February 23, 2019




Mr. Speaker:


    Your JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred




has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:


1. On page 3, line 13, strike "ARREST,".


    2. On page 3, line 14, strike "arrested,".


    3. On page 3, line 21, strike "arrested,".


    4. On page 8, line 2, strike "for retention" and insert in lieu thereof "to deny expungement". 


    5. On page 8, line 14, after "1978", insert ", embezzlement pursuant to Section 30-16-8 NMSA 1978".


    6. On page 9, line 1, after "person", insert "; provided that arrest or conviction records shall be disclosed by the person and officials if required pursuant to federal law".


    7. On page 9, line 2, after "REPEAL.--", strike the remainder of the line and strike all of line 3 up to the period and insert in lieu thereof "Sections 29-3-8.1 and 31-26-16 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 2002, Chapter 46, Section 2 and Laws 2009, Chapter 95, Section 5) are repealed".


                             Respectfully submitted,





Gail Chasey, Chair



Adopted     Not Adopted

           (Chief Clerk)                            (Chief Clerk)





The roll call vote was 6 For 2 Against

Yes:      6

No:       Nibert, Rehm

Excused:  Armstrong, D., Cook, Egolf, Hochman-Vigil, McQueen, Townsend

Absent:   None




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