0001| HOUSE BILL 1112 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| RAYMOND G. SANCHEZ | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO PROPERTY TAXATION; AMENDING SECTION 7-36-20 NMSA | 0012| 1978 (BEING LAWS 1973, CHAPTER 258, SECTION 21, AS AMENDED) | 0013| PERTAINING TO VALUATION OF LAND USED PRIMARILY FOR AGRICULTURAL | 0014| PURPOSES. | 0015| | 0016| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0017| Section 1. Section 7-36-20 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1973, | 0018| Chapter 258, Section 21, as amended) is amended to read: | 0019| "7-36-20. SPECIAL METHOD OF VALUATION--LAND USED | 0020| PRIMARILY FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES.-- | 0021| A. The value of land used primarily for | 0022| agricultural purposes shall be determined on the basis of the | 0023| land's capacity to produce agricultural products. [The burden | 0024| of demonstrating primary agricultural use is on the owner of | 0025| the land, and he must produce objective] Evidence of bona | 0001| fide primary agricultural use of land for the tax year | 0002| preceding the year in which application is made for [his] | 0003| the land to be valued under this section [The fact that land | 0004| was devoted to agricultural use in the preceding year is not of | 0005| itself sufficient evidence to support a finding of bona fide | 0006| primary agricultural use when there is evidence that the | 0007| agricultural use was subordinate to another use or purpose of | 0008| the owner, such as holding for speculative land subdivision and | 0009| sale, commercial use of a nonagricultural character, | 0010| recreational use or other nonagricultural purpose] creates a | 0011| presumption that the land is used primarily for agricultural | 0012| purposes during the tax year in which the application is made. | 0013| If the land was valued under this section in either or both of | 0014| the two tax years preceding the year in which application is | 0015| made and the use of the land has not changed since the most | 0016| recent valuation under this section, a presumption is created | 0017| that the land continues to be entitled to that valuation. | 0018| B. For the purpose of this section, "agricultural | 0019| use" means the use of land for the production of plants, crops, | 0020| trees, forest products, orchard crops, livestock, poultry or | 0021| fish. The term also includes the use of land that meets the | 0022| requirements for payment or other compensation pursuant to a | 0023| soil conservation program under an agreement with an agency of | 0024| the federal government. | 0025| C. The department shall adopt regulations for | 0001| determining whether or not land is used primarily for | 0002| agricultural purposes. | 0003| D. The department shall adopt regulations for | 0004| determining the value of land used primarily for agricultural | 0005| purposes. The regulations shall: | 0006| (1) specify procedures to use in determining | 0007| the capacity of land to produce agricultural products and the | 0008| derivation of value of the land based upon its production | 0009| capacity; | 0010| (2) establish carrying capacity as the | 0011| measurement of the production capacity of land used for grazing | 0012| purposes, develop a system of determining carrying capacity | 0013| through the use of an animal unit concept and establish | 0014| carrying capacities for the land in the state classified as | 0015| grazing land; | 0016| (3) provide for the consideration of | 0017| determinations of any other governmental agency concerning the | 0018| capacity of the same or similar lands to produce agricultural | 0019| products; | 0020| (4) assure that land determined under the | 0021| regulations to have the same or similar production capacity | 0022| shall be valued uniformly throughout the state; and | 0023| (5) provide for the periodic review by the | 0024| department of determined production capacities and | 0025| capitalization rates used for determining annually the value of | 0001| land used primarily for agricultural purposes. | 0002| E. All improvements, other than those specified in | 0003| Section [72-29-5 NMSA 1953] 7-36-15 NMSA 1978, on land used | 0004| primarily for agricultural purposes shall be valued separately | 0005| for property taxation purposes and the value of these | 0006| improvements shall be added to the value of the land determined | 0007| under this section. | 0008| F. The owner of the land must make application to the | 0009| county assessor in each tax year in which the valuation method | 0010| of this section is claimed to be applicable to his land. | 0011| Application shall be made under oath, shall be in a form and | 0012| contain the information required by department regulations and | 0013| must be made no later than the last day of February of the tax | 0014| year. If the owner of the land fails to make the application | 0015| required by this subsection, the county assessor shall: | 0016| (1) if the land was valued under this section in | 0017| the immediately preceding tax year and if he determines that | 0018| the land continues to be entitled to valuation under this | 0019| section, value the land under this section and impose a penalty | 0020| for failure to make the required application in an amount equal | 0021| to fifteen percent of the tax determined to be due on the land | 0022| for that tax year; or | 0023| (2) if the land was valued under this section in | 0024| the immediately preceding tax year and if he determines that | 0025| the land is no longer entitled to valuation under this section, | 0001| value the land in accordance with the applicable provisions of | 0002| the Property Tax Code and department regulations. | 0003| If land is initially valued under Paragraph (2) of this | 0004| subsection and, due to subsequent action by the county assessor | 0005| or as a result of a protest, the land is determined to be | 0006| entitled to valuation as land used primarily for agricultural | 0007| purposes, the penalty provided in Paragraph (1) of this | 0008| subsection shall be applied. The presumptions created in | 0009| Subsection A of this section shall apply to this subsection." | 0010| Section 2. APPLICABILITY.--The provisions of this act | 0011| apply to the 1998 and subsequent property tax years. | 0012|  State of New Mexico | 0013| House of Representatives | 0014| | 0015| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0016| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0017| | 0018| | 0019| February 28, 1997 | 0020| | 0021| | 0022| Mr. Speaker: | 0023| | 0024| Your TAXATION AND REVENUE COMMITTEE, to whom has | 0025| been referred | 0001| | 0002| HOUSE BILL 1112 | 0003| | 0004| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0005| recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows: | 0006| | 0007| 1. On page 2, line 1, strike "in" and insert in lieu | 0008| thereof "for". | 0009| | 0010| 2. On page 2, line 2, strike "application" and insert in | 0011| lieu thereof "determination". | 0012| | 0013| 3. On page 2, line 2, after "made" insert "of eligibility". | 0014| | 0015| 4. On page 2, line 12, strike "application" and insert in | 0016| lieu thereof "determination". | 0017| | 0018| 5. On page 2, line 13, strike "either or both" and insert | 0019| in lieu thereof "one or more". | 0020| | 0021| 6. On page 2, line 13, strike "two" and insert in lieu | 0022| thereof "three". | 0023| | 0024| 7. On page 2, line 14, strike "application" and insert in | 0025| lieu thereof "the determination". | 0001| | 0002| 8. On page 4, line 8, strike "each" and insert in lieu | 0003| thereof "a". | 0004| | 0005| 9. On page 4, line 9, after "is" insert "first". | 0006| | 0007| 10. On page 4, line 9, strike "his" and insert in lieu | 0008| thereof "the". | 0009| | 0010| 11. On page 4, line 9, before the period insert "or in a | 0011| tax year immediately subsequent to a tax year in which the land | 0012| was not valued under this section". | 0013| | 0014| | 0015| 12. On page 4, line 13, after the period strike the | 0016| remainder of the line and strike all of lines 14 through 25 and | 0017| on page 5, strike all of lines 1 through 8, and insert in lieu | 0018| thereof: | 0019| | 0020| "Once land is valued under this section, application need not be | 0021| made in subsequent tax years as long as there is no change in the | 0022| use of the land. | 0023| | 0024| G. The owner of land valued under this section shall | 0025| report to the county assessor whenever the use of the land | 0001| changes so that it is no longer being used primarily for | 0002| agricultural purposes. This report shall be made on a form | 0003| prescribed by department regulations and shall be made by the | 0004| last day of February of the tax year immediately following the | 0005| year in which the change in the use of the land occurs. | 0006| | 0007| H. Any person who is required to make a report under | 0008| the provisions of Subsection G of this section and who fails to | 0009| do so is personally liable for a civil penalty in an amount equal | 0010| to the greater of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) or twenty-five | 0011| percent of the difference between the property taxes ultimately | 0012| determined to be due and the property taxes originally paid for | 0013| the tax year or years for which the person failed to make the | 0014| required report."". | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| | 0018| | 0019| | 0020| Respectfully submitted, | 0021| | 0022| | 0023| | 0024| | 0025| | 0001| | 0002| Jerry W. Sandel, Chairman | 0003| | 0004| | 0005| Adopted Not Adopted | 0006| (Chief Clerk) | 0007| (Chief Clerk) | 0008| | 0009| Date | 0010| | 0011| The roll call vote was 10 For 0 Against | 0012| Yes: 10 | 0013| Excused: Gonzales, Lovejoy, Ryan | 0014| Absent: None | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| .117937.1 | 0018| G:\BILLTEXT\BILLW_97\H1112 | 0019| | 0020| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0021| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0022| | 0023| | 0024| March 15, 1997 | 0025| | 0001| Mr. President: | 0002| | 0003| Your WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE, to whom has been | 0004| referred | 0005| | 0006| HOUSE BILL 1112, as amended | 0007| | 0008| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0009| recommendation that it DO PASS. | 0010| | 0011| Respectfully submitted, | 0012| | 0013| | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| __________________________________ | 0017| Carlos R. Cisneros, Chairman | 0018| | 0019| | 0020| | 0021| Adopted_______________________ Not | 0022| Adopted_______________________ | 0023| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0024| | 0025| | 0001| | 0002| Date ________________________ | 0003| | 0004| | 0005| The roll call vote was 6 For 0 Against | 0006| Yes: 6 | 0007| No: 0 | 0008| Excused: Duran, Jennings, Wilson | 0009| Absent: None | 0010| | 0011| | 0012| H1112WM1 |