0001| HOUSE BILL 1025 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| DEBBIE A. RODELLA | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO NEW MEXICO LOTTERY REVENUES; AUTHORIZING A | 0012| DISTRIBUTION OF FIFTY PERCENT OF NET LOTTERY REVENUES TO THE | 0013| INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL FUND; ABOLISHING THE DISTRIBUTION OF | 0014| LOTTERY REVENUES FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL CAPITAL OUTLAY; CREATING THE | 0015| LOTTERY TUITION TRUST FUND; AMENDING AND ENACTING SECTIONS OF | 0016| THE NMSA 1978; REPEALING LAWS 1995, CHAPTER 155, SECTION 38. | 0017| | 0018| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0019| Section 1. A new section of the New Mexico Lottery Act is | 0020| enacted to read: | 0021| "[NEW MATERIAL] LOTTERY TUITION TRUST FUND CREATED-- | 0022| PURPOSE.-- | 0023| A. The "lottery tuition trust fund" is created in | 0024| the state treasury. The fund shall be administered by the | 0025| commission on higher education as a permanent trust fund. | 0001| Earnings from investment of the fund shall accrue to the credit | 0002| of the fund. Any balance in the fund at the end of any fiscal | 0003| year shall remain in the fund and shall not be appropriated for | 0004| any purpose as provided in this section. | 0005| B. Beginning in fiscal year 2003, an amount not to | 0006| exceed five percent of the balance in the lottery tuition trust | 0007| fund on June 30 of the prior fiscal year may be appropriated | 0008| annually by the legislature to the commission on higher | 0009| education for distribution to New Mexico's public post- | 0010| secondary educational institutions to provide tuition | 0011| assistance for New Mexico resident undergraduates as provided | 0012| by law." | 0013| Section 2. Section 6-24-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1995, | 0014| Chapter 155, Section 3) is amended to read: | 0015| "6-24-3. PURPOSES.--The purposes of the New Mexico | 0016| Lottery Act are to: | 0017| A. establish and provide for the conduct of a fair | 0018| and honest lottery for the entertainment of the public; and | 0019| B. provide the maximum amount of revenues, without | 0020| imposing additional taxes or using other state revenues, for | 0021| the purposes of: | 0022| (1) funding [critical capital outlay] | 0023| instructional material needs of the public schools; and | 0024| (2) providing tuition assistance to resident | 0025| undergraduates at New Mexico post-secondary educational | 0001| institutions." | 0002| Section 3. Section 6-24-24 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1995, | 0003| Chapter 155, Section 24) is amended to read: | 0004| "6-24-24. DISPOSITION OF REVENUE.-- | 0005| A. As nearly as practical, an amount equal to at | 0006| least fifty percent of the gross annual revenues from the sale | 0007| of lottery tickets shall be returned to the public in the form | 0008| of lottery prizes. | 0009| B. The authority shall transmit all net revenues to | 0010| the state treasurer who shall deposit [sixty] fifty percent | 0011| of the revenues in the [public school capital outlay fund for | 0012| expenditure pursuant to the provisions of the Public School | 0013| Capital Outlay Act] instructional material fund pursuant to | 0014| the Instructional Material Law, ten percent in the lottery | 0015| tuition trust fund and forty percent in the lottery tuition | 0016| fund. Estimated net revenues shall be transmitted monthly to | 0017| the state treasurer for deposit in the funds, provided the | 0018| total amount of annual net revenues for the fiscal year shall | 0019| be transmitted no later than August 1 each year. | 0020| C. In determining net revenues, operating expenses | 0021| of the lottery include all costs incurred in the operation and | 0022| administration of the lottery and all costs resulting from any | 0023| contracts entered into for the purchase or lease of goods or | 0024| services required by the lottery, including [but not limited | 0025| to] the costs of supplies, materials, tickets, independent | 0001| audit services, independent studies, data transmission, | 0002| advertising, promotion, incentives, public relations, | 0003| communications, commissions paid to lottery retailers, | 0004| printing, distribution of tickets, purchases of annuities or | 0005| investments to be used to pay future installments of winning | 0006| lottery tickets, debt service and payment of any revenue bonds | 0007| issued, contingency reserves, transfers to the reserve fund and | 0008| any other necessary costs incurred in carrying out the | 0009| provisions of the New Mexico Lottery Act. | 0010| D. An amount up to two percent of the gross annual | 0011| revenues shall be set aside as a reserve fund to cover bonuses | 0012| and incentive plans for lottery retailers, special promotions | 0013| for retailers, purchasing special promotional giveaways, | 0014| sponsoring special promotional events, compulsive gambling | 0015| rehabilitation and such other purposes as the board deems | 0016| necessary to maintain the integrity and meet the revenue goals | 0017| of the lottery. The board shall report annually to the | 0018| governor and each regular session of the legislature on the use | 0019| of the money in the reserve fund. Any balance in excess of | 0020| fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) at the end of any fiscal year | 0021| shall be transferred to the lottery tuition fund." | 0022| Section 4. Section 6-24-27 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1995, | 0023| Chapter 155, Section 27) is amended to read: | 0024| "6-24-27. REVENUE AND BUDGET REPORTS--RECORDS-- | 0025| INDEPENDENT AUDITS.-- | 0001| A. The board shall: | 0002| (l) submit quarterly and annual reports to the | 0003| governor, legislative finance committee and lottery oversight | 0004| committee disclosing the total lottery revenue, prizes, | 0005| commissions, ticket costs, operating expenses and net revenues | 0006| of the authority during the reporting period and, in the annual | 0007| report, describe the organizational structure of the authority | 0008| and summarize the functions performed by each organizational | 0009| division within the authority; | 0010| (2) maintain weekly or more frequent records | 0011| of lottery transactions, including the distribution of lottery | 0012| tickets to retailers, revenue received, claims for prizes, | 0013| prizes paid, prizes forfeited and other financial transactions | 0014| of the authority; and | 0015| (3) use the state government fiscal year. | 0016| B. The board shall provide, for informational | 0017| purposes, to the department of finance and administration and | 0018| the legislative finance committee, by December 1 of each year, | 0019| a copy of the annual proposed operating budget for the | 0020| authority for the succeeding fiscal year. This budget proposal | 0021| shall also be accompanied by an estimate of the net revenues to | 0022| be deposited in the [public school capital outlay] | 0023| instructional material fund, the lottery tuition trust fund | 0024| and the lottery tuition fund for the current and succeeding | 0025| fiscal years. | 0001| C. The board shall contract with an independent | 0002| certified public accountant or firm for an annual financial | 0003| audit of the authority. The certified public accountant or | 0004| firm shall have no financial interest in any lottery | 0005| contractor. The certified public accountant or firm shall | 0006| present an audit report no later than March 1 for the prior | 0007| fiscal year. The certified public accountant or firm shall | 0008| evaluate the internal auditing controls in effect during the | 0009| audit period. The cost of this financial audit shall be an | 0010| operating expense of the authority. The legislative finance | 0011| committee may, at any time, order an audit of any phase of the | 0012| operations of the authority, at the expense of the authority, | 0013| and shall receive a copy of the annual independent financial | 0014| audit. A copy of any audit performed by the certified public | 0015| accountant or ordered by the legislative finance committee | 0016| shall be transmitted to the governor, the speaker of the house | 0017| of representatives, the president pro tempore of the senate, | 0018| the legislative finance committee and the lottery oversight | 0019| committee." | 0020| Section 5. REPEAL.--Laws 1995, Chapter 155, Section 38 is | 0021| repealed. | 0022| Section 6. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the | 0023| provisions of this act is July 1, 1997. | 0024|  |