0001| AN ACT | 0002| RELATING TO PUBLIC ASSISTANCE; PROVIDING A MORATORIUM ON | 0003| REDUCTIONS IN PAYMENTS AND SERVICES. | 0004| | 0005| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0006| Section 1. MORATORIUM ON REDUCTIONS IN PAYMENTS OR SERVICES IN | 0007| CERTAIN PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS.--In any program of assistance or services | 0008| administered by the human services department in which the budgeted expenditures for the | 0009| program include amounts from general fund appropriations, the department shall not, during the | 0010| period from the effective date of this section until October 1, 1997, reduce the level of assistance | 0011| or services from the level existing on January 1, 1996, by: | 0012| A. changing eligibility requirements to raise the threshold of eligibility for an | 0013| individual or family to receive assistance or services; or | 0014| B. decreasing the amount of assistance or services that an individual or | 0015| family may receive by changing standards of need, method of payment or reimbursement | 0016| or similar changes. | 0017| |