0001| HOUSE BILL 3 | 0002| 43rd legislature - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - first session, 1997 | 0003| | 0004| | 0005| | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| AN ACT | 0011| RELATING TO EDUCATION; MAKING APPROPRIATIONS; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. | 0012| | 0013| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0014| Section 1. SHORT TITLE.--This act may be cited as the "Education Appropriation Act". | 0015| Section 2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Education Appropriation Act: | 0016| A. "federal funds" means any payments by the United States government to state | 0017| government or state agencies for specific purposes or in lieu of taxes, including grants, | 0018| reimbursements and payments made in accordance with contracts or cooperative agreements, and | 0019| shared revenue except those payments made in accordance with the federal Mineral Lands Leasing | 0020| Act (30 USCA 181, et seq.) and the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 (31 USCA 1221- | 0021| 1264), as amended; | 0022| B. "general fund" means that fund created by Section 6-4-2 NMSA 1978 and includes | 0023| severance tax income fund and federal Mineral Lands Leasing Act receipts; and | 0024| C. "other state funds" means: | 0025| (1) unencumbered nonreverting balances in state agency accounts, other than in | 0001| internal service funds accounts, appropriated by the Education Appropriation Act; | 0002| (2) all revenue available to state agencies from sources other than the | 0003| general fund, internal service funds, interagency transfers and federal funds; and | 0004| (3) all revenue, the use of which is restricted by statute or agreement. | 0005| Section 3. FORMAT.--The general format of the appropriations set forth in the Education | 0006| Appropriation Act with respect to symbols used, column headings and amounts stated are those | 0007| used in the General Appropriation Act of 1996. | 0008| Section 4. APPROPRIATIONS.--The appropriation for public school support in fiscal year | 0009| 1998 shall be: | 0010| PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORT: | 0011| (1) State equalization guarantee: 1,229,655.5 1,000.0 1,230,655.5 | 0012| (2) Transportation distributions: | 0013| (a) Operations 69,940.7 69,940.7 | 0014| (b) School-owned bus | 0015| replacements 2,457.0 2,457.0 | 0016| (c) Contractor-owned bus | 0017| rent fees 11,073.2 11,073.2 | 0018| Subtotal 83,470.9 83,470.9 | 0019| (3) Supplemental distributions: | 0020| (a) Out-of-state tuition 390.0 390.0 | 0021| (b) Emergency 1,421.0 1,421.0 | 0022| (c) Emergency capital outlay 300.0 300.0 | 0023| Subtotal 2,111.0 2,111.0 | 0024| The rate of distribution of the state equalization guarantee distribution shall be based | 0025| on a program unit value determined by the superintendent of public instruction. The | 0001| superintendent of public instruction shall establish a preliminary unit value that shall be used | 0002| to establish tentative budgets for the 1997-98 school year. Upon completion of final budgets or | 0003| verification of the number of units statewide for fiscal year 1998, the superintendent of public | 0004| instruction may adjust the program unit value. | 0005| Included in the state equalization guarantee distribution are sufficient funds for a | 0006| statewide average two percent salary increase for all public school employees. | 0007| The superintendent of public instruction may fund mid-year increases in student membership | 0008| resulting from expansion at military bases from the supplemental emergency fund. The | 0009| superintendent of public instruction shall certify to the secretary of finance and | 0010| administration that the need exists before supplemental emergency funds may be released. | 0011| The general fund appropriation to the public school fund shall be reduced by the amounts | 0012| transferred to the public school fund from the current school fund and from the federal Mineral | 0013| Lands Leasing Act (30 USCA 181, et seq.) receipts otherwise unappropriated. | 0014| Unexpended or unencumbered balances in the distributions authorized remaining at the end | 0015| of fiscal year 1998 from appropriations made from the general fund shall revert to the general | 0016| fund. | 0017| INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL FUND: 28,620.7 2,053.4 30,674.1 | 0018| The appropriation to the instructional material fund is made from the federal Mineral | 0019| Lands Leasing Act (30 USCA 181, et seq.) receipts. | 0020| EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY FUND: 3,100.0 3,100.0 | 0021| INCENTIVES FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT | 0022| FUND: 500.0 500.0 | 0023| Prior to distribution of the funds included in the general fund appropriation to the | 0024| incentives for school improvement fund, the state board of education shall adopt regulations for | 0025| all schools to provide financial incentives to individual schools that exceed expected academic | 0001| performance and student behavior standards as measured by the school's targeted goals and | 0002| objectives for improvement of student performance. The board shall submit its regulations to | 0003| the legislative education study committee for review. | 0004| TOTAL PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORT: 1,347,458.1 3,053.4 1,350,511.5 | 0005| ADULT BASIC EDUCATION FUND: 3,100.0 2,159.8 5,259.8 | 0006| STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC EDUCATION: | 0007| (1) Administration: | 0008| (a) Personal services 5,167.0 3.7 2,692.3 7,863.0 | 0009| (b) Employee benefits 1,467.6 1.3 767.7 2,236.6 | 0010| (c) In-state travel 280.4 4.9 159.2 444.5 | 0011| (d) Maintenance and repairs 75.8 74.5 5.2 155.5 | 0012| (e) Supplies and materials 141.7 21.4 7.9 80.3 251.3 | 0013| (f) Contractual services 343.0 14.6 728.9 1,086.5 | 0014| (g) Operating costs 455.6 535.8 991.4 | 0015| (h) Other costs .5 365.2 365.7 | 0016| (i) Capital outlay 2.7 54.5 23.0 69.2 149.4 | 0017| (j) Out-of-state travel 20.3 59.0 79.3 | 0018| (k) Other financing uses 3.2 150.2 153.4 | 0019| Authorized FTE: 166.0 Permanent; 65.0 Term; .2 Temporary | 0020| Subtotal 7,957.8 165.0 40.8 5,613.0 13,776.6 | 0021| The general fund appropriation to the state department of public education includes two | 0022| hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) from federal Mineral Lands Leasing Act (30 USCA 181, et | 0023| seq.) receipts. | 0024| Unexpended or unencumbered balances in the state department of public education remaining | 0025| at the end of fiscal year 1998 from appropriations made from the general fund shall not revert. | 0001| (2) Special projects: 2,735.0 2,735.0 | 0002| The state department of public education shall conduct an application and review process | 0003| to determine the specific dollar amounts to be distributed to local school districts or | 0004| individual projects for pilot programs. | 0005| (3) Apprenticeship assistance: 600.0 15.9 615.9 | 0006| (4) Regional education cooperatives: | 0007| (a) Region 9 128.1 1,856.7 1,984.8 | 0008| Authorized FTE: 27.0 Term | 0009| (b) High Plains 1,970.7 1,184.0 3,154.7 | 0010| Authorized FTE: 44.63 Term | 0011| (c) Central 1,324.7 1,278.9 2,603.6 | 0012| Authorized FTE: 34.30 Term | 0013| (d) Northeast 24.9 790.1 815.0 | 0014| Authorized FTE: 2.00 Term | 0015| (e) Northwest 816.5 816.5 | 0016| Authorized FTE: 2.00 Term | 0017| SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS: | 0018| The following special appropriations are made from the general fund to the following | 0019| agencies for expenditure in fiscal year 1998. | 0020| STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC EDUCATION: | 0021| (1) Accountability data system 375.0 375.0 | 0022| (2) Statewide capital outlay needs | 0023| study 400.0 400.0 | 0024| (3) Strategic planning for public | 0025| schools 70.0 70.0 | 0001| (4) Educator background checks 60.0 60.0 | 0002| (5) School to work 100.0 100.0 | 0003| The general fund appropriation of three hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($375,000) | 0004| for the accountability data system is contingent upon the educational technology bureau | 0005| submitting the information systems framework to the legislative finance committee. | 0006| The general fund appropriation of four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) for the | 0007| statewide capital outlay needs study is to enable the public school capital outlay council to | 0008| conduct a comprehensive study of statewide public school capital outlay and infrastructure needs | 0009| and make recommendations to the legislature for an equitable and efficient method by which to | 0010| meet those needs. | 0011| The general fund appropriation of seventy thousand dollars ($70,000) includes one term | 0012| full-time-equivalent position and operating expenses for the state department of public | 0013| education to continue strategic planning for public schools. | 0014| The general fund appropriation of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) for the criminal | 0015| background check is contingent upon passage of legislation requiring applicants for a New Mexico | 0016| educator license and for all others applying for employment to submit to a background check. | 0017| LEGISLATIVE EDUCATION STUDY COMMITTEE: | 0018| (1) Strategic planning 70.0 70.0 | 0019| COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION: | 0020| (1) Advanced placement 150.0 150.0 | 0021| (2) Student teacher | 0022| scholarships 100.0 100.0 | 0023| Section 5. SEVERABILITY.--If any part or application of this act is held invalid, the | 0024| remainder or its application to other situations or persons shall not be affected. | 0025| Section 6. EMERGENCY.--It is necessary for the public peace, health and safety that this | 0001| act take effect immediately. |