0001| HOUSE BILL 890 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| R. DAVID PEDERSON | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO PUBLIC EDUCATION; PROVIDING FOR TEACHER-PARENT | 0012| COMMITTEES FOR REMOVAL OF STUDENTS FOR NONATTENDANCE OR | 0013| DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR; ENACTING A NEW SECTION OF THE PUBLIC | 0014| SCHOOL CODE. | 0015| | 0016| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0017| Section 1. A new section of the Public School Code is | 0018| enacted to read: | 0019| "[NEW MATERIAL] DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR IN CLASSROOM-- | 0020| ABSENCES--STUDENT REMOVAL BY TEACHER-PARENT DISCIPLINARY | 0021| COMMITTEES.-- | 0022| A. A public school teacher may remove a student | 0023| from the teacher's classroom for uncooperative, disruptive or | 0024| dangerous behavior or after ten cumulative days of absence from | 0025| the teacher's classroom that are unexcused under the local | 0001| school board's attendance policy. The teacher's decision shall | 0002| be subject to review pursuant to Subsection E of this section. | 0003| B. The teacher shall inform the principal or his | 0004| designee of the student's removal from the classroom, and the | 0005| principal or his designee shall notify the student's parent or | 0006| guardian of the student's removal from the classroom. Upon | 0007| removal from the classroom, the student shall be placed in a | 0008| school detention center until the student's parent or guardian | 0009| picks up the student, or to such other place or placement | 0010| alternative that the local school board designates. If the | 0011| parent or guardian does not pick up the student, the district | 0012| shall contact the appropriate law enforcement, county health or | 0013| social service agency. | 0014| C. A student who has been removed from class due to | 0015| uncooperative, disruptive or dangerous behavior shall not | 0016| return to class until the parent or guardian has attended a | 0017| conference with the teacher and the teacher has given his | 0018| written consent to having the student return. | 0019| D. A teacher shall not be required to provide make- | 0020| up exams or to participate in private conferences or one-on-one | 0021| activities in order to assist the student to make up school | 0022| work missed due to being removed or suspended from the | 0023| classroom pursuant to this section or pursuant to any other | 0024| disciplinary action. A student may secure tutoring to make up | 0025| such school work. | 0001| E. Each public school shall establish a student | 0002| disciplinary committee and a teacher-parent disciplinary | 0003| committee appointed by the school principal. Students removed | 0004| from class may appeal their removal to the student disciplinary | 0005| committee, which shall hold a hearing and reach a decision | 0006| within forty-eight hours of appeal. The committee may uphold, | 0007| overturn or modify the removal. The decision of the committee | 0008| may be appealed to the superintendent of the school district, | 0009| who shall render his decision within seven days of receiving | 0010| the appeal. The decision of the superintendent may be appealed | 0011| to the local board of education, whose decision shall be final. | 0012| The hearing and appeals shall be conducted informally with an | 0013| audiotape record of the initial teacher-parent disciplinary | 0014| hearing. The student shall have the right to notice of the | 0015| reasons for removal, the right to appear at the initial hearing | 0016| along with his parent or guardian and legal counsel at his own | 0017| expense. The student shall have the right to present his own | 0018| information and any documentary information supporting | 0019| nonremoval; the right to reasonable notice of the date, time | 0020| and place of the initial hearing and all appeals; and the right | 0021| to an unbiased and fair hearing committee. | 0022| F. All appeals shall recognize concepts of | 0023| fundamental fairness, ensuring due process rights and equal | 0024| application of the removal procedure, taking into account the | 0025| circumstances of the incident giving rise to removal, the | 0001| student's background and individual characteristics and | 0002| disciplinary history. | 0003| G. A student who has been removed from the | 0004| classroom in accordance with this section may be subject to | 0005| removal for a period of time up to and including the entire | 0006| balance of a school year." | 0007| - 4 - |