March 8, 2019


HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENT number ___1__ to HOUSE BILL 589, as amended

Amendment sponsored by Representative Elizabeth "Liz" Thomson

    1. On page 4, line 18, after "that", insert "may be offered in partnership with community-based organizations to".

    2. On page 6, line 6, strike "child care" and insert in lieu thereof "early childhood". 

    3. On page 8, line 17, strike "child care" and insert in lieu thereof "early childhood".

    4. On page 8, line 21, strike "ADMINISTRATIVE" and insert in lieu thereof "INDIRECT".

    5. On page 8, line 24, strike "administrative" and insert in lieu thereof "indirect".


                                    Elizabeth "Liz" Thomson

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)

                  Date _________________