0001| HOUSE BILL 1036 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| PATSY G. TRUJILLO | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO WATER; PROVIDING FOR CONSERVATION OF WATER | 0012| RESOURCES; ENACTING THE WATER CONSERVATION INCENTIVES ACT; | 0013| AMENDING AND ENACTING SECTIONS OF THE NMSA 1978. | 0014| | 0015| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0016| Section 1. [NEW MATERIAL] SHORT TITLE.--Sections 1 | 0017| through 6 of this act may be cited as the "Water Conservation | 0018| Incentives Act". | 0019| Section 2. [NEW MATERIAL] FINDINGS--PURPOSE.-- | 0020| A. The legislature finds that the conservation and | 0021| efficient use of water: | 0022| (1) benefits all water users; | 0023| (2) provides water to satisfy current and | 0024| future needs through reduction of waste; | 0025| (3) improves water quality by reducing | 0001| contaminated return flow; | 0002| (4) reduces erosion; and | 0003| (5) provides increased water supplies. | 0004| B. The purpose of the Water Conservation Incentives | 0005| Act is to promote conservation of limited water resources by | 0006| providing incentives to water users to conserve water and to | 0007| enhance the public interest by increasing streamflows by means | 0008| of reducing diversions through application of conservation | 0009| measures. | 0010| Section 3. [NEW MATERIAL] DEFINITIONS.--As used in the | 0011| Water Conservation Incentives Act: | 0012| A. "conservation" means the reduction of water use | 0013| while exercising a water right through the application of | 0014| conservation measures, including: | 0015| (1) improvements in irrigation methods and | 0016| conveyances; | 0017| (2) conversion to low-water-use plumbing | 0018| fixtures or industrial processes; and | 0019| (3) utility rate pricing calculated to reduce | 0020| water usage; | 0021| B. "conserved water" means that amount of water | 0022| that represents the difference between a water right and the | 0023| amount of water diverted to serve the same use with the | 0024| application of conservation measures, but does not mean water | 0025| that has been subjected to a change in point of diversion, | 0001| place or purpose of use; | 0002| C. "consumptive right" means the amount of water a | 0003| water right owner is entitled to consume in a beneficial use; | 0004| D. "diversion right" means that amount of water | 0005| that a water right owner is entitled to divert from a water | 0006| source in order to deliver a consumptive right for beneficial | 0007| use and includes the consumptive right plus losses between the | 0008| point of diversion and point of use; | 0009| E. "on-farm incidental depletion" means water lost | 0010| to evaporation from wetted soils or plant surfaces, standing | 0011| water in feeder ditches or furrows or through spray irrigation; | 0012| and | 0013| F. "person" means an individual or other legal | 0014| entity. | 0015| Section 4. [NEW MATERIAL] DETERMINATION--APPLICATION | 0016| OF CONSERVED WATER.-- | 0017| A. A person seeking to have a portion of a water | 0018| right found to be conserved water shall request the state | 0019| engineer to make an initial determination of conserved water. | 0020| The determination of conserved water may be made in conjunction | 0021| with an application for a change in point of diversion, place | 0022| or purpose of use of the portion of the right represented by | 0023| the conserved water. The request for a determination of | 0024| conserved water in conjunction with a change in point of | 0025| diversion, place or purpose of use of the portion of the right | 0001| represented by the conserved water shall be pursuant to state | 0002| engineer rules and regulations and shall include the following | 0003| information regarding the proposed conservation of water: | 0004| (1) a description of the methods used to | 0005| conserve the water; and | 0006| (2) a statement of the amount of water that is | 0007| expected to be conserved. | 0008| B. The state engineer shall adopt and promulgate | 0009| rules and regulations for quantification of the water | 0010| conserved, proof of maintenance of conservation measures and | 0011| consequences of failure to maintain conservation measures. | 0012| C. Publication and distribution of public notice | 0013| and opportunity for public hearing in the event of an objection | 0014| or protest of the application shall be as set forth in Sections | 0015| 72-5-5 and 72-12-3 NMSA 1978. | 0016| Section 5. [NEW MATERIAL] ALLOCATION OF CONSERVED | 0017| WATER.-- | 0018| A. If the state engineer determines that a portion | 0019| of a water right is conserved water, the person with rights to | 0020| that conserved water may apply to the state engineer pursuant | 0021| to the provisions of Sections 72-5-23, 72-5-24 and 72-12-7 NMSA | 0022| 1978 to use, lease or sell a portion of the conserved water as | 0023| described in Subsection B of this section. | 0024| B. Rights to that portion of the conserved water | 0025| recovered by reducing beneficial consumptive use or on-farm | 0001| incidental depletions shall be fully available to the applicant | 0002| to use, lease or sell. Rights to that portion of the conserved | 0003| water generated through reduction of the applicant's diversion | 0004| right shall be allocated to one or more of the following uses: | 0005| (1) a conservation program as defined in | 0006| Section 72-1-2.2 NMSA 1978; | 0007| (2) protection or recovery of endangered | 0008| species or enhancement of riparian habitat; | 0009| (3) enhancement of streamflows to ensure | 0010| compliance with interstate stream compact obligations; or | 0011| (4) any other nonconsumptive use found by the | 0012| state engineer to be in the public welfare of the state. | 0013| C. Conserved water shall have the same priority | 0014| date as the original right. | 0015| D. The portion of a water right determined to be | 0016| conserved waters shall be exempt from forfeiture to Sections | 0017| 72-5-28 and 72-12-8 NMSA 1978. | 0018| Section 6. [NEW MATERIAL] NO IMPAIRMENT.--Nothing in | 0019| the Water Conservation Incentives Act shall be construed to | 0020| impair or condemn any existing water right. | 0021| Section 7. Section 72-5-28 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1907, | 0022| Chapter 49, Section 42, as amended) is amended to read: | 0023| "72-5-28. FAILURE TO USE WATER--FORFEITURE.-- | 0024| A. When the party entitled to the use of water | 0025| fails to beneficially use all or any part of the water claimed | 0001| by him, for which a right of use has vested for the purpose for | 0002| which it was appropriated or adjudicated, except the waters for | 0003| storage reservoirs, for a period of four years, such unused | 0004| water shall, if the failure to beneficially use the water | 0005| persists one year after notice and declaration of nonuser given | 0006| by the state engineer, revert to the public and shall be | 0007| regarded as unappropriated public water; provided, however, | 0008| that forfeiture shall not necessarily occur if circumstances | 0009| beyond the control of the owner have caused nonuse, such that | 0010| the water could not be placed to beneficial use by diligent | 0011| efforts of the owner; and provided that periods of nonuse, when | 0012| irrigated farm lands are placed under the acreage reserve | 0013| program or conservation reserve program provided by the Food | 0014| Security Act of 1985, P.L. 99-198, shall not be computed as | 0015| part of the four-year forfeiture period; and provided, further, | 0016| that the condition of notice and declaration of nonuser shall | 0017| not apply to water which has reverted to the public by | 0018| operation of law prior to June 1, 1965. | 0019| B. Upon application to the state engineer at any | 0020| time and a proper showing of reasonable cause for delay or for | 0021| nonuse or upon the state engineer finding that it is in the | 0022| public interest, the state engineer may grant extensions of | 0023| time, for a period not to exceed [three years] one year for | 0024| each extension, in which to apply to beneficial use the water | 0025| for which a permit to appropriate has been issued or a water | 0001| right has vested, was appropriated or has been adjudicated. | 0002| C. Periods of nonuse when water rights are acquired | 0003| by incorporated municipalities or counties for implementation | 0004| of their water development plans or for preservation of | 0005| municipal or county water supplies shall not be computed as | 0006| part of the four-year forfeiture statute. | 0007| D. A lawful exemption from the requirements of | 0008| beneficial use, either by an extension of time or other | 0009| statutory exemption, stops the running of the four-year period | 0010| for the period of the exemption, and the period of exemption | 0011| shall not be included in computing the four-year period. | 0012| E. Periods of nonuse when the nonuser of acquired | 0013| water rights is on active duty as a member of the armed forces | 0014| of this country shall not be included in computing the four- | 0015| year period. | 0016| F. The owner or holder of a valid water right or | 0017| permit to appropriate waters for agricultural purposes | 0018| appurtenant to designated or specified lands may apply the full | 0019| amount of water covered by or included in the water right or | 0020| permit to any part of [such] the designated or specified | 0021| tract without penalty or forfeiture. | 0022| G. Periods of nonuse when water rights are acquired | 0023| and placed in a water conservation program, which has been | 0024| approved by the state engineer, by a conservancy district | 0025| organized pursuant to Chapter 73, Articles 14 through 19 NMSA | 0001| 1978 or an acequia or community ditch association organized | 0002| pursuant to Chapter 73, Article 2 NMSA 1978 or the interstate | 0003| stream commission shall not be computed as part of the four- | 0004| year forfeiture period. | 0005| H. Water that has been determined to be conserved | 0006| water by the state engineer pursuant to the Water Conservation | 0007| Incentives Act shall not be forfeited, provided the person | 0008| exercising conservation measures initiates a new use or | 0009| transfers the use of the conserved water within ten years after | 0010| the determination of conserved water." | 0011| Section 8. Section 72-12-8 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1931, | 0012| Chapter 131, Section 8, as amended) is amended to read: | 0013| "72-12-8. WATER RIGHT FORFEITURE.-- | 0014| A. When for a period of four years the owner of a | 0015| water right in any of the waters described in Sections 72-12-1 | 0016| through 72-12-28 NMSA 1978 or the holder of a permit from the | 0017| state engineer to appropriate any such waters has failed to | 0018| apply them to the use for which the permit was granted or the | 0019| right has vested, was appropriated or has been adjudicated, the | 0020| water rights shall be, if the failure to beneficially use the | 0021| water persists one year after notice and declaration of nonuser | 0022| given by the state engineer, forfeited and the water so unused | 0023| shall revert to the public and be subject to further | 0024| appropriation; provided that the condition of notice and | 0025| declaration of nonuser shall not apply to water which has | 0001| reverted to the public by operation of law prior to June l, | 0002| l965. | 0003| B. Upon application to the state engineer at any | 0004| time and a proper showing of reasonable cause for delay or for | 0005| nonuse or upon the state engineer finding that it is in the | 0006| public interest, the state engineer may grant extensions of | 0007| time, for a period not to exceed [three years] one year for | 0008| each extension, in which to apply to beneficial use the water | 0009| for which a permit to appropriate has been issued or a water | 0010| right has vested, was appropriated or has been adjudicated. | 0011| C. Periods of nonuse when irrigated farm lands are | 0012| placed under the acreage reserve program or conservation | 0013| reserve program provided by the Food Security Act of l985, P.L. | 0014| 99-l98, shall not be computed as part of the four-year | 0015| forfeiture period. | 0016| D. Periods of nonuse when water rights are acquired | 0017| and placed in a water conservation program adopted by an | 0018| artesian conservancy district, conservancy district or the | 0019| interstate stream commission shall not be computed as part of | 0020| the four-year forfeiture statute. | 0021| E. A lawful exemption from the requirements of | 0022| beneficial use, either by an extension of time or other | 0023| statutory exemption, stops the running of the four-year period | 0024| for the period of the exemption, and the period of exemption | 0025| shall not be included in computing the four-year period. | 0001| F. Periods of nonuse when water rights are acquired | 0002| by incorporated municipalities or counties for implementation | 0003| of their water development plans or for preservation of | 0004| municipal or county water supplies shall not be computed as | 0005| part of the four-year forfeiture statute. | 0006| G. Periods of nonuse when the nonuser of acquired | 0007| water rights is on active duty as a member of the armed forces | 0008| of this country shall not be included in computing the four- | 0009| year period. | 0010| H. The owner or holder of a valid water right or | 0011| permit to appropriate waters for agricultural purposes | 0012| appurtenant to designated or specified lands may apply the full | 0013| amount of water covered by or included in that water right or | 0014| permit to any part of [such] the designated or specified | 0015| tract without penalty or forfeiture. | 0016| I. Water that has been determined to be conserved | 0017| water by the state engineer pursuant to the Water Conservation | 0018| Incentives Act shall not be forfeited, provided the person | 0019| exercising conservation measures initiates a new use or | 0020| transfers the use of the conserved water within ten years after | 0021| the determination of conserved water." | 0022|  |