0001| HOUSE BILL 318 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| DELORES C. WRIGHT | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO ANIMALS; PROHIBITING CERTAIN ACTIONS IN CONNECTION | 0012| WITH ANIMAL FIGHTING; PROVIDING PENALTIES. | 0013| | 0014| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0015| Section 1. A new section of Chapter 30, Article 18 NMSA | 0016| 1978 is enacted to read: | 0017| "[NEW MATERIAL] BIRD FIGHTING--PROHIBITED CONDUCT-- | 0018| PENALTY.-- | 0019| A. A person who causes, sponsors, promotes, | 0020| arranges or holds a fight between birds for the purpose of | 0021| pecuniary gain or entertainment is guilty of bird fighting. A | 0022| person who participates in a fight between birds is guilty of | 0023| bird fighting. As used in this section, "participates in a | 0024| fight between birds" means: | 0025| (1) being present at a fight between birds, | 0001| knowing that it is held for the purpose of pecuniary gain or | 0002| entertainment, without attempting to interfere with or stop the | 0003| contest; or | 0004| (2) owning, controlling or equipping one of | 0005| the participating birds with knowledge that the contest is held | 0006| for the purpose of pecuniary gain or entertainment. | 0007| B. Whoever commits bird fighting is guilty of a | 0008| fourth degree felony." | 0009| Section 2. Section 30-18-1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1963, | 0010| Chapter 303, Section 18-1) is amended to read: | 0011| "30-18-1. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS.--Cruelty to animals | 0012| consists of: | 0013| A. torturing, tormenting, depriving of necessary | 0014| sustenance, cruelly beating, mutilating, cruelly killing or | 0015| overdriving any animal; | 0016| B. intentionally causing one animal to fight with | 0017| another animal; | 0018| [B.] C. unnecessarily failing to provide any | 0019| animal with proper food or drink; or | 0020| [C.] D. cruelly driving or working any animal | 0021| when [such] the animal is unfit for labor. | 0022| Whoever commits cruelty to animals is guilty of a | 0023| [petty] misdemeanor." | 0024|  |