March 5, 2019


SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENT number ___1__ to SENATE BILL 1, as amended

Amendment sponsored by Senator Mimi Stewart

    1. Strike Senate Finance Committee Amendments 10 and 11.

    2. On page 31, line 2, strike "0.0333" and insert in lieu thereof "0.03".

    3. On page 31, line 3, strike "0.0667" and insert in lieu thereof "0.06".

    4. On page 31, line 3, strike "and 0.1" and insert in lieu thereof ", 0.09".

    5. On page 31, line 3, after "2022", insert ", 0.12 for fiscal year 2023 and 0.15 for fiscal year 2024".

    6. On page 48, line 7, strike "July 1, 2020" and insert in lieu thereof "June 30, 2019".

    7. On page 48, line 8, before the period, insert "and up to three million dollars ($3,000,000) shall be transferred to the public education department to implement the provisions of Section 26 of this 2019 act in fiscal year 2020".

    8. On page 48, between lines 8 and 9, insert the following new section:

    "SECTION 26. TEMPORARY PROVISION--PROTECTION FROM PROGRAM COST REDUCTIONS.--Using funds provided in Section 25 of this 2019 act for fiscal year 2020, the public education department shall supplement a school district's or charter school's calculated program cost if for fiscal year 2020 the school district's or charter school's program cost is less than its final program cost in the previous fiscal year in an amount equal to one hundred percent of the reduction attributable to the implementation of Section 6 of this 2019 act amending the age of a qualified student.".

    9. Renumber the succeeding sections accordingly.


                                    Mimi Stewart

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)

                  Date _________________