0001| AN ACT | 0002| RELATING TO CAPITAL EXPENDITURES; MAKING AN APPROPRIATION TO PLAN AND | 0003| DESIGN A PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IN THE SOUTH VALLEY OF BERNALILLO | 0004| COUNTY; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. | 0005| | 0006| BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: | 0007| Section 1. APPROPRIATION.--Twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) | 0008| is appropriated from the general fund to the state highway and | 0009| transportation department for expenditure in fiscal years 1996 and 1997 | 0010| for the purpose of contracting for planning and designing of | 0011| transportation systems that will serve the community residents of the | 0012| south valley, including the elderly and disabled, located in Bernalillo | 0013| county. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of | 0014| fiscal year 1997 shall revert to the general fund. | 0015| Section 2. EMERGENCY.--It is necessary for the public | 0016| peace, health and safety that this act take effect immediately. | 0017| | 0018| | 0019| HB | 0020| 607 | 0021| Page  |