0001| HOUSE BILL 803 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| G. X. MCSHERRY | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO MUNICIPALITIES; PROVIDING PROCEDURES TO AUTHORIZE A | 0012| COUNTY TO GOVERN THE AFFAIRS OF A MUNICIPALITY THAT FAILS TO | 0013| TRANSACT NECESSARY BUSINESS; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. | 0014| | 0015| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0016| Section 1. A new section of the Municipal Code is enacted | 0017| to read: | 0018| "[NEW MATERIAL] MUNICIPALITY FAILURE TO TRANSACT | 0019| NECESSARY BUSINESS.-- | 0020| A. If the governing body of a municipality fails | 0021| for a period of at least three consecutive months to convene a | 0022| quorum or transact necessary official business, the following | 0023| procedures shall apply to allow the citizens of the | 0024| municipality to request the board of county commissioners for | 0025| the county in which the municipality is located to transact | 0001| necessary business for the municipality. | 0002| B. A petition containing the signatures of at least | 0003| twenty percent of the registered voters in the municipality may | 0004| be filed with the district court that has jurisdiction over the | 0005| municipality. The petition may request the district court to | 0006| enter an order finding that the governing body of the | 0007| municipality has failed either to convene a quorum for reasons | 0008| other than excusable absences or to transact necessary official | 0009| business for a period of at least three consecutive months. | 0010| Upon a district court making such a finding and entering an | 0011| order to that effect, the board of county commissioners for the | 0012| county in which the municipality is located is authorized to | 0013| enact ordinances and transact necessary official business for | 0014| the municipality. Such authority shall remain in effect until | 0015| the governing body of the municipality convenes a quorum and | 0016| transacts official business. | 0017| C. Nothing in this section prevents the governing | 0018| body of a municipality from subsequently repealing or revising | 0019| the ordinances for the municipality that were adopted or the | 0020| business for the municipality that was transacted by a board of | 0021| county commissioners pursuant to the provisions of this | 0022| section. This power to repeal ordinances or revise the | 0023| transaction of official business is available only to the same | 0024| extent that the governing body of the municipality could | 0025| lawfully repeal its own ordinances or revise its own business | 0001| decisions." | 0002| Section 2. EMERGENCY.--It is necessary for the public | 0003| peace, health and safety that this act take effect immediately. | 0004|  |