March 7, 2019


HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENT number ___1__ to HOUSE BILL 407, as amended

Amendment sponsored by Representative Linda M. Trujillo

    1. On page 9, line 22, after "office", insert "and in the same election cycle".

    2. On page 9, line 23, after the first occurrence of "the", insert "challenged".

    3. On page 10, line 5, after "(4)", insert "in a primary election,".

    4. On page 49, line 22, after "census", insert ", the secretary of state shall again follow the procedures outlined in Subsection A of this section to allow the counties to make any necessary adjustments. For any county that does not make the required adjustments within thirty days after receiving notice of noncompliance following receipt of the results of a federal decennial census, the secretary of state shall send a second notice of noncompliance,".

    5. On page 49, line 24, strike "and constitutional".

    6. On page 49, line 25, after "redistricting", strike the remainder of the line and insert in lieu thereof "pursuant to Sections 1-3-1 and 1-3-12".

    7. On page 50, line 3, after "compliance", insert "with the requirements of those sections".

    8. On page 66, line 8, after the period, insert the subsection designation "E.", and after "clerk", insert "rejects a certificate of registration because required information is not provided on the certificate or".

    9. On page 66, line 13, after "ballot", strike the remainder of the line and insert in lieu thereof a period.

    10. On page 66, line 14, strike "ascertained.", and after "the", insert "required information is provided or the".

    11. Reletter the succeeding subsection accordingly. 

    12. On page 99, line 6, strike "pursuant to this subsection" and insert in lieu thereof "by the county clerk".

    13. On page 99, line 8, after "(1)", strike the remainder of the line, strike lines 9 through 11 in their entirety and strike line 12 through "that".

    14. On page 99, line 15, before "forty-two", insert "ninety days before a statewide election or" and strike "the" and insert in lieu thereof "a special".

    15. On page 99, strike lines 16 through 25 in their entirety.

    16. On page 100, strike lines 1 through 25 in their entirety.

    17. On page 101, strike lines 1 through 11 in their entirety.

    18. Renumber the succeeding paragraph accordingly.

    19. On page 101, line 15, strike the period and closing quotation mark and insert in lieu thereof a semicolon.

    20. On page 101, between lines 15 and 16, insert the following new paragraphs:

             "(3) all secured containers shall be monitored by video surveillance cameras and the video recorded by that system shall be retained by the county clerk as a record related to voting pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-12-69 NMSA 1978;

             (4) signage at the location of a secured container shall inform voters and those dropping off ballots at the location:

                  (a) that it is a violation of law for any person who is not an immediate family member to collect and deliver a ballot for another person;

                  (b) that electioneering is prohibited within one hundred feet of the secured container; and

                  (c) of the dates and approximate time the ballots will be collected; and

             (5) at least once a day, the county clerk or a full-time deputy county clerk shall collect the ballots from the secured containers, register the date and time stamp on each official mailing envelope and identify the location of the secured container in the ballot register."".

    21. On page 151, line 2, after "required", strike the remainder of the line, strike line 3 through "States" and insert in lieu thereof "to form a new political party".

    22. On page 171, line 6, strike "and".

    23. On page 171, between lines 6 and 7, insert the following new paragraph:

             "(2) reimbursements from the state or a local government for elections costs; and".

    24. Renumber the succeeding paragraph accordingly.

    25. On page 204, line 23, strike "the form in which" and insert in lieu thereof "uniform guidelines for".

    26. On page 204, line 24, strike "shall" and insert in lieu thereof "to".

    27. On page 205, after "form", insert "of the ballot question".

    28. On page 228, line 1, after "the", insert "determination of" and after "candidacy", insert "qualification by the county clerk".

    29. On page 228, line 2, strike "by the county clerk".

    30. On page 240, line 8, strike the comma and insert in lieu thereof a colon and the paragraph designation "(1)".

    31. On page 240, line 13, strike the period and insert in lieu thereof "; and".

    32. On page 240, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following new paragraph:

             "(2) the municipality shall reimburse the secretary of state the actual cost of conducting the runoff election.".

    33. On page 468, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following new sections:

    "SECTION 274. A new section of the Public Improvement District Act is enacted to read:

    "[NEW MATERIAL] POSTING OF NOTICES.--For any election conducted pursuant to the Public Improvement District Act, in addition to the notice requirements set forth in Section 5-11-7 NMSA 1978, the owners shall ensure that notices shall be posted in three conspicuous public places within the boundaries of the district not less than twenty days before the first day for voting in the election."

    SECTION 275. A new section of the Tax Increment for Development

Act is enacted to read:

    "[NEW MATERIAL] POSTING OF NOTICES.--For any election conducted

pursuant to the Tax Increment for Development Act, in addition to the notice requirements set forth in Section 5-15-8 NMSA 1978, the owners shall ensure that notices shall be posted in three conspicuous public places within the boundaries of the district not less than twenty days before the first day for voting in the election."".

    33. Renumber sections to correspond to these amendments.


                                    Linda M. Trujillo

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ________________________

          (Chief Clerk)                (Chief Clerk)

                  Date _________________