FORTY-SECOND LEGISLATURE SB 77/a SECOND SESSION, 1996 February 9, 1996 Mr. President: Your WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred SENATE BILL 77 has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows: l. On page 8, line 9, strike "driveway-towaway" and insert in lieu thereof "driveaway-towaway". 2. On page 16, line 12, strike "specially-constructed" and insert in lieu thereof "specially constructed". 3. On page 18, line 4, strike "single axle" and insert in lieu thereof "single-axle". 4. On page 18, line 11, strike the comma. 5. On page 20, between lines 19 and 20, insert the following new paragraph: "(9) a vehicle for which title has been transferred to an authorized insurance company, as that term is defined in the New Mexico Insurance Code, as a result of damage to or theft of the vehicle for which the insurance company has compensated the owner;". 6. Renumber the succeeding paragraphs accordingly. 7. On page 27, line 19, after "country" insert "and has not been registered or titled in another state". 8. On page 28, line 2, after "company" insert "as a result of damage to the vehicle". 9. On page 32, line 14, before the period insert "unless a lien on the vehicle has been recorded and not released, in which case the certificate of title shall be delivered to the first lienholder of record". 10. On page 34, lines 18 through 23, remove the brackets and line through, and on line 23, strike "notice" and insert in lieu thereof "Notice". 11. Reletter the succeeding subsections accordingly. 12. On page 37, lines 15 through 20, strike the brackets and line-through. 13. On page 45, line 4, after "DEPARTMENT" insert dashes and remove the brackets and line-through. 14. On page 45, lines 10 and 11, remove the brackets and line-through and strike the underscored language. 15. On page 46, line 15, strike the closing quotation marks and between lines 15 and 16 insert the following new subsection: "G. Souvenir sample registration plates of any type, whether regular or special, may be issued by the department upon request and payment of a fee of ten dollars ($10.00)."". 16. On page 48, line 6, strike "state name, state motto,". 17. On page 50, line 18, after "HOMES" strike "AND" and insert in lieu thereof a comma and on line 19, after "TRAILERS" insert "AND HISTORIC VEHICLES". 18. On page 56, line 10, before the period insert "or a valid temporary permit in accordance with Section 66-3A-10 NMSA 1978". 19. On page 57, line 21, strike "ten" and insert in lieu thereof "twenty". 20. On pages 71 through 73, strike Section 42 in its entirety. 21. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly. 22. On page 78, line 2, after "state-supported" insert "four-year". 23. On page 82, line 8, strike "The" and insert in lieu thereof "Except as provided otherwise in Subsection C of this section, the". 24. On page 83, line 11, strike "The" and insert in lieu thereof "Except as provided otherwise in Subsection B of this section, the". 25. On page 83, lines 17 and 18, strike "in addition to the regular registration fee". 26. On page 84, line 5, strike "B or". 27. On page 86, line 14, strike the brackets and line-through and strike "ten dollars ($10.00)". 28. On page 87, line 24, strike "C" and insert in lieu thereof "B". 29. On page 88, line 25, strike "D" and insert in lieu thereof "C". 30. On page 90, line 5, strike "D" and insert in lieu thereof "C". 31. On page 91, line 13, strike "D" and insert in lieu thereof "C". 32. On page 92, line 16, strike "G" and insert in lieu thereof "E". 33. On page 93, line 17, after "special", strike the semicolon. 34. On page 96, line 17, strike "if" and insert in lieu thereof "either". 35. On page 98, line 14, after "dealer" insert "for resale". 36. On page 113, line 14, strike "Section". 37. On page 114, line 11, before "form" insert "notification". 38. On page 121, line 22, strike "or owner" and insert in lieu thereof ", owner or lienholder". 39. On page 122, line 6, strike "66-8-A.1" and insert in lieu thereof "66-8A-1.". 40. On page 122, line 7, strike "66-3-1001" and insert in lieu thereof "66-8A-1". 41. On page 125, line 10, after the first occurrence of "title" strike the comma and insert "or". 42. On page 127, line 16, after "14" strike the comma and insert "and". 43. On page 127, between lines 19 and 20, insert the following new subsection: "E. Section 66-3B-6 NMSA 1978 is reserved.". Respectfully submitted, __________________________________ TITO D. CHAVEZ, Chairman Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________ (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk) Date ________________________ The roll call vote was 6 For 1 Against Yes: 6 No: Riley Excused: Campos Absent: None S0077WM1 .110359.4