FORTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE FIRST SESSION March 13, 1997 SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENT number _______ to HOUSE BILL 103, as amended Amendment sponsored by Senator Fernando R. Macias 1. On page 34, line 21, strike "two hundred dollars ($200)" and insert in lieu thereof "one hundred dollars ($100)". 2. On page 35, lines 4 and 5, strike "one thousand dollars ($1,000)" and insert in lieu thereof "two hundred fifty dollars ($250)". 3. On page 35, line 7, strike "twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000)" and insert in lieu thereof "seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500)". 4. On page 35, lines 12 and 13, strike "one thousand dollars ($1,000)" and insert in lieu thereof "five hundred dollars ($500)". 5. On page 35, line 15, strike "twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000)" and insert in lieu thereof "twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500)". __________________________ Fernando R. Macias Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted _______________________ (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) Date _________________