State of New Mexico House of Representatives FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE FIRST SESSION, 1997 March 6, 1997 Mr. Speaker: Your LABOR AND HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred HOUSE BILL 1337 has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows: 1. On page 3, line 9, strike "legal" and insert in lieu thereof "physical". 2. On page 5, line 3, strike "family" and insert in lieu thereof "Family". 3. On page 9, line 19, strike "State" and insert in lieu thereof "States". 4. On page 12, line 5, after "family" insert "assistance group". 5. On page 12, line 5, strike "not" and insert in lieu thereof "no". 6. On page 12, line 6, strike "children in the family" and insert in lieu thereof "members of the family assistance group". 7. On page 12, line 13, after "resources" insert "and not less than one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) of liquid resources". 8. On page 13, line 8, strike "be" and insert in lieu thereof "by". 9. On page 13, between lines 12 and 13, insert the following new subsection: "C. Funds deposited in an individual development account shall not be counted as resources by the department in determining financial eligibility for assistance or services pursuant to the Family Assistance and Individual Responsibility Act.". 10. On page 15, line 23, strike "ten" and insert in lieu thereof "fifteen". 11. On page 21, line 22, after "payment" insert "from the amount collected". 12. On page 21, line 22, after "of" insert "up to"., and thence referred to the APPROPRIATIONS AND FINANCE COMMITTEE. Respectfully submitted, Rick Miera, Chairman Adopted Not Adopted (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) Date The roll call vote was 6 For 0 Against Yes: 6 Excused: Marquardt, Roberts Absent: None .118183.1 G:\BILLTEXT\AMEND_97\H1337LA1