0001| AN ACT | 0002| MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR A MULTIPURPOSE CENTER AT JEMEZ PUEBLO | 0003| IN SANDOVAL COUNTY; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. | 0004| | 0005| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: Section 1. APPROPRIATION.--One hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) is | 0006| appropriated from the state board of finance emergency fund to the New Mexico office of Indian | 0007| affairs for expenditure in fiscal years 1996 and 1997 for construction of a multipurpose facility | 0008| at Jemez pueblo in Sandoval county. The appropriation set forth in Subsection A of Section 28 | 0009| of Chapter 222 of Laws 1995 shall not revert at the end of fiscal year 1999 but shall revert upon | 0010| distribution of the appropriation set forth in this section. Any unexpended or unencumbered | 0011| balance remaining at the end of fiscal year 1997 shall revert to the general fund. | 0012| Section 2. EMERGENCY.--It is necessary for the public peace, health and safety | 0013| that this act take effect immediately. |