0001| HOUSE BILL 499 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| G. X. MCSHERRY | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO LAW ENFORCEMENT; AUTHORIZING COUNTY SHERIFFS TO | 0012| DESIGNATE CERTAIN FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS AS NEW | 0013| MEXICO PEACE OFFICERS; AMENDING A SECTION OF THE NMSA 1978. | 0014| | 0015| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0016| Section 1. Section 29-1-11 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1972, | 0017| Chapter 8, Section 1, as amended) is amended to read: | 0018| "29-1-11. AUTHORIZATION OF TRIBAL AND PUEBLO POLICE | 0019| OFFICERS AND CERTAIN FEDERAL OFFICERS TO ACT AS NEW MEXICO | 0020| PEACE OFFICERS--AUTHORITY, PAYMENT AND PROCEDURE FOR | 0021| COMMISSIONED PEACE OFFICERS.-- | 0022| A. All persons who are duly commissioned officers | 0023| of the police or sheriff's department of any New Mexico Indian | 0024| tribe or pueblo or who are law enforcement officers employed by | 0025| the bureau of Indian affairs and are assigned in New Mexico | 0001| are, when commissioned under Subsection B of this section, | 0002| recognized and authorized to act as New Mexico peace officers. | 0003| These officers have all the powers of New Mexico peace officers | 0004| to enforce state laws in New Mexico, including [but not | 0005| limited to] the power to make arrests for violation of state | 0006| laws. | 0007| B. The chief of the New Mexico state police is | 0008| granted authority to issue commissions as New Mexico peace | 0009| officers to members of the police or sheriff's department of | 0010| any New Mexico Indian tribe or pueblo or a law enforcement | 0011| officer employed by the bureau of Indian affairs to implement | 0012| the provisions of this section. The procedures to be followed | 0013| in the issuance and revocation of commissions and the | 0014| respective rights and responsibilities of the departments shall | 0015| be set forth in a written agreement to be executed between the | 0016| chief of the New Mexico state police and the tribe or pueblo or | 0017| the appropriate federal official. | 0018| C. The agreement referred to in Subsection B of | 0019| this section shall contain the following conditions: | 0020| (1) the tribe or pueblo, but not the bureau of | 0021| Indian affairs, shall submit proof of adequate public liability | 0022| and property damage insurance for vehicles operated by the | 0023| peace officers and police professional liability insurance from | 0024| a company licensed to sell insurance in the state; | 0025| (2) each applicant for a commission shall | 0001| successfully complete four hundred hours of basic police | 0002| training that is approved by the director of the New Mexico law | 0003| enforcement academy; | 0004| (3) the chief of the New Mexico state police | 0005| shall have the authority to suspend any commission granted | 0006| pursuant to Subsection B of this section for reasons solely | 0007| within his discretion; | 0008| (4) if any provision of the agreement is | 0009| violated by the tribe or pueblo or any of its agents, the chief | 0010| of the New Mexico state police shall suspend the agreement on | 0011| five days' notice, which suspension shall last until the chief | 0012| is satisfied that the violation has been corrected and will not | 0013| recur; | 0014| (5) the officer's goldenrod-colored | 0015| [officer's] second copy of any citation issued pursuant to a | 0016| commission authorized by this section shall be submitted within | 0017| five days to the chief of the New Mexico state police; | 0018| (6) any citation issued pursuant to a | 0019| commission authorized by this section shall be to a magistrate | 0020| court of New Mexico; except that any citations issued to | 0021| Indians within the exterior boundaries of an Indian reservation | 0022| shall be cited into tribal court; | 0023| (7) the agreement or any commission issued | 0024| pursuant to it shall not confer any authority on a tribal court | 0025| or other tribal authority which that court or authority would | 0001| not otherwise have; | 0002| (8) the authority conferred by any agreement | 0003| entered into pursuant to the provisions of this section shall | 0004| be coextensive with the exterior boundaries of the reservation; | 0005| except that an officer commissioned under this section may | 0006| proceed in hot pursuit of an offender beyond the exterior | 0007| boundaries of the reservation, and the authority conferred in | 0008| any written agreement between the chief of the New Mexico state | 0009| police and the Navajo tribe may extend beyond the exterior | 0010| boundaries of the Navajo reservation to and including the area | 0011| enclosed by the following description: | 0012| Beginning at a point where the southern boundary line of | 0013| the Navajo Indian reservation intersects the western | 0014| right-of-way line of US 666, and running thence; southerly | 0015| along the western right-of-way line of US 666 to the northerly | 0016| city limits of Gallup; thence, easterly along the northerly | 0017| city limits of Gallup to the northern side of the right-of-way | 0018| of I-40; thence, in an easterly direction along the northerly | 0019| side of the right-of-way of I-40 to the northerly limits of the | 0020| village of Prewitt; thence, in a straight line between the | 0021| northerly boundary of the village of Prewitt to the southerly | 0022| boundary of Ambrosia Lake; thence in a straight line between | 0023| the southerly boundary of Ambrosia Lake to the southerly | 0024| boundary of Hospah; thence, east along a straight line from the | 0025| southerly boundary of Hospah to the southern boundary of | 0001| Torreon; thence along the easterly side of the right-of-way of | 0002| state road 197 to the westerly city limits of Cuba; thence, | 0003| north along the westerly side of the right-of-way of state road | 0004| 44 to the southerly boundary of the Jicarilla Apache Indian | 0005| reservation; thence, westerly along the southerly boundary of | 0006| the Jicarilla Apache Indian reservation to the southwest corner | 0007| of that reservation; thence, northerly along the westerly | 0008| boundary of the Jicarilla Apache Indian reservation to a point | 0009| where the westerly boundary of the reservation intersects the | 0010| southerly side of the right-of-way of state road 44; thence, | 0011| northerly along the southerly side of the right-of-way of state | 0012| road 44 to its intersection with the northerly side of the | 0013| right-of-way of Navajo road 3003; thence, along the northerly | 0014| side of the right-of-way of Navajo road 3003 to a point where | 0015| the northerly side of the right-of-way of Navajo road 3003 | 0016| intersects the westerly side of the right-of-way line of state | 0017| road 371; thence, northerly along the west side of the | 0018| right-of-way of state road 371 to the southerly side of the | 0019| right-of-way of Navajo road 36; thence, westerly along the | 0020| southerly side of the right-of-way of Navajo road 36 to the | 0021| eastern border of the Navajo Indian reservation; thence, along | 0022| the eastern and southerly borders of the Navajo Indian | 0023| reservation to the point of beginning. | 0024| The municipalities of Cuba and Gallup and the villages of | 0025| Thoreau and Prewitt are excluded from the grant of authority | 0001| that may be conferred in any written agreement entered into | 0002| pursuant to provisions of this section; provided, however, any | 0003| written agreement may include under such grant of authority the | 0004| communities of Ambrosia Lake, Hospah, Torreon, Lybrook, | 0005| Nageezi, Counselors and Blanco Trading Post and those | 0006| communities commonly known as the Wingate community; the Navajo | 0007| Tribe blue water ranch area of the Thoreau community; the | 0008| Prewitt community, exclusive of the village of Prewitt; the | 0009| Haystack community; the Desidero community; the Sand Springs | 0010| community; the Rincon Marquis community; the Charley Jesus | 0011| Arviso and the Castillo community; and state road 264 beginning | 0012| at the point where it intersects US 666 and ending where state | 0013| road 264 intersects the Arizona-New Mexico state line; | 0014| (9) the chief of the New Mexico state police | 0015| or his designee and the tribe or pueblo or the appropriate | 0016| federal official shall be required to meet at least quarterly | 0017| or more frequently at the call of the chief of the New Mexico | 0018| state police to discuss the status of the agreement and invite | 0019| other law enforcement or other officials to attend as | 0020| necessary; and | 0021| (10) as consideration for law enforcement | 0022| services rendered for the state by tribal or pueblo police | 0023| officers who are commissioned peace officers pursuant to this | 0024| section, each tribe or pueblo shall receive from the law | 0025| enforcement protection fund three hundred dollars ($300) for | 0001| each commissioned peace officer in the tribe or pueblo. To be | 0002| counted as a commissioned peace officer for the purposes of | 0003| this paragraph, a commissioned peace officer shall have been | 0004| assigned to duty and have worked in New Mexico for no fewer | 0005| than two hundred days in the calendar year immediately prior to | 0006| the date of payment. Payments shall be made for only those | 0007| divisions of the tribal or pueblo police departments that | 0008| perform services in New Mexico. No Indian nation, tribe or | 0009| pueblo police department shall be eligible for any disbursement | 0010| under the fund if officers of that department cite non-Indians | 0011| into the court of that Indian nation, tribe or pueblo. This | 0012| eligibility requirement would apply to either civil or criminal | 0013| citations issued by an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo police | 0014| department. | 0015| D. Nothing in this section impairs or affects the | 0016| existing status and sovereignty of tribes and pueblos of | 0017| Indians as established under the laws of the United States. | 0018| E. All persons who are duly commissioned federal | 0019| law enforcement officers employed by the federal bureau of | 0020| investigation; drug enforcement administration; bureau of | 0021| alcohol, tobacco and firearms; United States secret service; | 0022| United States customs service; immigration and naturalization | 0023| service; United States marshals service; postal inspection | 0024| service; and other appropriate federal officers whose primary | 0025| duty is law enforcement related, [as designated by the chief | 0001| of the New Mexico state police upon a recommendation by a | 0002| county sheriff] who are assigned in New Mexico and who are | 0003| designated by the county sheriff in the county in which they | 0004| are working, are recognized and authorized to act as New | 0005| Mexico peace officers and have all the powers of New Mexico | 0006| peace officers to enforce state laws in New Mexico, including | 0007| the power to make arrests for violation of state laws. This | 0008| subsection shall not be construed to impose liability upon or | 0009| to require indemnification by the state for any act performed | 0010| by a federal law enforcement officer pursuant to this | 0011| subsection. | 0012| F. The provisions of Subsection E of this section | 0013| regarding designation of federal law enforcement officers by a | 0014| county sheriff do not apply to federal law enforcement officers | 0015| who are duly commissioned officers of a police or sheriff's | 0016| department for an Indian tribe or pueblo in New Mexico or who | 0017| are federal law enforcement officers employed by the bureau of | 0018| Indian affairs." | 0019| Section 2. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the | 0020| provisions of this act is July 1, 1997. | 0021| - 8 - State of New Mexico | 0022| House of Representatives | 0023| | 0024| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0025| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0001| | 0002| | 0003| February 15, 1997 | 0004| | 0005| | 0006| Mr. Speaker: | 0007| | 0008| Your JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred | 0009| | 0010| HOUSE BILL 499 | 0011| | 0012| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0013| recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows: | 0014| | 0015| 1. On page 7, line 21, after the semicolon insert "United | 0016| States probation department; United States pretrial services | 0017| agency;". | 0018| | 0019| 2. On page 7, line 25, after "sheriff" insert "on a case- | 0020| by- case basis". | 0021| | 0022| The roll call vote on Amendment #2 was 7 For 2 Against | 0023| Yes: 7 | 0024| No: Luna, Sanchez | 0025| Excused: Carpenter, King, Rios, Stewart | 0001| Absent: None | 0002| | 0003| Respectfully submitted, | 0004| | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| Thomas P. Foy, Chairman | 0010| | 0011| | 0012| Adopted Not Adopted | 0013| | 0014| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0015| | 0016| Date | 0017| | 0018| The roll call vote was 9 For 0 Against | 0019| Yes: 9 | 0020| Excused: Carpenter, King, Rios, Stewart | 0021| Absent: None | 0022| | 0023| | 0024| G:\BILLTEXT\BILLW_97\H0499 |