Rio
9. On page 3, strike all of lines 10 through 14.
10. On page 3, line 23, strike "12,088.0" and insert in lieu
thereof "3,100.0".
11. On page 3, line 25, strike "1,300.0" and insert in lieu
thereof "500.0".
12. On page 4, strike all of lines 1 through 6 and insert in
lieu thereof:
"Prior to distribution of the funds included in the general
fund appropriation to the incentives for school improvement fund,
the state department of education shall develop a formula by which
to measure school achievement in the areas of academic performance
with consideration for socioeconomic variables. The funds shall be
used to provide financial incentives to individual schools that
exceed expected academic performance. The department shall submit
its formula to the legislative education study committee for
13. On page 4, line 7, strike "1,433,008.0" and insert in
lieu thereof "1,352,577.9".
14. On page 4, line 8, strike "4,700.0" and insert in lieu
thereof "3,100.0".
15. On page 4, between lines 8 and 9, insert the following
under the Federal Funds column:
16. On page 4, line 22, strike "62.0" and insert in lieu
thereof "65.0".
17. On page 5, line 4, strike "5,000.0" and insert in lieu
thereof "2,735.0".
18. On page 5, line 7, after "projects" insert "for pilot
programs", strike the remainder of the line and strike all of lines
8 through 13.
19. On page 5, line 14, under the column "other state funds"
strike "15.9".
20. On page 6, line 5, strike "700.0" and insert in lieu
thereof "375.0".
21. On page 6, line 7, strike the following:
"study 500.0" and insert in lieu
"and Equity Analysis 400.0".
22. On page 6, strike all of lines 8 through 12.
23. On page 6, strike all of lines 15 through 22 and insert
in lieu thereof the following new items (numbers in General Fund
"Education background check 60,000.0
School-to-work 100,000.0"
24. Renumber succeeding items accordingly.
25. On page 6, line 24, strike "permanent" and insert in lieu
thereof "term".
26. On page 7, line 1, strike "seven hundred thousand dollars
($700,000)" and insert in lieu thereof "three hundred seventy-five
thousand dollars ($375,000)".
27. On page 7, line 4, strike "five hundred thousand dollars
($500,000)" and insert in lieu thereof "four hundred thousand
dollars ($400,000)".
28. On page 7, line 5, strike "study" and insert in lieu
thereof "and equity analysis".
29. On page 7, line 5, strike "conduct" and insert in lieu
thereof "contract for".
30. On page 7, line 6, strike "study" and insert "analysis".
31. On page 7, between lines 8 and 9, insert:
"The general fund appropriation of sixty thousand dollars
($60,000) for educator background checks is contingent upon passage
of legislation requiring applicants for initial certification to
submit to a background check.
32. On page 7, line 10, strike "250.0" and insert in lieu
thereof "150.0".
33. On page 7, line 11, strike "250.0" and insert in lieu
thereof "100.0".
34. Adjust all totals and subtotals and correct all internal
references accordingly.,
and thence referred to the APPROPRIATIONS AND FINANCE
Respectfully submitted,
Samuel F. Vigil, Chairman
Adopted Not Adopted
(Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)
The roll call vote was 11 For 1 Against
Yes: 11
No: S.M. Williams
Excused: Nicely
Absent: None