0001| HOUSE BILL 122 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| INTRODUCED BY | 0004| ANNA MARIE CROOK | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| FOR THE INTEGRATED WATER AND RESOURCE PLANNING COMMITTEE | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO WATER; AMENDING SECTION 73-2-65 NMSA 1978 (BEING | 0012| LAWS 1993, CHAPTER 293, SECTION 1) TO ATTACH THE ACEQUIA | 0013| COMMISSION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE PURPOSES TO THE INTERSTATE STREAM | 0014| COMMISSION. | 0015| | 0016| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0017| Section 1. Section 73-2-65 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1993, | 0018| Chapter 293, Section 1) is amended to read: | 0019| "73-2-65. ACEQUIA COMMISSION--CREATED--MEMBERSHIP-- | 0020| TERMS.-- | 0021| A. There is created the "acequia commission", which | 0022| is administratively attached to the [local government division | 0023| of the department of finance and administration] interstate | 0024| stream commission. | 0025| B. The acequia commission shall be appointed by the | 0001| governor and shall consist of eleven members who reside in the | 0002| irrigated areas of the state containing acequias. Members | 0003| shall own land irrigated from an acequia or community ditch | 0004| organized pursuant to a ditch or acequia statute. Each member | 0005| appointed by the governor shall serve a term of four years. | 0006| C. The initial appointments to the acequia | 0007| commission shall include the ten persons serving as members of | 0008| the governor's acequia commission organized pursuant to | 0009| executive order 88-06 and one member of the public who has a | 0010| background in business. Of the initial appointees, four | 0011| members shall be appointed by lot for two-year terms, four | 0012| members shall be appointed by lot for three-year terms and | 0013| three members shall be appointed by lot for four-year terms. | 0014| D. The acequia commission shall meet at the call of | 0015| the chairman not less than quarterly and not more than once a | 0016| month. The chairman shall be elected from among the members of | 0017| the commission." | 0018| - 2 - State of New Mexico | 0019| House of Representatives | 0020| | 0021| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0022| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0023| | 0024| | 0025| January 30, 1997 | 0001| | 0002| Mr. Speaker: | 0003| | 0004| Your AGRICULTURE AND WATER RESOURCES COMMITTEE, | 0005| to whom has been referred | 0006| | 0007| HOUSE BILL 122 | 0008| | 0009| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0010| recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows: | 0011| | 0012| 1. On page 2, line 1, strike "eleven" and insert in lieu | 0013| thereof "nine". | 0014| | 0015| 2. On page 2, line 7, strike "ten" and insert in lieu | 0016| thereof "nine". | 0017| | 0018| 3. On page 2, line 9, strike "and one member of the public | 0019| who has a". | 0020| | 0021| 4. On page 2, line 10, strike "background in business", and | 0022| strike "four" and insert in lieu thereof "three". | 0023| | 0024| 6. On page 2, line 11, strike "four" and insert in lieu | 0025| thereof "three"., | 0001| | 0002| and thence referred to the GOVERNMENT AND URBAN | 0003| AFFAIRS COMMITTEE. | 0004| | 0005| The roll call vote on Amendments 1 through 6 was 8 For 1 | 0006| Against | 0007| Yes: 8 | 0008| No: Abeyta | 0009| Excused: None | 0010| Absent: None | 0011| | 0012| Respectfully submitted, | 0013| | 0014| | 0015| | 0016| | 0017| | 0018| G. X. McSherry, Chairman | 0019| | 0020| Adopted Not Adopted | 0021| | 0022| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0023| | 0024| Date | 0025| | 0001| The roll call vote was 9 For 0 Against | 0002| Yes: 9 | 0003| Excused: None | 0004| Absent: None | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| G:\BILLTEXT\BILLW_97\H0122 State of New Mexico | 0009| House of Representatives | 0010| | 0011| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0012| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0013| | 0014| | 0015| February 13, 1997 | 0016| | 0017| | 0018| Mr. Speaker: | 0019| | 0020| Your GOVERNMENT AND URBAN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, to | 0021| whom has been referred | 0022| | 0023| HOUSE BILL 122, as amended | 0024| | 0025| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0001| recommendation that it DO PASS. | 0002| | 0003| Respectfully submitted, | 0004| | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| Lynda M. Lovejoy, Chairwoman | 0010| | 0011| | 0012| Adopted Not Adopted | 0013| | 0014| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0015| | 0016| Date | 0017| | 0018| The roll call vote was 5 For 0 Against | 0019| Yes: 5 | 0020| Excused: Hobbs, Pederson, Taylor, JG | 0021| Absent: None | 0022| | 0023| | 0024| G:\BILLTEXT\BILLW_97\H0122 | 0025| | 0001| FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE | 0002| FIRST SESSION, 1997 | 0003| | 0004| | 0005| March 21, 1997 | 0006| | 0007| Mr. President: | 0008| | 0009| Your PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, to whom has been | 0010| referred | 0011| | 0012| HOUSE BILL 122, as amended | 0013| | 0014| has had it under consideration and reports same with | 0015| recommendation that it DO PASS, and thence referred to the | 0016| CONSERVATION COMMITTEE. | 0017| | 0018| Respectfully submitted, | 0019| | 0020| | 0021| | 0022| | 0023| __________________________________ | 0024| Shannon Robinson, Chairman | 0025| | 0001| | 0002| | 0003| Adopted_______________________ Not | 0004| Adopted_______________________ | 0005| (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| Date ________________________ | 0009| | 0010| | 0011| The roll call vote was 6 For 0 Against | 0012| Yes: 6 | 0013| No: 0 | 0014| Excused: Adair, Ingle, Smith | 0015| Absent: None | 0016| | 0017| | 0018| | 0019| | 0020| H0122PA1 |