0001| SENATE BILL 5 | 0002| 42ND LEGISLATURE - STATE OF NEW MEXICO - SECOND SESSION, | 0003| 1996 | 0004| INTRODUCED BY | 0005| TOM R. BENAVIDES | 0006| | 0007| | 0008| | 0009| | 0010| | 0011| AN ACT | 0012| RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSURE; REQUIRING ADDITIONAL | 0013| EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS FOR CERTAIN LICENSED DRIVERS OR | 0014| APPLICANTS; REQUIRING CERTAIN DRIVERS TO ANNUALLY RENEW THEIR | 0015| DRIVER'S LICENSES; AMENDING THE MOTOR VEHICLE CODE. | 0016| | 0017| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0018| Section 1. Section 66-5-7 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1978, | 0019| Chapter 35, Section 229, as amended) is amended to read: | 0020| "66-5-7. DRIVER'S LICENSE--CLASSIFICATION-- | 0021| EXAMINATIONS.-- | 0022| A. The [division] department, upon issuing a | 0023| driver's license, shall indicate on the license the type or | 0024| general class of vehicles the licensee may drive. The | 0025| [division] department shall establish such qualifications, | 0001| after public hearings, as it deems reasonably necessary for the | 0002| safe operation of various types, sizes or combinations of | 0003| vehicles and shall appropriately examine each applicant to | 0004| determine his qualifications according to the type or general | 0005| class of license for which he has applied. | 0006| B. The [division] department, in issuing the | 0007| driver's license for certain types or general classes of | 0008| vehicles, may waive any on-the-road examination for applicants | 0009| except for applicants who are age fifty-five or older and as | 0010| provided in Section 66-5-6 NMSA 1978. The [division] | 0011| department may certify certain employers, governmental | 0012| agencies or other appropriate organizations to train and test | 0013| all applicants for the type or general class of licenses if the | 0014| training and testing meet the standards established by the | 0015| [director] secretary." | 0016| Section 2. Section 66-5-14 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1978, | 0017| Chapter 35, Section 236, as amended) is amended to read: | 0018| "66-5-14. EXAMINATION OF APPLICANTS.-- | 0019| A. The department shall examine every first-time | 0020| applicant and applicants who are age fifty-five or older for a | 0021| driver's license or a motorcycle endorsement and may examine | 0022| other applicants for a driver's license or motorcycle | 0023| endorsement. The examination shall include a test of the | 0024| applicant's ability to read and understand highway signs | 0025| regulating, warning and directing traffic, the applicant's | 0001| knowledge of the traffic laws of this state and an actual | 0002| demonstration of ability to exercise ordinary and reasonable | 0003| control in the operation of a motor vehicle except as provided | 0004| in Section 66-5-7 NMSA 1978 and any further physical and mental | 0005| examination as the department finds necessary to determine the | 0006| applicant's fitness to operate a motor vehicle or motorcycle | 0007| safely upon the highways. Applicants who are age fifty-five or | 0008| older shall annually take the above-mentioned tests, and the | 0009| department shall not waive any test to determine these | 0010| applicants' ability to operate a motor vehicle. | 0011| B. Regardless of whether an applicant is examined | 0012| under Subsection A of this section, the department shall test | 0013| the eyesight of every applicant for a driver's license or | 0014| motorcycle endorsement. | 0015| C. The department is authorized to contract with | 0016| other persons for conduct of tests of the applicant's ability to | 0017| exercise ordinary and reasonable control of a motor vehicle. | 0018| Any such contract may be terminated by the secretary upon | 0019| written notice for failure of the contractor to perform his | 0020| duties to the secretary's satisfaction. Contracts under this | 0021| subsection may provide for the form of notice and the length of | 0022| the period, if any, between the notice and the effective date of | 0023| the termination. | 0024| D. For purposes of this section, a "first-time | 0025| applicant" means an applicant other than a person who: | 0001| (1) holds a currently valid driver's license | 0002| issued by New Mexico or any other jurisdiction at the time of | 0003| application; or | 0004| (2) does not hold a currently valid driver's | 0005| license issued by New Mexico or any other jurisdiction at the | 0006| time of application but who held a valid driver's license issued | 0007| by New Mexico or any other jurisdiction within one year prior to | 0008| the date of application if that driver's license was not revoked | 0009| under any provision of the Motor Vehicle Code or suspended, | 0010| canceled or revoked under the laws of any other jurisdiction for | 0011| reasons similar to those for which revocation is authorized | 0012| under the Motor Vehicle Code." | 0013| Section 3. Section 66-5-19 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1978, | 0014| Chapter 35, Section 241) is amended to read: | 0015| "66-5-19. RESTRICTED LICENSES.-- | 0016| A. The [division] department, upon issuing a | 0017| driver's license, [shall have] has authority, whenever good | 0018| cause appears, to impose restrictions including the shortening | 0019| of the licensure period suitable to the licensee's driving | 0020| ability with respect to the type of or special mechanical | 0021| control devices required on a motor vehicle which the licensee | 0022| may operate or such other restrictions applicable to the | 0023| licensee as the division may determine to be appropriate to | 0024| assure the safe operation of a motor vehicle by the licensee. | 0025| At age [seventy-five] fifty-five and thereafter, the | 0001| applicant shall renew his license on a yearly basis at no cost | 0002| to the applicant. | 0003| B. The [division] department may either issue a | 0004| special restricted license or may set forth such restrictions | 0005| upon the usual license form. | 0006| C. The [division] department may issue a | 0007| restricted license for driving during daylight hours only to | 0008| some visually handicapped persons who fail the usual eyesight | 0009| test. The [medical] health standard advisory board created | 0010| pursuant to provisions of Section 66-5-6 NMSA 1978 shall | 0011| evaluate the extent of the visual handicap and its effect on the | 0012| driving ability of the applicant and, based on [their] its | 0013| recommendations, the [director] secretary may issue a | 0014| restricted license under the following conditions: | 0015| (1) the applicant has no record of moving | 0016| violations; | 0017| (2) the necessity of the license is shown to | 0018| the satisfaction of the [director] secretary; and | 0019| (3) the applicant satisfies the provisions of | 0020| Section [64-5-206 NMSA 1953] 66-5-206 NMSA 1978 relating to | 0021| proof of financial responsibility. | 0022| D. The [division] department may, upon receiving | 0023| satisfactory evidence of any violation of the restrictions of | 0024| the license, suspend the [same] license, but the licensee | 0025| [shall be] is entitled to a hearing as upon a suspension | 0001| under Sections | 0002| [64-5-1 through 64-5-47 NMSA 1953] 66-5-1 through 66-5-47 | 0003| NMSA 1978. | 0004| E. It is a misdemeanor for any person to operate a | 0005| motor vehicle in any manner in violation of the restrictions | 0006| imposed in a restricted license issued to him." | 0007| - 6 - |