0001| HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS AND FINANCE COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR | 0002| HOUSE BILLS 277, 175, 587 & 784 | 0003| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0004| | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| | 0011| AN ACT | 0012| RELATING TO COURTS; CREATING JUDGESHIPS IN THE FIRST AND SECOND | 0013| JUDICIAL DISTRICTS AND METROPOLITAN COURT; ESTABLISHING A DRUG | 0014| COURT IN THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR ADDITIONAL | 0015| ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEYS AND PUBLIC DEFENDERS; AMENDING | 0016| SECTIONS OF THE NMSA 1978; MAKING APPROPRIATIONS. | 0017| | 0018| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0019| Section 1. Section 34-6-4 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1968, | 0020| Chapter 69, Section 7, as amended) is amended to read: | 0021| "34-6-4. JUDGES--FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT.--There shall be | 0022| [six] seven district judges in the first judicial district." | 0023| Section 2. Section 34-6-5 NMSA 1978 (being Laws | 0024| 1968, Chapter 69, Section 8, as amended) is amended to read: | 0025| "34-6-5. JUDGES--SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT.--There shall | 0001| be [twenty-one] twenty-three district judges in the second | 0002| judicial district." | 0003| Section 3. Section 34-8A-4.1 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1981, | 0004| Chapter 318, Section 2, as amended) is amended to read: | 0005| "34-8A-4.1. METROPOLITAN COURT JUDGES--TERMS OF OFFICE-- | 0006| ELECTION.-- | 0007| A. The elected term of office for each judge of the | 0008| metropolitan court is four years. | 0009| B. Judges of the metropolitan court who have been | 0010| previously elected in a partisan election or who were serving | 0011| as metropolitan judges on January 1, 1989 in divisions one | 0012| through twelve shall be subject to retention or rejection on a | 0013| nonpartisan ballot at the 1990 general election for a four-year | 0014| term ending December 31, 1994. | 0015| C. Any person appointed to fill a vacancy on the | 0016| metropolitan court after January 1, 1989 shall serve until the | 0017| next general election. That person's successor shall be chosen | 0018| at that general election and shall hold the office until the | 0019| general election four years later. | 0020| D. Judges of the Bernalillo county metropolitan | 0021| court for divisions thirteen, fourteen and fifteen shall be | 0022| appointed and shall serve until the 1992 general election. | 0023| Their successors shall be chosen at that general election and | 0024| shall hold office until the general election four years later. | 0025| Additional judges shall be appointed and elected pursuant to | 0001| Article 6 of the constitution of New Mexico." | 0002| Section 4. Section 34-8A-8 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1979, | 0003| Chapter 346, Section 8, as amended) is amended to read: | 0004| "34-8A-8. METROPOLITAN COURT--BERNALILLO DISTRICT.-- | 0005| A. The name of the metropolitan court in the | 0006| Bernalillo metropolitan district shall be the "Bernalillo county | 0007| metropolitan court". | 0008| B. The metropolitan court is an agency of the judicial | 0009| department of state government. Personnel of the metropolitan | 0010| court are subject to all laws and regulations applicable to state | 0011| officers and agencies and state officers and employees, except | 0012| where otherwise specifically provided by law. | 0013| C. There shall be [fifteen] eighteen judges of the | 0014| Bernalillo county metropolitan court." | 0015| Section 5. TEMPORARY PROVISION--DRUG COURT.--One of the | 0016| additional judges provided for the second judicial district in | 0017| this act shall preside over the operation of a drug court. | 0018| Section 6. TEMPORARY PROVISION--APPOINTMENT.--The | 0019| additional district judgeships provided for in this act shall be | 0020| filled by appointment by the governor pursuant to Article 6 of the | 0021| constitution of New Mexico for terms beginning July 1, 1997. | 0022| Section 7. APPROPRIATIONS.-- | 0023| A. The following amounts are appropriated from the | 0024| general fund to the following entities for expenditure in fiscal | 0025| year 1998 for the specified purposes: | 0001| (1) two hundred ninety-seven thousand five | 0002| hundred seventy-seven dollars ($297,577) to pay the cost of adding | 0003| an additional judgeship in the first judicial district, including | 0004| salary and benefits, training and office equipment, furnishings | 0005| and supplies; | 0006| (2) four hundred ninety thousand nine hundred | 0007| dollars ($490,900) to the second judicial district to pay two | 0008| district court judges' salaries and benefits, provide support | 0009| staff and purchase furniture and equipment for the judgeships; | 0010| (3) six hundred twenty-one thousand dollars | 0011| ($621,000) to the Bernalillo county metropolitan court for the | 0012| purpose of paying salaries and benefits and providing furniture, | 0013| equipment and supplies for three judges and support staff; | 0014| (4) three hundred eighty-eight thousand three | 0015| hundred dollars ($388,300) to the district attorney's office for | 0016| the second judicial district to pay for salaries and benefits for | 0017| assistant district attorneys and support staff; and | 0018| (5) five hundred sixty-six thousand dollars | 0019| ($566,000) to the public defender department to pay for salaries | 0020| and benefits for public defenders and support staff. | 0021| B. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at | 0022| the end of fiscal year 1998 shall revert to the general fund. | 0023| Section 8. EFFECTIVE DATE.--The effective date of the | 0024| provisions of this act is July 1, 1997. | 0025|  |